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Inhoud van tijdschriften
Accademie e Biblioteche d'Italia. XXII. (1954). Nr. 5-6.
G. Guerrieri, Interesse bibliografico del Primo congresso storico calabrese.
XXIII. (1955). Nr. 1. |
M. Bersano-Begey, I manoscritti della Biblioteca Reale di Torino. - P.H. Michel, Le livre retrouvé.
Nr. 2-3. |
A. Daneu Lattanzi, Minii della Bottega di Don Simone Camaldolese alla Biblioteca Nazionale di Palermo. - E. di Carlo, Bibliografi siciliani.
Nr. 4-5-6. |
E. Pirani, Aspetti della miniatura emiliana dalle origini a tutto il sec. IV. - R. Arnese, Una notazione di derivazione beneventana esemplata nel codice musicale XVI A 7 della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli. - E. di Carlo, Ristampe ed edizioni siciliane della prima metà dell' Ottocento. - A. Servolini, Gli incunaboli della Collezione bibliografica romagnola di Carlo Piancastelli. |
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Amor di libro. III. (1955). Nr. 1.
M.L. Scuricini Greco, Manoscritti di scuola franco-fiamminga della Riccardiana. II. - G. Comelli, Annali tipografici di G.B. Natolini. III.
Nr. 2. |
F. Riva, La ‘dimestica’ stamperia del veronese conte Giuliari (1794-1827). [I]. - M. Corbellini, Intorno alla ‘Lettera di Francesco Piranesi al Generale Acton’ - M.L. Scuricini Greco, Manoscritti di scuola franco-fiamminga della Riccardiana. III. - G. Comelli, Annali tipografici di G.B. Natolini. IV.
Nr. 3. |
C. d'Alessio, Sul ‘De partu virginis’. - F. Riva, La ‘dimestica’ stamperia del veronese conte Giuliari. II. - M.L. Scuricini Greco, Manoscritti di scuola franco- fiamminga della Riccardiana. IV. - G. Comelli, Annali tipografici di G.B. Natolini. V.
Nr. 4. |
F. Borroni, I due Anton Maria Zanetti. [I]. - G. Comelli, Annali tipografici di G.B. Natolini. VI. - F. Riva, La ‘dimestica’ stamperia del veronese conte Giuliari. III. - L. Donati, Rari, rarissimi, unici.
IV. (1956). Nr. 1. |
F. Borroni, I due Anton Maria Zanetti. II. - F. Riva, La ‘dimestica’ stamperia del veronese conte Giuliari. IV. - G. Comelli, Annali tipografici di G.B. Natoloni. VII. |
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La Bibliofilia. LVII. (1955). Nr. 1.
R. Ridolfi, Nuovi contributi alla storia della stampa nel secolo XV: III. G.W. 3851: Antonio Miscomini, non Compagnia del Drago. IV. Francesco Bonaccorsi e una sua edizione sconosciuta. - L. Donati, Miscellanea bibliografica. - S.S. Ludovici, Il Martirio del Beato Guiniforte. - D.E. Rhodes, The early bibliography of Southern Italy. III. Trani. IV. Copertino. - E. Fioroni Santoro, Le stampe nelle biblioteche italiane. Principi di una rinnovata catalogazione e progetti per un catalogo unico a carattere internazionale.
Nr. 2. |
R. Ridolfi, Nuovi contributi alla storia della stampa nel secolo XV: V. Note sopra Bartolomeo de'Libri. - N. Brentano-Keller, I libri di messer Braccio, canonista fiorentino della prima metà del sec. XIV (1325). - M. Messina, Rime del XVI secolo in un manoscritto autografo di G.B. Giraldi Cinzio e di B. Tasso. |
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Biblos. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift für Buch -und Bibliothekswesen. 4. (1955). Nr. 2.
