Inhoud van tijdschriften.
Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, XXXII. Jahrgang. Heft. 4 u. 5. April - Mai 1915.
H. Wunderlich, ‘Bibliothek’ und ‘Bücherei’. - R. Kaiser, Zur Katalogisierung von Textbüchern. - J. Luther, Studien zur Bibliographie der Kirchenpostille Martin Luthers. (Fortsetzung in Heft 6 u. 7. - K. Schottenlöher, Die Wiegendrucke der Königl. Hof- u. Staatsbibliothek in München.
Id. Heft. 6. u. 7. Juni - Juli 1915.
H. Bohatta, Die Fürstlich Liechtensteinsche Fideikommissbibliothek in Wien. - K. Haebler, Zur Druckertätigkeit des Alfonso Fernandez de Cordoba. - P. Schwenke, Ein Buch aus dem Besitz von Burkhard Waldis. - H. Hülle, Die chinesischen Neuerwerbungen der Königlichen Bibliothek.
The library journal. Vol. 40 Nr. 6 June 1915.
G.W. Lee and H. Granger. Reference books as public utilities, III. Some smaller dictionaries compared. - C.R. Woodruff, Correlation of municipal information.
Id. Nr. 7. July. 1915.
G.F. Bowerman. How far should the library aid the peace movement and similar propaganda.
The Library Association Record. Vol. XVI. Nr. 12.15 Dec. 1914.
W. Blease, Co-operative cataloguing. - W. Hynes, Book-collecting in Italy at the Renaissance.
Id. Vol. XVII. Nr. 1-8. 15 Jan.-15. Aug. 1915.
W.E. Doubleday and L. Stanley Jast, Public libraries and the war. - J. Ormerod, The rand visible index. - D. Rhys Phillips, Literary and library activities in Celtic countries. - R.W. Brown, Co-operation between the Education Committee and the Public Libraries Committee. - Public Records: Second report of the Royal Commission. - H. Bond, Some features of recent library practice in Great Britain. - C. W.F. Goss, Methods of producing and preserving prints.
Public libraries. Vol. 20. Nr. 5-7. May - July 1915.
S. Culin, Book collecting in India and the Far East. - N.W. Jayne, Work outside the library walls. - C. Bacon, The present tendency of Public Library service. - H.C. Wellman, The library's obligation.
Bulletin of bibliography. Vol. 8. Nr. 7. July 1915.
W. Dawson Johnston, Public libraries and the drama. - F.E. Foshay, Twentieth century drama: English, Irish, American. (bibliography). - W. Knapp, Select list of books in English about Scandinavia or by Scandinavians. - A. Hayes, A list of bibliographies on woman suffrage. - M.J. Booth, Index to material for the study of poems and stories. V.
The library world. Vol. XVII. Nr. 108 and Nr. 109. June - July 1915.
R. Johnson, Books for reading in church. - L.C. Wharton, Notes on Slavonic bibliography. - F.W.T. Lange and W.T. Berry, Books on the great war. Third and fourth supplement. - O.E. Clarke, The Carnegie United Kingdom trustees and library provision. - R. Johnson, The general policy of book selection for municipal libraries.
The librarian. Vol. V. Nr. 11 and 12. June - July 1915.
List of best books.
Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde. Neue Folge. 7. Jahrgang. Heft. 3.
F. Behrens, Lavater der Physiognomiker und seine Charakteristik des alten Pitt. - H. Klenz, Gelehrten-Kuriositäten, IV, Idiergasten. - E. Schultze, Die Verdienste Irlands urn Schrift- und Buchwesen. - G. Witkowski, Noch einmal ‘Vom Dom umzingelt’.
Id. Heft. 4.
W. Ahrens, Liebhabereien. - K. Burdach, Ueber Schiller's Jugendgedicht ‘Meine Blumen’. - B. Graef, Deutsche Buchkünstler der Gegenwart, VIII. Walter Klemm als Grapbiker, m. 13 Abbildgn.
La Bibliofilia. - Rivista dell' arte antica in libri, stampe, manoscritti, autografi e legature. Anno XVI. Dispensa 5a-12a. Agosto 1914 - Marzo 1915.