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Faak, bn. sleepy |
Faal, bn. sallow, tawny |
Faalhyd, sn. sallowness |
Faandel, sn. flag, colours |
Faandel-dra'er, sn. ensign |
Faar, w. to sail, navigate |
Faarbaar, bn. navigable |
Faart, sn. navigation, haste |
Faarwel, sn. farewell |
Faarwel, uw. farewell! |
Faatji, sn. little barrell |
Fabel, sn. fable, story |
Fabelagtig, bn. fabulous |
Fabeldigter, sn. fabulist |
Fabelkunde, sn. mythology |
Fabelkundig, bn. mythological |
Fabelleer, sn. mythology |
Fabriik, sn. factory |
Fabriikmerk, sn. trade mark |
Fader, sn. father |
Faderland, sn. fatherland, native country |
Faderlandsliifde, sn. patriotism |
Faderliifde, sn. paternal love |
Faderlik, bn. en bw. fatherly |
Faderloos, bn. fatherless |
Faderseen, sn. paternal blessing |
Fadsig, bn. lazy, dull |
Fadsighyd, sn. laziness |
Fagebond, sn. vagabond |
Faikonta, bw. pretendedly |
Fak, sn. place, partition, branch, subject |
Fakansi, sn. holidays |
Fakansidag, sn. holiday |
Fakant, bn. vacant |
Fakerig, bn. sleepy, drowsy |
Fakerigheid, sn. drowsiness |
Fakkel, sn. torch |
Fakkeldrager, sn. torch-bearer |
Fal, sn. fall, trap |
Fal, w. to fall, drop |
Falk, sn. hawk, falcon |
Falkjag, sn. falconry |
Fally, sn. valley, dale |
Fals, bn. false, counterfeit |
Falselik, bw. falsely |
Falshyd, sn. falsehood, treachery |
Falsityt, sn. forgery |
Falstrik, sn. snare |
Famili, sn. family |
Familibetrekking, sn. relationship |
Famili-graf, sn. family grave |
Familikring, sn. domestic circle |
Famili-kwaal, sn. hereditary disorder |
Famili-lewe, sn. family-life |
Familisiikte, sn. hereditary disease |
Familitrek, sn. family feature |
Famili-trots, sn. family pride |
Fan, sn. family name |
Fan, fs. of, from, for, with, by |
Fan-een, bw. asunder |
Fang, w. to catch |
Fanger, sn. catcher |
Fangs, sn. catch, capture |
Fareng, sn. fern |
Fariseër, fariseën, sn. pharisee |
Fark, sn. pig, hog |
Farkagtig, bn. piggish |
Farkenshok, sn. pigstye |
Farkflees, sn. pork |
Farkkos, sn. hog's meat |
Farkreusel, sn. suet |
Farksnoet, sn. pig's snout |
Fas, w. to fast |
Fas, bn. firm, fast, solid |
Fasberade, bn. resolute |
Fasbinde, w. to bind |
Fas-dag, sn. fast-day |
Fasgroei, w. to grow together |
Fashaak, w. to hook, stick fast |
Fasknoop, w. to button, tie |
Fasknoping, sn. buttoning |
Faskoppel, w. to couple firmly together |
Faslym, w. to glue |
Fasplak, w. to paste |
Faspraat, w. to entangle one's self in speaking |
Fasraak, w. to stick fast |
Fasry, w. to drive fast into something |
Fasrye, w. to lace |
Fasskroewe, w. to screw |
Fasslaan, w. to nail |
Fassoldeer, w. to solder |
Fasspelde, w. to pin |
Fasspyker, w. to nail |
Fasstaan, w. to stand firmly |
Fasstamp, w. to beat down |
Fasstel, w. to establish |
Fasstelling, sn. establishment, settlement |
Fasstrik, w. to fasten with a knot |
Fasthyd, sn. firmness |
Fastighyd, sn. firmness, surety |
Fat, sn. cask, barrel, hold |
Fat, w. to take, comprehend |
Fatsel, sn. hold, handle |
Fatsoen, sn. form, cut |
Fatsoenlik, bn. en bw. respectable, decent |
Fatsoenlikhyd, sn. respectability |
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Fé, w. to sweep |
Fé, sn. cattle |
Féarts, sn. veterinary surgeon |
Fédiif, sn. cattle stealer |
Fédiwery, sn. cattle stealing |
Feeg, sn. stroke, wipe, dash |
Feel, bw. much, many, often |
Feelbelowend, bn. promising |
Feelbetekenend, bn. en bw. significantly |
Feelfoudig, bn. manifold |
Feelhyd, sn. multiplicity |
Feelkleurig, bn. of various colours |
Feelsydig, bn. many-sided |
Feelwywery, sn. polygamy |
Feer, sn. feather, spring |
Fe'er, sn. sweeper |
Feeragtig, bn. feathery |
Feerbed, sn. featherbed |
Feerkrag, sn. elasticity |
Feerkragtig, bn. elastic |
Feerloos, bn. featherless |
Feertig, tw. forty |
Feertigmaal, bw. forty times |
Feertigste, bn. fortieth |
Feertiin, tw. fourteen |
Feertiindage, sn. fortnight |
Feertiinde, bn. fourteenth |
Feertiinmaal, bw. fourteen times |
Fees, sn. feast, festival |
Feesdag, sn. festival |
Feesfiir, w. to feast |
Feesfiring, sn. feast |
Feesfreugde, sn. festivity |
Feesgenoot, sn. guest |
Feesliid, sn. festival song |
Feesmaal, sn. festive entertainment |
Feestelik, bn. festive, spendid |
Feestelikhyd, sn. festivity |
Feesteling, sn. guest |
Feg, w. to fight, combat |
Feg-agtig, bn. pugnacious |
