Instructions for the use of notes and indexes
The numbers in the margin correspond with the pages of the text-volume, numbers set with a colon refer to the notes (in vol. II).
The indexes will enable the reader to make sure if a certain subject has been treated in this work. There are six indexes of such different characters that there will be no doubt as to where to look for a certain detail.
The chronological index (vol. II p. 142) is a list of dates, giving a survey of the facts dealt with.
In the geographical index all geographical names have been listed. Not only the names of countries, cities, villages, castles, cloisters, rivers, forests, but also of tribes. Under the names of cities are mentioned the works of art formerly or still preserved there.
Three indexes concerning
biblical antiquity and Christianity |
classical antiquity |
Teutonic antiquity |
facilitate the survey of elements borrowed by the Dutch portrayal of historical events from each of these cultural regions. The geographical names however belonging to each of these three domains are to be found in the geographical index.
The general index contains the main subjects and all personal names, which do not belong to one of the three others. E.g. the names of artists and authors quoted. In this index the following articles deserve special mention as providing a concordance of the relevant items:
Campbell, Annales |
Copinger, Supplement |
Gijn, v., Dordracum Illustratum |
Muller, Historieplaten |
Nijhoff, Houtsneden |
Nijhoff-Kronenberg, Ned. Bibliographie |
Overvoorde, Cat. Prentverzameling Dordrecht |
Cat. Prentverzameling Leiden |
Romein, N. Ned. Geschiedschrijving |
Stolk, v., Kat. der historieprenten |
The article ‘veiling’ (= sale) in the general index resumes in chronological order all sales mentioned.
The indexes of a scientific book may however perform still other functions. In the building erected by the author there are many rooms, remotely situated for structural reasons, which nevertheless demand closer communication. In such cases an index can provide such a link. These considerations not only required the three special indexes mentioned above, but are also responsible for a few articles in the general index of which the translation follows here.