Best books, annotated and classified by A.J. Hawkes, B.H. Headicar, a.o. - Filing systems and indexing. - Women's work in libraries. - Library architecture,
Id. Vol. III. Nr. 1.
Best books, annotated and classified by A.J. Hawkes, B.H. Headicar, a.o. - Margaret Reed, Women's work in libraries - The national museum of Wales, illustr. - Library architecture, etc.
Id. Vol. III. Nr. 2. Sept. 1912.
R.W. Parsons, An introduction to elementary bibliography. - Best books annotated and classified by A.J. Hawkes, B.H. Headicar, a.o. - Children and the use of libraries. - Margaret Reed, Women's work in libraries. - Library architecture.
Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde. Neue Folge. 4. Jahrg. Heft 3. Juni 1912.
Octave Uzanne, Die Bibliotheken der Zukunft. - Karl Löffler, Eine schwäbische Bibliophilenfamilie (Ochsenbach) aus dem 17. Jahrhundert und ihre Sammlung. - Albert Leitzmann, Neues von Lichtenberg. - Fritz Adolf Hünich, Neue Goetheana.
Id. Heft 4. Juli 1912.
Otto von Schleinitz, Walter Crane als Buchillustrator. - Adolf Schmidt, Aus den Kreisen des jungen Deutschlands. - Albert Leitzmann, Neues von Lichtenberg.
Id. Heft 5-6.
M. Osborn, Deutsche Buchkünstler der Gegenwart. m. illustr. - G.A.E. Bogeng, Die Bibliothèque du Louvre. - R. Buchwald, Lessing und Ernestine Christine Reiske. - A. Leitzmann, Neues von Lichtenberg. - J. Sembritzki, Einige Ergänzungen zu der Trenck-Bibliographie von Gugitz und Portheim. - E. Ebstein, Die Amtmänner Bürger und Scheufier. - F. A Hünich, Neue Wertheriana.
The library association record. Vol. XIV no. 7.15 July 1912.
David Rhys Phillips, The monastic libraries of Wales. Fifth to Sixteenth Centuries Celtic and Mediaeval periods (vervolg in no. 8). - W.E.A. Axon, Where was Sommariva's ‘Batrachomyomachia’ printed? - H.E. Johnson, On the proposed division of the N(orthern) C(ountries)L(ibrary)A(ssociation) Area. - J.W.C. Purves, A reply to Mz. Jast's address to the N.C.L.A. on branch work. - A.C. Piper, Technical training in librarianship in England and abroad.
Id. no. 8.15 August 1912.
Phyllis E. Dixon, Charles Lamb, The man and his work.
The library. A quarterly Review. Ed. by J.Y.W. Mac Alister and A.W. Pollard. Third series No. 11 (Vol. III). July 1912.
John Dover Wilson, Martin Marprelate and Shakespeare's Fluellen, V. - Hugh Macdonald, A vicar's library. - Victor Scholderer, Michael Wenssler and his press at Basel. - W.L. Purves, The literary output of Daniel Defoe. - Charles Sayle, Cambridge fragments.
The library world. Vol. XV. Nr. 74 (New Series). August 1912.
Historical account of the library of the Royal Society of medicine. Illustr. - W.C. Berwick Stayers and James D. Stewart, The card catalogue, VIII (IX in Nr. 75). - Maurice H.B. Mash, The classification of technology.
Id. Nr. 75. Sept. 1912.
W. Wilson, Impressions of the Liverpool conference. - F. Haigh, The library column (advertising the various activities a of library).
Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen. XXIX. Jahrgang. 7. u. 8. Heft. Juli - August 1912.
Dreizehnte Versammlung deutscher Bibliothekare in München am 30 u. 31 Mai 1912: Zur Frage einheitlicher Katalogisierungsregeln. Der preussische Gesamtkatalog und der Münchener Katalog. Ein Gesamtverzeichnis der an den deutschen Bibliotheken laufend gehaltenen Zeitschriften, u.s.w.