Inhoud van tijdschriften.
The library journal. Vol. 38 no. 7. July 1913.
A.L. Bailey, What people read. - A.E. Bostwick, Library circulation at long range.
- J.A. Lowe, The relation of public and college libraries.
Id. no. 8 August. 1913.
H.E. Legler, The world of print and the world's work. - N.C. Kingsbury, The library, a necessity of modern business. -D.E. Stearns, The woman on the farm. Id. no. 9. Sept. 1913.
Th. W. Koch, The British Museum Libary. - G. Mc. Anery, The municipal reference library. - J.F. Hume, The dream of an organizer: a library phantasy.
- P. Ayer, The value of a university bindery. - B.D. Housel, Finding mis filed index cards.
Bulletin de l'association des bibliothécaires françois. - 7e annie No 3. Mai Juin 1913.
A. Vidier, Publications nouvelles concernant les bibliothèques françaises en 1912.
- C. Oursel, Est il possible d'améliorer la situation des bibliothèques municipales?
Le bibliographe moderne. -16e année No. 93-94. Juillet-Octobre 1913.
J.J. Marquet de Vasselot, Une planche des Grandes Heures de Vostre copiée par deux émailleurs limousins. - M. Tourneux, Salons et expositions d' art à Paris (1801-1900); essai bibliographique, suite. - H. Stein, Une saisie de livres protestants à Paris en 1664.
La Bibliofilia. - Rivista dell' arte antica in libri stampe, manoscritti, autografi e legature. Dirett de L.S. Olschki - Anno XV. Dispensa 6a. Agosto 1913.
P. d'Ancona, Nuove ricerche sulla ‘Bibbia dos Jeronymos’ e dei suoi illustratori, c. 2 tav. - A. Sorani, Giambattista Bodoni, c. 6 illustr. - R. Barrand, Essai de bibliographie du Songe de Poliphile (à suivre). -E. Levi, Una edizione del ‘Decamerone’ curata da Ugo Foscolo.
The library association record. - Vol. XV. No. 7. July 1913.
C.J. Purnell, Some seventeenth and eighteenth century catalogues. - L.C. Wharton, Terminology. - A. Sparke, Town bibliographies.
Id. No. 8. August 1913.
H.G. Hayne, The story of the almanac. -S.A. Pitt, Possible co-operation in reference library work. - F.W. Wright, The relationship of the public library to local societies.
Id. no. 9. Sept. 1913.
Ch. H. Mate, Some literary associations of Bournemouth. - L. Huntly, The out of date book.