Fegparty, sn. fight |
Fegter, sn. fighter |
Fegtery, sn. fighting |
Féhandel, sn. cattle trade |
Féhandelaar, sn. dealer in cattle |
Fékoper, sn. cattle-dealer |
Fel, sn. skin, sheet |
Feld, sn. field |
Feldblom, sn. wild flower |
Feldmuis, sn. fieldmouse |
Feldslag, sn. battle |
Feldslang, sn. fieldsnake |
Feldstoel, sn. folding chair |
Felkoper, sn. dealer in skins |
Fémark, sn. cattle-market |
Femelaar, sn. hypocrite |
Femelary, sn. hypocracy |
Fendumeester, sn. Auctioneer |
Fenster, sn. window |
Fensterbank, sn. window-sill, window seat |
Fent, sn. fellow, chap |
Fentji, sn. little fellow |
Fenyn, sn. venom |
Fenynig, bn. venomous, exasperated |
Fenynighyd, sn. venomousness, maliciousness |
Fer, fs. unto (placed before object after transitive verbs) |
Fêr, bn. far, distant, remote |
Ferademing, sn. recreation, rest |
Fêraf, bw. far away |
Ferag, w. to despise, disdain |
Feragtelik, bn. en bw. contemptible |
Feragtelikhyd, sn. contemptibleness |
Feragter, sn. despiser |
Feragting, sn. contempt, disdain |
Ferander, w. to change, alter |
Ferandering, sn. change, alteration |
Feranderlik, bn. changeable |
Feranderlikhyd, sn. changeableness |
Ferangenaam, w. to make agreeable |
Ferantwoord, w. to account for |
Ferantwoordelik, bn. responsible |
Ferantwoordelikhyd, sn. responsibility |
Ferantwoording, sn. responsibility |
Ferarm, w. to impoverish, become poor |
Ferarmd, bn. impoverished |
Ferarming, sn. impoverishment |
Ferbaas, w. to astonish, amaze |
Ferbaasd, bn. astonished, surprised |
Ferbaasdhyd, sn. astonishment, amazement |
Ferban, w. to banish, to expel |
Ferband, sn. bond, obligation, bandage |
Ferbandbriif, sn. bond, indenture |
Ferbandskrif, sn. bond |
Ferbanner, sn. banisher |
Ferbanning, sn. banishment |
Ferbasend, bn. en bw. astonishing |
Ferbasing, sn. astonishment |
Ferbaster, w. to degenerate |
Ferbasterd, bn. degenerated |
Ferbasterhyd, sn. degeneracy |
Ferbastering, sn. degeneration |
Ferbeel, w. to imagine, fancy |
Ferbeelding, sn. imagination, fancy |
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Ferbeeldingskrag, sn. imagination |
Ferberg, w. to hide, conceal |
Ferberger, sn. hider, concealer |
Ferberging, sn. concealment |
Ferbéter, w. to improve, better |
Ferbeteraar, sn. corrector, mendor |
Ferbeterhuis, sn. house of correction |
Ferbetering, sn. improvement, reformation |
Ferbeterlik, bn. corrigible, improvable |
Ferbeur, w. to confiscate, forfeit |
Ferbeurbaar, bn. confiscable |
Ferbeurd, bn. forfeited, confiscated |
Ferbeurder, sn. forfeiter |
Ferbeuring, sn. forfeiture |
Ferbeusel, w. to trifle away |
Ferbiddelik, bn. relenting |
Ferbi'e, ferbiid, w. to forbid, prohibit |
Ferbinde, w. to dress (a wound), bind, combine |
Ferbinding, sn. binding, dressing |
Ferbindingsteken, sn. hyphon |
Ferbintenis, sn. alliance, engagement, obligation |
Ferbitter, w. to exasperate, embitter, irritate |
Ferbitterd, bn. exasperated |
Ferbitterhyd, sn. exasperation |
Ferbittering, sn. exasperation |
Ferbleek, bn. pale, faded |
Ferblind, bn. blind, dazzled |
Ferblinde, w. to blind, blindfold |
Ferblindhyd, sn. blindness |
Ferbly, w. to rejoice, gladden |
Ferblyd, bn. glad, happy |
Ferblyding, sn. rejoicing |
Ferblyf, sn. abode, residence |
Ferblyfplek, sn. abode |
Ferbod, sn. prohibition |
Ferbolge, bn. enraged |
Ferbolgenhyd, sn. rage, wrath |
Ferbond, sn. covenant, treaty |
Ferborge, bn. secret, hidden |
Ferborgenhyd, sn. mystery, secrecy |
Ferbou, w. to rebuild |
Ferbouer, sn. rebuilder |
Ferbouing, sn. rebuilding |
Ferbrand, bn. burnt |
Ferbrand, w. to burn |
Ferbranding, sn. burning, scorching |
Ferbreek, w. to break, violate |
Ferbreekbaar, bn. breakable |
Ferbreking, sn. breaking, violation |
Ferbrui, w. to spoil, incur displeasure |
Ferbruier, sn. spoiler |
Ferbruik, sn. consumption |
Ferbruik, w. to consume, use |
Ferbruiker, sn. consumer |
Ferbruiking, sn. consumption |
Ferbry, w. to spread |
Ferbryder, sn. spreader |
Ferbryding, sn. spreading |
Ferbrysel, w. to crush |
Ferbryselaar, sn. crusher |
Ferbryseling, sn. crushing |
Ferbyster, w. to perplex |
Ferbysterd, bn. perplexed |
Ferbystering, sn. perplexity |
Ferdaag, w. to adjourn, put off |
Ferdag, bn. suspect, aware |
Ferdaging, sn. adjournment |
Ferdamp, w. to evaporate |
Ferdamping, sn. evaporation |
Ferdédig, w. to defend |