O. Waltenberger, Ein Einblatt-Bilderschriftenkalender auf das Jahr 1625 in der Studienbibliothek Salzburg.
Nr. 4. |
G. Prachner, Zur Geschichte der österreichischen Bibliographie. |
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The Bodleian Library Record. V. (1954). Nr. 2.
R.W. Hunt, Chapter headings of Augustine De trinitate ascribed to Adam Marsh. - A.F.L. Beeston, The Oriental manuscript collections of the Bodleian Library. - S.G. Gillam and R.W. Hunt, The curators of the library and Humphrey Wanley. - C. Roth, An episode in the history of the Oppenheimer collection.
Nr. 3. |
R. Weiss, An unnoticed manuscript of Humfrey, duke of Gloucester. - E. Craster, John Rous, Bodley's librarian 1620-52. - G. Pollard, The early poems of George Crabbe and The Lady's Magazine. - S. Gibson, Colonel William E. Moss.
Nr. 4. |
N.R. Ker, The chaining, labelling, and inventory numbers of manuscripts belonging to the old university library. - S.M. Stern, Autographs of Maimonides in The Bodleian Library. - G. Pollard, William de Brailles. - F.E. Leese, Fragments of port books and customs accounts from the Phillips collection. - J.N.L. Myres, Thomas James, Concordantiae sanctorum patrum, 1607. |
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The Book Collector. 4. (1955). Nr. 1.
V. Scholderer, Missale speciale Constantiense. - W.A. Jackson, The revised S T C. [A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland and Ireland and of English books printed abroad 1475-1640]. A progress report. - D. Holland, Contemporary collectors IV: The Rothschild library. - W. Schatzki, The children's books exhibition at the Pierpont Morgan Library. - H.M. Nixon, English bookbindings XII: A binding by the Naval binder, c. 1675. - T.J. Brown, English literary autographs XIII: Wordsworth and his amanuenses. - G.D. Painter, Incunabula in Cambridge University Library. - A.T. Miller, Trends in modern first edition collecting since 1939. - C. Woolf, Some uncollected authors V: Frederick Rolfe.
Nr. 2. |
O. Golubeva, The Saltykov-Shchedrin Library, Leningrad. - J. Carter, The A.E. Housman-manuscripts in the Library of Congress. - M. Sadleir, Contemporary collectors V: The Sadleir library. - P.H. Muir, Bibliomanes I: A.J.A. Symons. [III]. - B. Juel-Jensen, A Drayton collection - H.M. Nixon, English bookbindings XIII: A London binding by Richard Balley, 1700. - T.J. Brown, English literary autographs XIV: John Clare, 1793-1864. - S. Roscoe, Some uncollected authors VI: John Marshall and ‘The infant's library’. K.W. Gransden, Some uncatalogued manuscripts of Tennyson.
Nr. 3. |
N.J.M. Kerling, Caxton and the trade in printed books. - C. Clair, Christopher Plantin c. 1520-1589. A quarter-centenary tribute. - D. and M. Hyde, Contemporary collectors VI: The Hyde collection. - P.H. Muir, Bibliomanes II: Sir Hugh Walpole. [I]. - D. Bland, Fine books of 1954. - H.M. Nixon, English bookbindings XIV: A binding for King Henry VIII, c. 1540. - T.J. Brown, English literary autographs XV: Charles Dickens, 1812-1870. - J.S.L. Gilmour, Some uncollected authors VII: Thomas Hood. |
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The Boston Public Library Quarterly. 7. (1955). Nr. 1.
M. Munsterberg, The Parables of Alain de Lille. [1492]. - A.W. Heintzelman, Lithographs by George Biddle.
Nr. 2. |
Z. Haraszti, Notable purchases. [I]. - E.M. Oldham, Jewish tercentenary.
Nr. 3. |
Z. Haraszti, Twenty-five years of the Treasure Room. - Z. Haraszti, Notable purchases. [II]. - C. Dorgan, Works by Jacques Callot. - M. Munsterberg, Mathematics by Ghetaldi.
