Inhoud van tijdschriften.
Library journal. Vol. 37. Nr. 9. (September 1912).
Union catalogs and repertories. A symposium. (Vervolg in Nr. 10). - E.L. Tilton, Scientific library planning. - Th.J. Homer, The Boston coöperative information bureau. - W.R. Reinick, The trials and tribulations of a document librarian.
Id. Nr. 10. (October 1912).
A.C. Tyler, Library reading clubs for young people. - H.W. Kent, Librarians' books. - J. Mattern, Uniform cataloging rules.
Id. Nr. 11. (November 1912).
G.W. Lee, Reference books as public utilities. Some well known encyclopaedias compared. - W.P. Cutter, Let the large help the little. - J. McLeod, An employees library, its scope andits possibilities.
Id. No. 12. (December 1912).
H. Putnam, The prospect: An address before a graduating class of women. - H.E. Bliss, Conservatism in library classification. - H.O. Brigham, Indexing and care of pamphlets.
Id. Vol. 38. Nr. 1. (January 1913).
R.R. Bowker, The work of trustees in a large library. - F.K. Walter, Free and inexpensive reference material. - G.H. Evans, Experiments in library extension. - Preservation of paper. - W.R. Eastman, Library legislation in 1912.
Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. - XXX. Jahrgang. 1. Heft. Januar 1913.
P. Schwenke, Eindrücke von einer Amerikanischen Bibliotheksreise, II. - F. Vogelsang, Altägyptische Bibliothekare. - K. Preisendanz, Drei Briefe Creuzers an Jacobs.
The librarian and book world. - Vol. III. Nr. 6. January 1913.
E. Wood, Small libraries and small incomes what can be done with them. - Best books, annotated and classified by A.J. Hawkes a.o. - Library architecture, supervised by J.E. Cooper. - Edward Edwards, a Centenary.
Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde. - Neue Folge 4. Jahrg. Heft 10.
A. Hortzschansky, Der Neubau der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin, m. 5 Abbildgn. - G.A.E. Bogeng, A.L. Schlözers ‘Entwurf eines Zeitungs-Collegii’. - E. Behrend, Ein zeitgenössisches Pasquill auf Jean Paul. - B. Seuffert, Rechtfertigung der berühmten Frau von Maintenon durch C.M. Wieland. - F. von Zobeltitz, der ‘Katalog Weisstein’