Ferdédigbaar, bn. defensible |
Ferdédigend, bn. defensive |
Ferdédiger, sn. defender |
Ferdédiging, sn. defence |
Ferdeel, w. to divide |
Ferdeelbaar, bn. divisible |
Ferdeelbaarhyd, sn. divisibility |
Ferdeel-de, bn. divided |
Ferdeeldhyd, sn. discord |
Ferdéler, sn. divider |
Ferdéling, sn. division |
Ferdek, w. to re-thatch (a roof) |
Ferdek, sn. deck |
Ferdelg, w. to destroy |
Ferdelger, sn. destroyer |
Ferdelging, sn. destruction |
Ferdenk, w. to suspect |
Ferdenking, sn. suspicion |
Ferder, bn. en bw. farther, more |
Ferderf, sn. ruin, destruction |
Ferderfelik, bn. destructive, ruinous |
Ferderfelikhyd, sn. perniciousness |
Ferderwe, w. to ruin, to spoil |
Ferderwer, sn. corrupter, spoiler |
Ferdig, w. to feign, forge |
Ferdigsel, sn. fable, fiction |
Ferdigte, bn. feigned, forged |
Ferdigter, sn. forger, inventor |
Ferdigting, sn. forgery, feigning |
Ferdiin, w. to earn, deserve |
Ferdiin-de, bn. en bw. earned, deserved |
Ferdiinste, sn. wages, merit, living |
Ferdiip, w. to deepen |
Ferdik, w. to condense, thicken |
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Ferdikking, sn. condensation, |
Ferdiping, sn. story |
Ferdobbel, w. to lose at dice |
Ferdoem, w. to doom, damn |
Ferdoemd, bn. damned |
Ferdoemelik, bn. damnable |
Ferdoemenis, sn. damnation |
Ferdoeming, sn. damning, damnation |
Ferdonker, w. to darken, obscure |
Ferdonkering, sn. darkening |
Ferdoofd, bn. benumbed |
Ferdoop, w. to re-baptize, give another name |
Ferdor, w. to wither |
Ferdorde, bn, withered |
Ferdordhyd, sn. witheredness |
Ferdorring, sn. withering |
Ferdorwe, bn. spoiled |
Ferdorwenhyd, sn. corruption |
Ferdowe, w. to drown, benumb, stupify |
Ferdowing, sn. numbness |
Ferdra, w. to suffer, endure, bear, stand |
Ferdraaglik, bn. tolerable, sufferable |
Ferdraaglikhyd, sn. sufferableness |
Ferdraagsaam, bn. forbearing, patient |
Ferdraagsaamhyd, sn. forbearance |
Ferdraai, w. to distort, sprain |
Ferdraaid, bn. distorted |
Ferdraaidhyd, sn. deformity, perversity |
Ferdraaier, sn. perverter |
Ferdraai'ing, sn. false interpretation |
Ferdrag, sn. agreement, sloping |
Ferdriit, sn. trouble, affliction, grief |
Ferdring, w. to push away |
Ferdrink, w. to drown, be drowned |
Ferdritig, bn. sad |
Ferdritighyd, sn. sadness |
Ferdroge, w. to dry up, wither |
Ferdroging, sn. drying up, withering |
Ferdroogde, bn. withered |
Ferdruk, w. to oppress |
Ferdrukker, sn. oppressor |
Ferdrukking, sn. oppression |
Ferdrukte, sn. oppressed one |
Ferdrywe, w. to drive away, expel |
Ferdrywer, sn. one who drives away |
Ferdrywing, sn. expulsion |
Ferdubbel, w. to double |
Ferdubbelaar, sn. doubler |
Ferdubbel-de, bn. doubled |
Ferdubbeling, sn. duplication |
Ferduister, w. to darken, hide, embezzle, grow dim |
Ferduistering, sn. eclipse, obscuration, embezzlement |
Ferdun, w. to thin, dilute |
Ferdunde, bn. thinned, weakened |
Ferdunning, sn. attenuation, dilution |
Ferduring, sn. endurance |
Ferduur, w. to bear, endure |
Ferdwaal, w. to lose one's way, err |
Ferdwaling, sn. deviation |
Ferdwyn, w. to vanish, disappear |
Ferdwyning, sn. disappearance |
Feredel, w. to ennoble, elevate |
Feredeling, sn. ennobling |
Fereelt, w. to harden |
Fereelt, bn. en bw. callous |
Fereelthyd, sn. callosity |
Fereenfoudig, w. to simplify |
Fereenfoudiger, sn. simplifier |
Fereenfoudiging, sn. simplification |
Fereer, w. to honour, worship |
Fereerder, sn. worshipper |
Fereffen, w. to settle, adjust |
Fereffening, sn. settlement |
Ferenig, w. to unite |
Ferenigbaar, bn. consistent |
Ferenigde, bn. united |
Fereniger, sn. uniter |
Fereniging, sn. union |
Fererger, w. to grow (or make) worse |
Ferergering, sn. deterioration |
Feréring, sn. adoration |
Feretter, w. to fester |
Ferettering, sn. suppuration |
Ferf, sn. paint, dye |
Ferfaard, bn. frightened, afraid |
Ferfaardhyd, sn. fearfulness |
Ferfaardig, w. to prepare, make |
Ferfaardiger, sn. maker, author |
Ferfaardiging, sn. preparation |
Ferfal, sn. decay, decline, ruin |
Ferfal, w. to fall, decay |
Ferfals, w. to falsify, counterfeit |
Ferfalser, sn. counterfeiter |
Ferfalsing, sn. falsification |
Ferfang, w. to relieve |
Ferfanger, sn. substitute |
Ferfas, bw. certainly |
Ferfat, w. to resume, take otherwise |
Ferfdoos, sn. paint-box |
Ferfeel, w. to weary, tire, bore |