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Nr. 4. |
E.M. Oldham, Problems of a Defoe cataloger.
8. (1956). Nr. 1. |
F. Weitenkampf, Illustration by silhouette. - A.W. Heintzelman, Legros' illustration for Poe's Tales. - M. Munsterberg, Jean Bouchet's Allegory of foxes. - E.M. Oldham, The Spanish collection of Jesuit relations. |
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Bulletin du Bibliophile et du Bibliothécaire. 1954. Nr. 6.
L.M. Michon, Les livres de musique de Marie-Antoinette. - S.P. Michel Bouchereaux, Recherches bibliographiques sur Gilles Corrozet. II. Catalogue chronologique des éditions de Gilles Corrozet.
1955. Nr. 1. |
E. Cluzel, La ‘Dissertation sur la nature du feu’ de la marquise du Châtelet. - J. Duhem, Bibliotheca aeronautica vetustissima... (Suite).
Nr. 2. |
M. Rousseau, Suite d'estampes pour servir à l'histoire des moeurs et du costume des François dans le dix-huitième siècle. - E. Drougard, Documents relatifs à l'impression d'Axël en volume. [I].
Nr. 3. |
J. Marchand, Peut-on identifier L.D.S.E.Q.V.? - H. Frémont, Sur un mémoire en faveur des Jésuites attribué à Voltaire. - F. Lonchamp, Une ‘bévue’ de Gérard de Nerval, traducteur de Goethe. - E. Drougard, Documents relatifs à l'impression d'Axël en volume. (Suite et fin).
Nr. 4. |
J. Marchand, ‘Le Partage du lion de la fable’ 1700-1701. Rarissime pamphlet d'origine viennoise contre la politique de Louis XIV, à propos de la Succession d'Espagne. - M. Brun, Contribution à l'étude des éditions des ‘Mémoires et avantures d'un homme de qualité’ et de ‘Manon Lescaut’ publiées de 1734 à 1763. - J. Duhem, Bibliotheca aeronautica vetustissima... (Suite).
Nr. 5. |
A.F.J. Jacobs, Datation de lettres de Flaubert.
Nr. 6. |
J. Lagny, Autour de la ‘Solitude’ de Saint-Amant. Questions de dates. - J. Bonnerot, Un projet abandonné d'édition de Ronsard. - S. Brunet, Une donation à la Bibliothèque Mazarine. [I]. - E. Cluzel, Alexandre Dumas et la publicité. |
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Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester. 37. (1954-55). Nr. 2.
A.H. Gottstein, A list of some uncatalogued Syriac biblical manuscripts. - G.J. Kolb and J.H. Sledd, The Reynolds copy of Johnson's ‘Dictionary’. |
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Bulletin of the New York Public Library. 59. (1955). Nr. 3.
H. Miller Lydenberg, Avrahm Yarmolinsky. - J.D. Gordan, Nathaniel Hawthorne, the years of fulfilment 1804-1853. [I].
Nr. 4. |
E.R. Hagemann, John William De Forest and The Galaxy. Some letters, 1867-1872. - A.H. Scouten, The Loyal Post, a rare Queen Anne newspaper and Daniel Defoe. - J.D. Gordan, Nathaniel Hawthorne... [II].
Nr. 5. |
J.D. Gordan, Nathaniel Hawthorne.. III.
Nr. 10. |
L.M. Stark, Books designed by Bruce Rogers. An exhibition in honor of his eighty-fifth birthday. - V.H. Paltsits, Wilberforce Eames, American bibliographer. - L.M. Stark, The writings of Wilberforce Eames.
60. (1956). Nr. 2. |
G. Moakley, The Tarot trumps and Petrarch's Trionfi. Some suggestions on their relationship. - F. Weitenkampf, American illustrators of Shakespeare. |
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De Gulden Passer. 32. (1954).
M. Battistini, Jean Michel Bruto, humaniste, historiographe, pédagogue au XVIe siècle. |
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Harvard Library Bulletin. IX. (1955). Nr. 1.
