Nieuwe uitgaven.
Beiträge zur Bibliotheksverwaltung. Hrsg. v. F.A. Mayer u.M. Grolig. Wien, Geschäftsstelle derOesterr. Zeitschrift f. Bibliothekwesen.
1. Heft. F.A. Mayer. Der mittlere Dienst. V. 46 S. 8vo 1914.
Mk. 3.50
Bibliotheken, Die öffentlichen schweizerischen, im J. 1911. Les bibliothèques publiques de la Suisse en 1911. Bern. A. Frank. 67 u. 52 S. 8vo. m. 2 farb. Karten.
3 M.
Diebener, W., Die Fachpresse auf der internationalen Ausstellung f. Buchgewerbe u. Graphik, Leipzig 1914. 8S. m. 11 Abildgn. auf 6 Taf. Leipzig, Deutscher Buchgewerbeverein 1914.
Mk. 1. -
Aus ‘Arch. f. Buchgewerbe’.
Kroeger, A. B., Guide to the study and use of reference books: Supplement, 1911- 1913, by I. Mudge, Chicago. A.L.A. Publishing Board, 1914. 48 p. kl. 4o.
40 C.
Library of Congress. List of references on Europe and International Politics, in relation to the present issues. Compiled under the direction of H.H.B. Meyer. Washington. Government printing office. 1914. 144 p. 8vo.
Library of Congress. ‘The Star Spangled Banner’. Revised and enlarged from the ‘Report’ on the above and other airs, issued in 1909. By O.G. Th. Sonneck. Washington. Government printing office. 1914. 115 p. 8vo. XXV plates.
Library of Congress. List of references on water rights and the control of waters. Compiled under the direction of H.H.B. Meyer. Washington. Government printing office. 1914. III p. 8vo.
Moth, A.F. C. M., Glossary of library terms, English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish. Boston, Bost. Bk. Co. 58 p. 8o.
75 C.
Pleger, J. J., Bookbinding and its auxiliary branches. 4 v. Chicago, Inland Printer Co., 1914 ill.
D. 5. -
Wasson. G. G., How to compile a catalog. The art of compiling copy, selection of illustration, together with other valuable information for the advertiser. Kansas City, Mo., Tiernan- Dart Pr., 95 p. figures and tables.
D. 2.50