Ferfel, w. to get a new skin |
Ferfelend, bn. tedious, tiresome |
Ferfeling, sn. tiresomeness |
Ferfelling, sn. getting a new skin |
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Ferfkwas, sn. painting brush |
Ferfloek, w. to accurse, curse |
Ferfloeker, sn. curser |
Ferfloeking, sn. curse, malediction |
Ferfloek-te, bn. cursed |
Ferflou, w. to slacken |
Ferflouing, sn. slackening |
Ferfoei, w. to detest |
Ferfoeielik, bn. detestable |
Ferfoeielikhyd, sn. detestability |
Ferfoeienis, sn. abomination |
Ferfoei'ing, sn. detestation |
Ferfoeisel, sn. abomination |
Ferfoer, sn. transport, conveyance |
Ferfoerbaar-are, bn. removable |
Ferfoerbaarhyd, sn. transportableness |
Ferfoerder, sn. transporter |
Ferfoering, sn. transport |
Ferfolg, sn. continuation, sequel |
Ferfolg, w. to follow, to continue |
Ferfolger, sn. prosecuter, pursuer |
Ferfpot, paint-pot |
Ferfreem, w. to allienate |
Ferfris, w. to refresh |
Ferfris-te, bn. refreshed |
Ferfrissing, sn. refreshment |
Ferfrolik, w. to gladden |
Ferfroliking, sn. cheering up |
Ferfrommel, w. to rumple |
Ferfrommeling, sn. rumpling |
Ferfuil, w. to putrefy, grow foul |
Ferfuiling, sn. putrefaction |
Ferful, w. to fulfil, accomplish |
Ferfuller, sn. fulfiller, filler |
Ferfulling, sn. fulfilment |
Ferfyn, w. to refine |
Ferfynd, bn. refined |
Ferfyner, sn. refiner |
Fergaan, w. to perish, be lost |
Fergader, w. to gather, assemble, meet |
Fergadering, sn. meeting, assembly |
Fergaderplek, sn. place of meeting |
Fergal, w. to embitter |
Fergankelik, bn. transitory |
Fergankelikhyd, sn. transitoriness |
Fergeeflik, bn. pardonable, excusable |
Fergeeflikheid, sn. pardonableness |
Fergeefs, bw. in vain |
Fergeefs, bn. vain, useless |
Fergeet, w. to forget, omit |
Fergeetagtig, bn. forgetful |
Fergeetagtighyd, sn. forgetfulness |
Fergeet-my-nitji, sn. forgetmenot |
Fergelde, w. to reward, recompense, repuite |
Fergelder, sn. rewarder |
Fergelding, sn. reward |
Fergelyk, w. to compare |
Fergelykelik, bn. comparable |
Fergelykend, bn. comparative |
Fergelyking, sn. comparison |
Fergemaklik, w. to simplify, to make easy |
Fergenoeg, w. to content one's self |
Fergenoegd, bn. contented, satisfied |
Fergenoegdhyd, sn. contentment |
Fergenoeging, sn. satisfaction |
Fergesél, w. to accompany |
Fergeseller, sn. companion |
Fergetelhyd, sn. oblivion |
Fergetelikhyd, sn. forgetfulness |
Fergéwe, w. to forgive, pardon |
Fergewensgesind, bn. merciful |
Fergewing, sn. pardon, forgiveness |
Fergif, sn. poison, venom |
Fergiffenis, sn. forgiveness, pardon |
Fergiftig, bn. poisonous |
Fergiftig, w. to poison |
Fergiftigd, bn. poisoned |
Fergiftiging, sn. poisoning |
Fergiit, w. to shed |
Fergis, w. to mistake, be mistaken |
Fergissing, sn. mistake, error |
Fergiting, sn. shedding |
Fergites, sn. colander |
Fergoed, w. to compensate, defray |
Fergoeding, sn. compensation |
Fergroei, w. to vanish by growing |
Fergroei'ing, sn. leaving no trace when full grown |
Fergroot, w. to enlarge, magnify |
Fergroot, bn. enlarged, exaggerated |
Fergrootglas, sn. magnifying glass, microscope |
Fergroter, sn. magnifyer |
Fergruis, w. to crush to pieces, grind, powder |
Fergruising, sn. crushing |
Fergryp, w. to mistake, offend |
Fergryping, sn. offence |
Ferguld, w. to gild |
Ferguld, sn. gilt |
Fergulder, sn. gilder |
Fergulding, sn. gilding |
Ferguldsel, sn. gilding |
Fergun, w. to permit, grant |
Fergunning, sn. permission, leave, grant |
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Ferhaal, sn. narrative, story, account |
Ferhaal, w. to relate, tell |
Ferhaar, w. change hair |
Ferhaas-te, bn. hastened, hasty |
Ferhaler, sn. relater |
Ferhandel, w. to transact, negotiate |
Ferhandeling, sn. treatise |
Ferhang, w. to hang otherwise |
Ferhard, w. to harden |
Ferhard, bn. hardened, hardhearted |
Ferhardhyd, sn. hardness |
Ferharding, sn. hardening, callosity |
Ferheerlik, w. to glorify |
Ferheerliking, sn. glorification |
Ferheerlik-te, bn. glorified |
Ferhef, w. to raise up, exalt, praise |
Ferheffer, sn. exalter |
Ferheffing, sn. exaltation |
Ferhelder, w, to enlighten, clear up |
Ferhelder-de, bn. enlightened, |
Ferheldering, sn. enlightening, clearing up |
Ferhelp, w. to mend, remedy, rectify |
Ferhelper, sn. remedier, changer |
Ferhelping, sn. mending, redress |
Ferhemelte, sn. canopy, palate-tester |
