Nieuwe uitgaven.
Brown, James Duff, Library classification and cataloguing. Illus. 274 p. London, Libraco, ltd.
7 sh. 6.
British Museum: Catalogue of Books printed in the 15th Century. Part. 2. Germany. 4to. London, H. Frowde
35 sh.
-- Catalogue of printed music published between 1487 and 1800, now in the British Museum, by W. Barclay Squire. 2 vols.
Cohen, H., Guide de l'amateur de livres á gravures du 18e siècle. 6. éd. revue, corri- gée et considérablement augmentée par Seymour de Ricci. Paris, A. Rouquette, 1912. XXVI p., 1248 colonnes. 8vo. Avec 12 reproductions.
60. - Frcs.
Collard, A., Annuaire des bibliothèques de Belgique. Roulers. Imp. Deraedt. Verhage. VIII. 189 p.
2 fr. 50.
Fesch, P., J. Denais et R. Lay, Bibliographie de la franc-maçonnerie et des sociétés secrètes. 1re partie. Paris, Société bibliographique. (L'ouvrage formera 3 volumes environ).
Hortschansky, Adalb., Bibliographie des Bibliotheks- u. Buchwesens. 8. Jahrg. Lpzg., O. Harrassowitz, 1911.VII, 152 S.7 M.
Zentralblatt f. Bibliothekswesen. Beihefte Nr. 40.
Levis, Howard C., A descriptive bibliography of the most important books in the English language, relating to the art and history of engraving and the collecting of prints. London. Ellis. 4to. p. 592.
63/ sh.
Library of Congress. - Select list of re-ferences on parcels post. Compiled under the direction of H.H.B. Meyer. Washington, 1911. 39 p. 8vo.
Library of Congress. Select list of references on employers liability and workmen's compensation. Compiled under the direction of H.H.B. Meyer. Wash. 1911. 196 p. 8vo.
-- Select list of references on the initiative, referendum and recall, compiled under the direction of H.H.B. Meyer. Washington, 1912. 8vo.
-- Guide to the law and legal literature of Germany. By E. Borchard. Washington, 1912. 4to.
Peddie, R.A., The British Museum reading room. A handbook for students. London. Grafton & Co. vii - 61 p. 12mo.
-- Engineering and metallurgical books 1907-1911. - A full title catalogue, arranged under subject headings of all British and American books on engineering, metallurgy, and allied topics, published during the five years 1907-1911, with their English and American prices and publishers' names. London, Grafton and Co.,
7 sh. 6
Revival of Printing, The, A bibliographical catalogue of works issued by the chief modern English presses. With an introduction by R. Steele. (The Riccardi Press Books.) Medici Society. xxxiii - 89 p. 8vo.
16/ sh.
Soule, C. Carroll, How to plan a library building for library work. Bost., Boston Bk. Cy. 1912. 14. 403 p. (3 p. bibl.) 8vo. (Useful reference ser.)
doll. 2.50