Inhoud van tijdschriften.
Rivista delle biblioteche e degli archivi. - Anno XXIV. Nr. 10-12. Ottobre-Dicembre 1913.
Coggiola, G., La biblioteca universitaria di Padova nella sua nuova sede. - Picotti, G. B., L'Effimerium curiale di Andrea de Santa Croce. - S. Treves, Societa per le bibliotechine delle scuole elementari del comune di Firenze. - Coggiola, G., Oggetti d'arte in biblioteche italiane, c. illustr. - Marzi, C., Degli antecessori dei giornali.
Maandblad voor bibliotheekwezen. - 2e jaarg. Nr. 3. Maart 1914.
A.G. Roos, J.F. van Someren 1889-1914. - G.A. Evers, J.F. van Someren 's Geschriften over boek- en bibliotheekwezen. - D. Smit, De bibliothecaris van Sint-Helena, slot.
Id. Nr. 4. April 1914.
Zesde jaarverslag (1914) van de Vereeniging voor Openbare leeszalen en bibliotheken. - Statistisch overzicht der leeszaalbeweging 1909-1913. - Tienjarig overzicht van de Openbare leeszaal en bibliotheekte Groningen, m. afb.
Id. No. 5. Mei 1914.
W.P.C. Knuttel, Dr. Mr. C.P. Burger 1889-1914, m. portr. - Fanny Simons, Muziekbibliotheken.
Id. No. 6.
G.A. Evers, De papierindustrie te Apeldoorn. - F. Spiekman, De openbare leeszaal te Veendam. - C. Labrijn, Vierde internationale ‘Easter school’ van de Library Assistants Association.
The Librarian and book-world. - Vol. IV. No. 10. May 1914.
R. W. Parsons, Public Library reform. - Best books annotated and classified by A.J. Hawkes. a.o.
Id. No. 11. June 1914.
R.W. Parsons, Public library reform (concluded). - Best books, annotated and classified by A.J. Hawkes a.o.
Oeaterreichische Zeitschrift für Bibliothekwesen. Ier jrg. Heft 4.
H. Brandeis, Ueber Inkunabelforschung, und ihre Hilfsmittel. - R. Wolkan, Aus oesterreichischen Handschriften Katalogen. III.
The library association record. - Vol. XVI. No. 4 and 5.15 April-15 May 1914.
E.J. Bell, Public libraries in New-Zealand. - H. Fishwick, Some Lancashire diaries. - W.E. Baxter, Stoke Newingtonand English literature. - E. S. Fegan, Some American libraries. - G. Bethell, An account of the library of the medical society of London.
Id. No. 6. June 1914.
W.C. Berwick Sayers, The place of fiction to day in libraries. - J.W. Singleton, Three phases of librarianship.
The Library journal. - Vol. 39. No. 5 and 6. May and June 1914.
Th. W. Koch, The Bibliothèque nationale. - R. Rhoades, The work of a library information desk. - C.B. Clapp, The group index or catalog at the shelves. - W.H. Hepburn, The influence of the agricultural college on the farmer's use of books.
The library world. - Vol. XVI. No. 93-95. March-May 1914.
Ch. Riddle and W.C. Berwick Sayers, James Duff Brown ✝. - W.G. Hale, The decimal classification as applied to small libraries. - A. Webb, Some early dates in colonial printing. - W. Hynes, Reference libraries for business men. - H.P. Broadhurst, A note on distinctive bindings. - F. Helliwell, Subject classification I 400 expanded. - W. Pollitt, The L.A. A. at home: the fourth international easter school.
Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. - XXXI. Jahrg. Heft 3-6. März-Juni 1914.
W. Munthe, Die Universitätsbibliothek zu Christiania. - A. Schulze, Tauschverkehrsfragen. - C. Benziger, Inkunabeldrucke der Friedrich Riederischen Offizin in Freiburg i. Br. - K. Tautz, Zur Einfuhrung der Buchdruckerkunst in Russland. - Die Einweihung der neuen Königlichen Bibliothek. - L. Schmitz-Kallenberg, Ueber Handschrifteneinkäufe des Klosters Böddeken im 15. Jahrh. - M. Rüpschl, Zur Arndt-Bibliographie. - Arbeitsmethoden und Organisationsfragen der deutschen Bibliotheken. - F. Adrian, Musterrücken für Probebände und Buchbinderjournale in Zettelform. -