Ferheug, w. to rejoice, delight |
Ferheugde, bn. rejoiced, glad |
Ferheuging, sn. rejoicing |
Ferhinder, w. to hinder, prevent |
Ferhinderaar, sn. hinderer |
Ferhindering, sn. hindrance, obstacle |
Ferhit, w. to heat, inflame |
Ferhitting, sn. heating |
Ferhoede, w. to prevent |
Ferhoeding, sn. prevention |
Ferhoger, sn. extoller, raiser |
Ferhoging, sn. exaltation, increase |
Ferhonger, w. to famish, starve |
Ferhonderd, bn. famished |
Ferhondering, sn. starving, starvation |
Ferhoog, w. to exalt, raise, increase |
Ferhoor, sn. trial |
Ferhoor, w. to hear, grant, examine |
Ferhoorder, sn. hearer |
Ferhoring, sn. trial, hearing |
Ferhouding, sn. proportion |
Ferhuis, w. to remove |
Ferhuisdag, sn. day of removing |
Ferhuiser, sn. mover |
Ferhuising, sn. removal |
Ferhuistyd, sn. time of removing |
Ferhuring, sn. letting |
Ferhuur, w. to let, rent, lease out |
Ferhuurder, sn. proprietor, landlord |
Ferjaag, w. to chase away |
Ferjaar, w. (no Engl. equivalent) |
Ferjaardag, sn. birthday |
Ferjaarfees, sn. anniversary |
Ferjaargedig, sn. birthday poem |
Ferjaarsmaal, sn. birthday feast |
Ferjager, sn. expeller |
Ferjaging, sn. expulsion |
Ferjaring, sn. birthday, anniversary |
Ferjong, w. to grow young again |
Ferkalk, w. to calcinate |
Ferkalking, sn. calcination |
Ferkanker, w. to canker |
Ferkas, w. to go away, remove |
Ferkeer, sn. intercourse, traffic, communication |
Ferkeer, w. to be, have communication |
Ferkeerd, bn. wrong, bad |
Ferkeerdhyd, sn. perversity |
Ferkering, sn. communication |
Ferkiis, w. to choose, prefer, elect |
Ferkiisbaar, bn. eligible |
Ferkiisbaarhyd, sn. eligibility |
Ferkiislik, bn. preferable |
Ferkising, sn. election, preference |
Ferkisingsdag, sn. day of election |
Ferklaag, w. to accuse |
Ferklaar, w. to explain, interpret, declare |
Ferklaarbaar, bn. explicable |
Ferklaarder, sn. interpreter, explainer |
Ferklager, sn. accuser, plaintiff |
Ferklaging, sn. accusation |
Ferklaring, sn. declaration, explanation |
Ferklé, w. to disguise, change clothes |
Ferkleding, sn. disguise |
Ferkleed, bn. disguised |
Ferkleefd, bn. attached |
Ferkleefdhyd, sn. attachment |
Ferkleur, w. to change colour |
Ferkleur-de, bn. blush faded |
Ferklik, w. to betray, disclose |
Ferklikker, sn. informer |
Ferkluim, w. to be benumbed with cold |
Ferkluimd, bn. benumbed, stiff |
Ferkluimdhyd, sn. numbness |
Ferklyn, w. to diminish, reduce |
Ferklynbaar, bn. reducible |
Ferklyner, sn. diminisher |
Ferklynglas, sn. convex mirror |
Ferklyning, sn. diminuition |
Ferklynwoordji, sn. diminutive |
Ferknip, wl to spoil, spend in cutting |
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Ferknoei, w. to mar, spoil |
Ferknoeier, sn. spoiler, squanderer |
Ferkoel, w. to cool, refresh |
Ferkoeldrank, sn. cooling drink |
Ferkoeling, sn. refrigeration |
Ferkoelingsmiddel, sn. refrigerant |
Ferkoking, sn. boiling away |
Ferkondig, w. to preach, proclaim |
Ferkondiging, sn. proclamation, preaching |
Ferkook, w. to boil away |
Ferkoop, w. to sell |
Ferkoopbaar, bn. saleable |
Ferkoopdag, sn. day of sale |
Ferkoper, sn. seller, dealer |
Ferkoping, sn. sale, auction |
Ferkore, bn. chosen |
Ferkorene, sn. elected |
Ferkort, w. to shorten, abridge |
Ferkorter, sn. shortener |
Ferkorting, sn. shortening, abbreviation |
Ferkoudhyd, sn. cold, influensa |
Ferkoue, bn. having a cold |
Ferkreukel, w. to crumple up |
Ferkrummel, w. to crumble |
Ferkrummeling, sn. crumbling |
Ferkry, w. to obtain, acquire |
Ferkrygbaar, bn. obtainable |
Ferkryger, sn. acquirer |
Ferkryging, sn. attainment, acquisition |
Ferkwansel, w. to squander |
Ferkwik, w. to refresh |
Ferkwikking, sn. refreshment |
Ferkwis, w. to spend, squander |
Ferkwister, sn. prodigal |
Ferkwisting, sn. prodigality |
Ferkwyn, w. to pine away, languish |
Ferkwyning, sn. pining away |
Ferkyk, w. to view with astonishment |
Fêrkyker, sn. telescope |
Ferlaag, w. to degrade, disgrace |
Ferlaai, w. to transload |
Ferlaat, w. to leave, forsake |
Ferlaging, sn. degradation |
Ferlam, w. to lame |
Ferlam, bn. lame |
Ferlamdhyd, sn. lameness |
Ferlamming, sn. lameness |
Ferlang, w. to long, desire |
Ferlangste, sn. longing, desire |
Ferlate, bn. deserted, lonely, abandoned |
Ferlatenhyd, sn. forlornness, abandonment |
Ferlater, sn. forsaker, abandoner |
