Nieuwe uitgaven.
Bibliotheekgids. Utrechtsche, Adresboek van in de stad Utrecht gevestigde bibliotheken. Samengesteld door To van Rije en G.A. Evers. Utrecht, A. Oosthoek. 40 bl., 8o.
ƒ 0.40
Chipman, C. P., Books and libraries, their makers and their use: an outline course for the use of students. Waterville. (Maine) Colby Alumnus Press. 140 p. 8vo.
$ 1.00
Making of books. Use of books (describing library practice). The students library.
Dahl, S., Dansk Bibliotheksförer, Köbenhavn, J.L. Lybecker, 194 S.
Kr. 1.25, geb. Kr. 1.75
Guthrie, A. L., and M.A. Knight, Reader's guide to periodical literature; 14th annual cumulation. Author and subject index of periodicals and composite books (published in 1914). White Plains, H.W. Wilson Co., 611 p. bs.
$ 12.00
Guthrie, A. L., and others, eds. Readers' guide to periodical literature: supplement (1914). Second annual cumulation. Author and subject-index to a selected list of periodicals not included in the Readers' guide, and to composite books. White Plains, H.W. Wilson Co., 233 p.
Hofmann-Bosse, E., Die Frau im Dienste der volkstümlichen Bibliothek. Leipzig, Th. Thomas. 30 S. 8vo.
Mk. 0.60
Index to periodicals. Compiled by various authorities and arranged by A. Cecil Piper. Vol. I. April - September, London. Stanley Paul a. Co. 192 p. 4to.
21 sh.
Lange, F.W. T., and W.T. Berry, Books on the great war: an annotated bibliography of literature issued during the European conflict. Vol. 2. London, Grafton a. Co. 56 p. 8vo.
2 sh. 6
Moth, A.F. C. M., Technical terms used in bibliographics and by the book and printing trades; forming a supplement to P.K. Walter's Abbreviations and technical terms used in book catalogs and in bibliographies. Boston, Bost. Bk. Co. 263 p. 8vo.
Includes English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latin. Spanish and Swedish terms.
Pearson, E. L., The secret book. New York, Macmillan Co., 263 p. 8vo.
5 sh. 6
A librarian's satire on book-enthusiasts and library practice. The supposed discovery of the ‘Secret book’ or ‘Liber crypticus’ of Cassius Parmensis(the only copy which had escaped destruction following the ban of the church) is the subject of the opening chapter.
Salvatorelli, L., Introduzione bibliografica alla scienza delle religioni. Roma. G. Quadrotta. XVI. 180 p.
Snead & Co., Library planning, bookstacks and shelving; with contributions from the architects' and librarians points of view. Jersey City, N. J., The author. 271 p. 4o.
$ 5.00
Van der Essen, L., La bibliothèque de l'Université de Louvain. Steps towards the reconstitution of the University of Louvain. Manchester. John Rylands Library. 16 p. 8vo.