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Gebruikte literatuur
(Tussen haakjes is het oorspronkelijke jaar van uitgave aangegeven)
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Norman Cigar: Genocide in Bosnia. The Policy of ‘Ethnic Cleansing’, College Station, Texas A&M University Press, 1995. |
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Raymond Detrez: De Balkan. Van burenruzie tot burgeroorlog, Antwerpen-Baarn, Hadewych, 1992. |
Milovan Djilas: Wartime, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977. (oorspronkelijk Servokroatisch) |
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Leslie Gelb en Richard K. Betts: The Irony of Vietnam. The System Worked, Washington, Brookings, 1979. |
André Gerrits en Nanci Adler (eds.): Vampires Unstaked. National Images, Stereotypes and Myths in East Central Europe, Amsterdam, KNAW, 1995. |
Misha Glenny: The Fall of Yugoslavia. The Third Balkan War, London: Penguin, 1992. |
Michael R. Gordon en Bernard E. Trainor: The Generals' War. The Inside Story of the Conflict in the Gulf, Boston, Little Brown and Company, 1995. |
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Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan, inleiding B.A.G.M. Tromp, Amsterdam-Meppel, Boom, 1985. |
Barbara Jelavich: History of the Balkans, 2 vols., (1983) Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993. |
James Joll: The Origins of the First World War, London-New York, Longman 1984. |
Robert D. Kaplan: Balkan Ghosts: A Journey through History, New York, St. Martin's Press. 1993. |
John Keegan: The Second World War, London, Hutchinson, 1989. |
R.G.D. Laffan: The Serbs. The Guardians of the Gate, (1917), New York, Dorset Press, 1989. |
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Dick A. Leurdijk: The United Nations and NATO in Former Yugoslavia. Partners in International Cooperation, The Hague, Netherlands Atlantic Commission/Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’, 1994. |
Harold Lydall: Yugoslavia in Crisis, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989. |
Jonathan Lynn en Anthony Jay: Yes Prime Minister. The Diaries of the Right Hon. James Hacker, vol. 1, (1986), London, BBC Books, 1987. |
Noel Malcolm: Bosnia. A Short History, London, MacMillan, 1994. |
Mihailo Marković: Dialektik der Praxis, Frankfurt a.M., Suhrkamp. 1968. (Oorspronkelijk Servokroatisch) |
Samvel W. Mitcham: Hitler's Legions. The German Army Order of Battle, World War II, London, Leo Cooper in association with Secher & Warburg, 1985 |
Nader Mousavizadeh (ed.): The Black Book of Bosnia. The Consequences of Appeasement, New York, Basic Books, 1996. |
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Jean-François Revel: Comment les démocraties finissent, Paris, Grasset, 1983. |
David Rieff: Slaughterhouse. Bosnia and the Failure of the West, New York, Vintage, 1995. |
Ferdinand Schevill: A History of the Balkans, (Oorspronkelijk History of the Balkan Peninsula, ± 1921) New York: Dorset Press, 1991. |
Laura Silber and Allan Little: The Death of Yugoslavia, London, Penguin Books/BBC Books, 1995. |
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Charles Tilly & Wim P. Blockmans (eds.): Cities & the Rise of States in Europe, A.D. 1000 to 1800, Boulder, Westview Press, 1994. |
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Bart Tromp: ‘Onafhankelijk Bosnië-Hercegovina is een illusie’, Intermediair, 31 (1995), 49 (8 december). |
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