Ferlating, sn. abandonment |
Ferlê, w. to mislay, remove |
Ferlede, bn. past, last |
Ferledene, sn. past |
Ferleen, w. to grant, give, afford |
Ferleen-de, bn. granted, allowed |
Ferleer, w. to unlearn, forget |
Ferlége, bn. confounded, perplexed |
Ferlegenhyd, sn. confusion, distress |
Ferleng, w. to lengthen, prolong |
Ferlenging, sn. prolongation |
Ferlening, sn. granting, allowance |
Ferlep, w. to wither |
Ferlep-te, bn. faded |
Ferlewendig, w. to enliven, revive |
Ferlewendiger, sn. reviver |
Ferlig, w. to light, illuminate, lighten, ease |
Ferlig-te, bn. lightened up, enlightened, relieved |
Ferligting, sn. lighting, illumination, relief |
Ferliif, bn. enamoured, lovelorn |
Ferliifdhyd, sn. amorousness |
Ferliis, sn. loss |
Ferliis, w. to lose |
Ferliser, sn. loser |
Ferlof, sn. leave, permission |
Ferlofbriif, sn. permit |
Ferlogen, w. to deny |
Ferlogenaar, sn. denier |
Ferlogening, sn. denial |
Ferlok, w. to tempt, to entice |
Ferlokkelik, bn. enticing |
Ferlokkelikhyd, sn. enticement |
Ferlokking, sn. enticing |
Ferloof, bn. betrothed |
Ferloofde, sn. person affianced |
Ferloop, bn. strayed, forlorn |
Ferloop, sn. decay, decline |
Ferloop, w. to decline |
Ferloor, w. to lose |
Ferlore, bn. forlorn, lost |
Ferlos, w. to deliver, redeem |
Ferlosser, sn. deliverer, redeemer |
Ferlossing, sn. deliverance, redemption |
Ferlossingswerk, sn. redemption |
Ferloting, sn. allotment |
Ferlowe, w. to betroth |
Ferlower, sn. betrother |
Ferlui, w. to grow more and more lazy |
Ferlustig, w. to delight |
Ferlustiging, sn. delight |
Ferly, w. to tempt, seduce |
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| |
Ferlydelik, bn. tempting |
Ferlydelikhyd, sn. allurement |
Ferlyder, sn. tempter, seducer |
Ferlyding, sn. tempting, seduction |
Fermaak, w. to amuse, to delight |
Fermaak, sn. delight, pleasure |
Fermaal, w. to grind |
Fermaalbaar, bn. grindable |
Fermaan, w. to admonish |
Fermaanbriif, sn. admonitory letter |
Fermaard, bn. famed |
Fermaardhyd, sn. celebrity |
Fermager, w. to grow thin, lose flesh |
Fermagering, sn. growing thin |
Fermakelik, bn. entertaining, pleasant |
Fermakelikhyd, sn. diversion, delight |
Fermaker, sn. amuser |
Fermaner, sn. admonisher, teacher |
Fermaning, sn. warning, admonition |
Fermeerder, w. to augment |
Fermeerder-de, bn. increased |
Fermeerdering, sn. augmentation |
Fermeld, w. to mention |
Fermelding, sn. mentioning |
Fermenigfuldig, w. multiply |
Fermenigfuldiging, sn. multiplication |
Ferminder, w. to lessen, diminish |
Ferminderbaar, bn. diminishable |
Fermindering, sn. lessening, diminution |
Fermink-te, bn. maimed |
Fermis, w. to miss, want |
Fermissing, sn. want, loss |
Fermoed, w. to suspect, presume |
Fermoedelik, bn. probable, apparent |
Fermoedelikhyd, sn. probability |
Fermoei, w. to tire, fatigue |
Fermoeid, bn. weary, tired |
Fermoeidhyd, sn. weariness |
Fermoeiend, bn. tiresome |
Fermoeienis, sn. fatique, weariness |
Fermoge, sn. power, ability |
Fermom, w. to mask, disguise |
Fermomd, bn. masked, disguised |
Fermomming, sn. mask, disguise |
Fermoor, w. to murder, kill |
Fermoorder, sn. murderer |
Fermoording, sn. murdering |
Fermors, w. to waste, squander |
Fermorsel, w. to crush, bruise |
Fermorseling, sn. crushing |
Fermorser, sn. squanderer |
Fermorsery, sn. squandering |
Fermorsing, sn. squandering |
Fermuf, w. to grow musty |
Fermuffing, sn. getting musty |
Fermy, w. to avoid, shun |
Fermydbaar, bn. avoidable |
Fermydelik, bn. avoidable |
Fermyding, sn. avoiding |
Fernaai, w. to sew again |
Fernag, w. to pass the night |
Fernagting, sn. staying the night over |
Ferneder, w. to humble |
Fernederend, bn. humbling |
Fernedering, sn. humiliation |
Ferneem, w. to inquire |
Fernemer, sn. inquirer |
Ferneming, sn. enquiring |
Ferniil, w. to destroy |
Ferniilbaar, bn. destructible |
Ferniilsiik, bn. destructive |
Fernilend, bn. destructive |
Ferniler, sn. destroyer |
Ferniling, sn. destruction |
Fernis, sn. varnish |
Fernis, w. to varnish |
Fernisser, sn. varnisher |
Fernitig, w. to annihilate, abolish |
Fernitigbaar, bn. destructible |
Fernitiger, sn. annihilator, abolisher |
Fernitiging, sn. abolition |
Fernoem, w. to name after |
Fernou, w. to narrow |
Fernouing, sn. narrowing |
Fernuf, sn. wit, skill, genius |
Fernuftig, bn. witty, ingenious |
