Dietsche Warande en Belfort. Jaargang 1909
(1909)– [tijdschrift] Dietsche Warande en Belfort– Gedeeltelijk auteursrechtelijk beschermdQueen Victoria to the Marquis of Lansdowne.Osborne, 3rd March 1849.
The Queen sends Lord Lansdowne the book she mentioned to him. It is an extraordinary production for people of the working classes, and there are a great many sound and good obser- | |||||||||
[pagina 196]
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vations in it on education; the observations on the deficiency in the religious instruction and in the preaching the Queen thinks are particularly true. It likewise shows a lofty and enlarged view of education which is often overlooked. The Queen takes this occasion of repeating her hope that Gaelic will be taught in future in the Highland schools, as well as English, as it is really a great mistake that the people should be constantly talking a language which they often cannot read and generally not write. Being very partial to her loyal and good Highlanders, the Queen takes much interest in what she thinks will tend more than anything to keep up their simplicity of character, which she considers a great merit in these days. The Queen thinks equally that Welsh should be taught in Wales as well as English. | |||||||||
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