Bzzlletin. Jaargang 25
(1995-1996)– [tijdschrift] Bzzlletin–
[pagina 71]
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Chaim Potok
The Chosen (1967). Uitverkoren. |
The Promise (1969). De belofte. |
My Name is Asher Lev (1972). Mijn naam is Asjer Lev. |
In the Beginning (1975). In den beginne. |
Wanderings: Chaim Potok's History of the Jews (1979). Omzwervingen. |
The Book of Lights (1981). Het boek van het licht. |
Davita's Harp (1985). Davita's harp. |
The Gift of Asher Lev (1989). De gave van Asjer Lev. |
Het cijfer zeven (1990). |
I Am the Clay (1991). Het stof der aarde. |
De troop-leraar (1992). |
Het kanaal (1993). |
The Tree of Here (1993). Mijn vriend de boom. |
The Sky of Now (1994). |
De hand van de golem (1995). |
The Gates of November: Chronicles of the Slepak Family (1996). De familie Slepak. |
Alle Engelse uitgaven zijn verschenen bij A. Knopf te New York en alle vertalingen in het Nederlands bij BZZTôH te Den Haag.
Secundaire literatuurGa naar eind1.:
Cynthia Fagerheim, Chaim Potok: A Bibliographic Essay. ‘In Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985, p. 107-120. |
Joan Del Fattore, ‘Women as Scholars in Chaim Potok's Novels.’ In: Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985, p.52-61. |
Leslie Field, ‘Chaim Potok and the Critics: Sampler from a Consistent Spectrum.’ In: Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985, p.3-12. |
S. Lillian Kremer, ‘Dedalus in Brooklyn: Influences of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man on My Name Is Asher Lev.’ In: Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985, p.26-38. |
S. Lillian Kremer, ‘An Interview with Chaim Potok.’ Ibid., p.84-99. |
S. Lillian Kremer, ‘Eternal Light: The Holocaust and the Revival of Judaism and Jewish Civilization in the Fiction of Chaim Potok.’ In: S. Lillian Kremer, Witness Through the Imagination. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1989, p. 300-23. |
S. Lillian Kremer, ‘Encountering the Other: Cultural crossroads are the infrastructure and heart of Chaim Potok's novels.’ In: The World and I, August, 1992, p. 315-25. |
Sanford E. Marovitz, ‘The Book of Lights: Jewish Mysticism in the Shadow of the Bomb.’ In: Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985, p.68-83. |
Sanford E. Marovitz, ‘Freedom, Faith, and Fanaticism: Cultural Conflict in the Novels of Chaim Potok.’ In: Studies in American Jewish Literature V, 1986, p. 129-140. |
Sanford Pinsker, ‘The Crucifixion of Chaim Potok / the Excommunication of Asher Lev: Art and the Hasidic World,’ in Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985, p.39-51. |
Daniel Walden, ‘The World of Chaim Potok.’ In: Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985 (speciaal Chaim Potok nummer). |
Daniel Walden, ‘Chaim Potok, Zwischenmensch (“Between-Person”) Adrift in the Cultures.’ In: Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985, p. 19-25. |
Joan Zlotnick, ‘The Chosen Borough: Chaim Potok's Brooklyn. In: Studies in American Jewish Literature IV, 1985, p. 13-18. |
Elaine Kauver, ‘An Interview with Chaim Potok.’ In: Contemporary Literature XXVII, 1986, p.291-317. |
Edward Margolies, ‘Chaim Potok's Book of Lights and the Jewish American Novel.’ In: Yiddish VI, 1987, p.93-98. |
Shelley Regenbaum, ‘Art, Gender, and the Jewish Tradition in Yezierska's Red Ribbon on a White Horse and Potok's My Name Is Asher Lev. In: Studies in American Jewish Literature VII 1988, p.55-66. |
Will Soll, ‘Chaim Potok's Book of Lights: Reappropriating Kabbalah in the Nuclear Age.’ In: Religion and Literature XXI, 1989, p. 111-135. |
William F. Purcell, ‘Potok's Fathers and Sons,’ in Studies in American Literature XXVI, 1989, p.75-92. |
Aviva Kipen, ‘The Odyssey of Asher Lev.’ In: The Jewish Quarterly, Spring 1993, p. 1-5. |
Marius Buning, ‘Chaim Potok,’ in Post-war Literatures in English. Groningen, Nijhoff, 1995, p. 1-20. |
- eind1.
- Chronologisch gerangschikt vanaf 1985. Zie voor alle eerdere secundaire literatuur de bibliografie in: Edward A. Abramson, Chaim Potok. Boston, Twayne Publishers, 1986, p. 150-155.