Fernuftighyd, sn. skill |
Fernuw, w. to renew |
Fernuwer, sn. renewer |
Fernuwing, sn. renewing, renewal |
Ferongeluk, w. to perish |
Ferongelukking, sn. perishing |
Ferongelyk, w. to wrong, injure |
Ferongelyker, sn. injurer |
Ferongelyking, sn. injury |
Feronthylig, w. to profane |
Ferontrynig, w. to defile |
Ferontryniger, sn. defiler |
Ferontryniging, sn. defilement |
Ferontrus, w. to disturb, disquiet |
Ferontrusting, sn. uneasiness |
Ferontskuldig, w. to excuse |
Ferontskuldiger, sn. apologizer |
Ferontskuldiging, sn. excuse |
Ferontwaardig, w. to make indignant |
Ferontwaardiging, sn. indignation |
Feroordeel, w. to condemn |
Feroordelaar, sn. condemner |
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Feroordeling, sn. condemnation |
Feroorloof, w. to permit |
Feroorlowing, sn. permission |
Feroorsaak, w. to cause |
Feroorsaker, sn. causer |
Ferorden, w. to order, decree |
Ferordening, sn. order |
Ferordineer, w. command |
Ferordinering, sn. ordinance |
Feroud, w. to grow old |
Ferouder, w. to grow old |
Ferouderd, bn. antiquated, out of date |
Ferower, w. to conquer |
Feroweraar, sn. conquerer |
Ferowering, sn. conquest |
Ferpag, w. to give on lease |
Ferpagter, sn. lessor, leaseholder |
Ferpagting, sn. giving on lease |
Ferpak, w. to pack otherwise |
Ferpakker, sn. packer |
Ferpakking, sn. packing |
Ferpand, w. to pawn, pledge |
Ferpander, sn. pawner |
Ferpanding, sn. pawning |
Ferpes, w. to infect, corrupt |
Ferpester, sn. infector |
Ferplaas, w. to remove, transpose |
Ferplaasbaar, bn. removable |
Ferplant, w. to transplant |
Ferplanting, sn. transplantation |
Ferplasing, sn. removal |
Ferpleeg, w. to nurse, provide for |
Ferpleegster, sn. nurse (female) |
Ferpleger, sn. nurse (male) |
Ferpleging, sn. nursing, treatment |
Ferpletter, w. to crust, bruise |
Ferpletterend, bn. crushing, |
Ferplettering, sn. crushing |
Ferplig, bn. obliged |
Ferpligting, sn. obligation |
Ferplooi, w. to plait otherwise |
Ferpraat, w. to talk away |
Ferraad, sn. treason, treachery |
Ferraai, w. to betray, to discover |
Ferraaier, sn. betrayer, traitor |
Ferraaiery, sn. treachery |
Ferradelik, bn. en bw. treacherously |
Ferras, w. to surprise |
Ferrassend, bn. surprising |
Ferrassing, sn. surprise |
Ferregaande, bn. en bw. excessive, extravagant |
Ferrék, w. to sprain, dislocate |
Ferrekking, sn. spraining, dislocation |
Ferrig, w. to perform, execute |
Ferrigter, sn. performer |
Ferrigting, sn. performance |
Ferrimpel, w. to wrinkle |
Ferrimpeld, bn. shrivelled |
Ferroer, w. to stir, to move |
Ferroering, sn. stirring |
Ferroes, w. to rust |
Ferroes-te, bn. rusty |
Ferroesting, sn. rusting |
Ferrot, w. to rot |
Ferrot, bn. rotten |
Ferrotting, sn. putrefaction |
Ferruil, w. to change, barter |
Ferruiling, sn. change, barter |
Ferruk, sn. change, barter |
Ferruk, sn. to delight, ravish |
Ferrukking, sn. ravishment |
Ferryk, w. to enrich |
Ferryking, sn. enrichment |
Ferrys, w. to rise |
Ferrysing, sn. rising |
Fers, sn. verse, stanza |
Fêrs, sn. heifer |
Fersaag, w. to spend in sawing, despond |
Fersaak, w. to forsake, deny |
Fersadig, w. to satisfy, satiate |
Fersadiging, sn. satiety |
Fersag, w. to soften |
Fersagtend, bn. softening |
Fersagting, sn. softening |
Fersaking, sn. forsaking, denial |
Fersamel, w. to gather |
Fersamelaar, sn. compiler |
Fersameling, sn. collection |
Fersamelplek, sn. meeting place |
Ferseg, w. to refuse deliberately |
Fersegel, w. to seal |
Fersegeling, sn. sealing |
Ferseker, w. to assure |
Fersekerd, bn. assured, confident |
Fersekering, sn. assurance |
Fersénde, w. to send away |
Fersender, sn. consigner |
Fersending, sn. consignment |
Ferseng, w. to singe |
Ferseng-de, bn. torrid |
Ferset, w. to remove, oppose |
Ferset, sn. resistance, opposition |
Fersiin, w. to repair |
Fersiin, bn. repaired |
Fersilwer, w. to silver, plate |
Fersilwering, sn. silvering, plating |
Fersin, w. to invent, contrive |
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Fersink, w. to sink |
Fersinking, sn. sinking |
Fersinsel, sn. invention, story |
Fersoek, w. to request |
Fersoek, sn. request |
Fersoeker, sn. tempter |
Fersoeking, sn. temptation |
Fersoekskrif, sn. petition |
Fersoen, w. to reconcile, expiate |
Fersoendag, sn. day of propitiation |
Fersoendeksel, sn. mercy-seat |