R. Jakobson, Ivan Fedorov's Primer.
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- F. Zobel de Ayala, A calligraphic duel.
Nr. 2. |
G.B. Watts, The Swiss editions of the Encyclopédie.
X. (1956). Nr. 1. |
G. Richards, New letters of George Washington to Benjamin Lincoln. - S. Elisséeff, The Chinese-Japanese library of the Harvard-Yenching institute. - D.D. Reeves, Sir Richard Gough and his broadside collection. - M.E. Lawlis, Shakespeare, Deloney, and the earliest text of the Arthur ballad. - E.E. Coleman, Copyright deposit at Harvard. |
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The Huntington Library Quarterly XVIII. (1954-1955). Nr. 4.
C.H. Haring, The Pizarro-La Gasca manuscript collection in the Huntington Library.
XIX. (1955-1956). Nr. 1. |
M. Levine, A ‘letter’ on the Elizabethan succession question, 1566. - Ch. Haywood, The Songs and Masque in the New Tempest: an incident in the battle of the two theaters, 1674.
Nr. 2. |
L.S. Friedland, The illustrations in The Theatre for Worldlings. |
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The Library. 5th series. X. (1955). Nr. 1.
N.R. Ker, Sir John Prise. - E. Potter, English knitting and crochet books of the nineteenth century. [I]. - K. Povey, Variant forms in Elizabethan printing. - W.B. Todd, The printing of eighteenth-century periodicals: with notes on the Examiner and the World.
Nr. 2. |
H.M. Adams, A catalogue of sixteenth century foreign printed books in Cambridge. The presidential address to the Bibliographical Society 19 Oct. 1954. - A.E. Musson, The London Society of master letter-founders, 1793-1820. - E. Potter, English knitting and crochet books of the nineteenth century. [II]. - H.S. Bennett, Notes on two incunables: The Abbey of the Holy Ghost and A ryght profytable treatyse. - A.F. Johnson, Willem Christiaans, Leyden, and his English books. - D.E. Rhodes, A new line for the Angler, 1577. - D.F. Foxon, A piracy of Steele's The lying lover.
Nr. 3. |
To Victor Scholderer, a birthday greeting. [Bibliography compiled by D.E. Rhodes]. - C. Blagden, The English stock of the Stationers' Company An account of its origins. - L. Rostenberg, Nathaniel Thompson, Catholic printer and publisher of the Restoration.
Nr. 4. |
I.G. Philip, Roger Bartlett, bookbinder. - S. Rypins, The Ferrara Bible at press. - C.F. Main, Wotton's ‘The character of a happy life’ - A. Brown, A proof-sheet in Thomas Heywood's The iron age. - J.W. Phillips, Stephen Parker's fount of Irish types. - K. Williamson, Another edition of Smart's Hymns for the amusement of children. |
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The Library Association Record. 57. (1955). Nr. 12.
R.B. Onians and D.P. Hill, The recording and building of a national collection of books printed before 1801. |
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The Library of Congress Quarterly Journal of Current Acquisitions. 12. (1954-1955). Nr. 4.
J.M. Edelstein, The Ordinal of 1793. |
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The Library Quarterly. XXV. (1955). Nr. 3.
F.L. Huntley, The publication and immediate reception of Religio medici. - Th.R. Buckman, Recent bibliographical developments in Sweden.
Nr. 4. |
L. Asheim, New problems in plotting the future of the book. - H.W. Winger, Historical perspectives on the role of the book in society. - Th. Webb, Jr., Developments in variant forms of the book.
XXVI. (1956). Nr. 1. |
A.R. Oliver, Nodier as bibliographer and bibliophile. - F.L. Kent, The Unesco library. |
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Libri. 5. (1954-1955). Nr. 4.
M. Breyer, Les débuts du livre croate. Coup d'oeil bibliographique et bibliophilique.
6. (1955-1956). Nr. 1. |
M.F. Warner, The Augmentatio,
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1614, of De Bry's Florilegium novum. - A.G. Drachmann, An experiment in indexing. - G. Meyer, Funde in der Handschriften-Abteilung der Universitäts-Bibliothek Basel. - H.G. Gundel, Papyruskonservierung in den Giessener Papyrus-sammlungen. |
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Nachrichten der Vereinigung Schweizer Bibliothekare. 31. (1955). Nr. 1.
Ph. Schmidt, Das Werden der deutschen Bibel und der Basler Bibeldruck. |
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The Newberry Library Bulletin. III. (1954-55). Nr. 8.
J.L. Phelan, The Philippine collection in the Newberry Library. - M.P. Cunningham, The Newberry Library Homiliarium. - F. Borowski, Recent additions to the music collection.
IV. (1955-1956). Nr. 1. |
Will Ransom: a biographical portrait. - A.D. Mc. Killop, Two 18th century ‘first works’: 1. Samuel Richardson's first book. 2. James Thomson's juvenile poems. |
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Nordisk Tidskrift för Bok- och Biblioteksväsen. 41. (1954). Nr. 4.
G. Carlsson, En svensk Drottnings Andaktsbok? Några anteckningar om en medeltidshandskrift i British Museum. (met samenvatting in het Duits). - A.M. Mickwitz, Caloiero, munkarnas ö. En vandring bland gamla kartverk i Nordenskiölds bibliotek. (met samenvatting in het Engels).
42. (1955). Nr. 1. |
E. Jansen, Biografiske leksika i Norden (Summary: Biographical dictionaries in Scandinavia and Finland). - J.V. Johansson, De Rudbeckianska förfalskningarna i Codex Argenteus (Summary: The Rudbeckian forgeries in the Codex Argenteus).
Nr. 2. |
H. Biezais, Ein neugefundener Text des lettischen Vaterunsers aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. |
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Revista Interamericana de Bibliografía. (Inter-American review of bibliography). V. (1955). Nr. 1-2.
H.A. Kellar, Douglas Crawford McMurtrie: historian of printing and bibliographer.
Nr. 4. |
B. Gento Sanz. ‘Fondo Pagliai’. Ediciones para bibliófilos en México. |
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Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France. 55. (1955). Nr. 4.
R. Pierrot, Répertoire des manuscrits littéraires français vendus de 1945 à 1954. [I]. |
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Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society. II. Part II. (1955).
G.I. Lieftinck, The ‘Psalterium Hebraycum’ from St. Augustine's Canterbury rediscovered in the Scaliger bequest at Leyden. - A. Cox-Johnson, Lambeth Palace Library, 1610-1664. - E.M. Wilson, Samuel Pepys's Spanish chap-books, Part I. - J.C.T. Oates, Notes on the bibliography of Sterne. - Ph. Gaskell, The first two years of the Water Lane Press. - T.A.M. Bishop, Notes on Cambridge manuscripts. - W.D.J. Cargill Thompson, The two editions of Thomas Bilson's True difference between Christian subjection and unchristian rebellion. |
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Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. II. (1955). Nr. 2.
F. Redenbacher, Zur Buchmalerei des Mittelalters. (Ein Literaturbericht).
Nr. 3. |
E. Zimmerman, Die laufenden Bibliographien der Geschichtswissenschaft. |
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Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. 69. (1955). Nr. 7-8.
H. Kunze, Hans H. Bockwitz zum Gedenken. - F. Funke, Die Schreibmeisterbücher des Deutschen Buch- und Schriftmuseums der Deutschen Bücherei. - A. Dörrer, Fürstliche Bibliothekskataloge der Renaissance, besonders in den Ostalpen.
Nr. 11-12. |
H. Kind, Gedanken zu einer Uebersetzungsbibliographie.
70. (1956). Nr. 1-2. |
C. Alschner, Rantzau-bände in der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek zu Dresden. |