Fersoenend, bn. propitiatory, reconciling |
Fersoener, sn. mediator, reconciler |
Fersoening, sn. reconciliation |
Fersoeningsdood, sn. propiatory death |
Fersoenlik, bn. en bw. reconcilable |
Fersoet, w. to sweeten, alleviate |
Fersiir, w. to adorn, to decorate |
Fersiirder, sn. adorner |
Fersiirsel, sn. ornament |
Fersiring, sn. adornment |
Ferskaf, w. to procure, to furnish |
Ferskaffer, sn. provider, procurer |
Ferskaffing, sn. procuring |
Ferskans, w. to fortify |
Ferskansing, sn. retrenchment |
Ferskeep, w. to transship |
Ferskeping, sn. transshipment |
Ferskeur, w. to tear, to devour |
Ferskeurend, bn. devouring |
Ferskiit, sn. perspective, background |
Ferskil, sn. difference, variety |
Ferskil, w. to vary, disagree |
Ferskillend, bn. different, various |
Ferskilpunt, sn. point of controversy |
Ferskimmel, w. to grow mouldy |
Ferskoning, sn. excuse |
Ferskoon, w. to excuse, spare, clean |
Ferskoonbaar, bn. excusable |
Ferskoonbaarhyd, sn. excusableness |
Ferskoonlik, bn. excusable |
Ferskoonlikhyd, sn. excusableness |
Ferskruk, w. to frighten, startle |
Ferskrikkelik, bn. dreadful |
Ferskrikkelikhyd, sn. dreadfulness |
Ferskrik-te, bn. frightened |
Ferskroei, w. to scorch |
Ferskroeiende, bn. scorched |
Ferskroei'ing, sn. scorching |
Ferskuil, w. to hide, conceal |
Ferskuiler, sn. concealer |
Ferskuiwe, w. to remove |
Ferskuiwing, sn. delay |
Ferskuldigde, bn. obliged, indebted |
Ferskydenhyd, sn. variety |
Ferskye, bn. divers, several |
Feislaaf, w. to enslave |
Ferslaafd, bn. addicted to |
Ferslaafdhyd, sn. addictedness |
Ferslaan, w. to slay, defeat |
Ferslaap, w. to oversleep |
Ferslag, sn. account, report |
Ferslagenhyd, sn. dismay, dejection |
Ferslaggewer, sn. reporter |
Ferslaggewing, sn. report |
Ferslap, w. to slacken, weaken |
Ferslapping, sn. slackening, |
Ferslap-te, bn. weakened |
Ferslawing, sn. enslavement, |
Fersleg, w. to get worse |
Fersleg, bn. deteriorated |
Ferslenter, w. to idle away |
Ferslinde, w. to devour, consume |
Ferslinder, sn. devourer |
Ferslinding, sn. devouring |
Ferslinger, w. to throw away |
Ferslingering, sn. squandering away |
Ferslons, w. to waste |
Ferslonser, sn. waster |
Ferslyt, w. to wear out, off or away |
Ferslyt, bn. worn out |
Fersmaad, w. to disdain, despise |
Fersmaai, bn. rejected, despised |
Fersmaai, w. to despise |
Fersmadelik, bn. disdainful |
Fersmader, sn. despiser |
Fersmading, sn. despising |
Fersmag, w. to be choked or stifled |
Fersmag, bn. choked |
Fersmagting, sn. choking |
Fersmelt, w. to dissolve |
Fersmoor, w. to choke, smother |
Fertaal, w. to translate |
Fertaalbaar, bn. that can be translated |
Fertaalde, bn. translated |
Fertaler, sn. translator |
Fertaling, sn. translation |
Fêrte, sn. distance |
Ferteenwoordig, w. represent |
Ferteenwoordiger, sn. representative |
Ferteenwoordiging, sn. representation |
Ferteer, w. to consume, to digest |
Ferteerbaar, bn. digestible |
Fertel, w. to tell, to narrate |
Ferteller, sn. teller, relater |
Fertelling, sn. tale story |
Ferterend, bn. consuming |
Fertering, sn. digestion |
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Fertiin, w. to title |
Fertiinfoudig, w. to decuple |
Fertimmer, w. to retimber, repair |
Fertimmer-de, bn. etimbered, repairing |
Fertimmering, sn. retimbering, repair |
Fertin, w, to tin |
Fertinning, w. tinning over |
Fertinsel, sn. tinning |
Fertoef, fertoewe, w. to tarry, delay |
Fertolk, w. to interpret, translate |
Fertolker, sn. interpreter, translater |
Fertolking, sn. interpretation, translation |
Fertoner, sn. exhibitor |
Fertoning, sn. show, spectacle |
Fertoog, sn. essay, speech |
Fertoog, w. to demonstrate |
Fertoon, w. to show |
Fertoorn, w. to provoke, incense |
Fertraag, w. to delay, retard |
Fertraging, sn. delay |
Fertrap, w. to trample upon, tread down |
Fertrap-te, bn. trampled upon |
Fertré, w. to trample upon |
Fertrek, w. to depart |
Fertroos, w. to console, comfort |
Fertroosbaar, bn. consolable |
Fertroostend, bn. consolatory |
Fertrooster, sn. comforter |
Fertroosting, sn. consolation |
Fertrou, w. to trust, confide |
Fertroubaar, bn. trustworthy |
Fertroud, bn. trusty |
Fertroue, sn. confidence |
Fertrouelik, bn. en bw. confidentially |
Fertwyfel, w. to despair, despond |
Fertwyfeling, sn. despair |
Ferwaaid, bn. en bw. bewildered |
Ferwaaidhyd, sn. bewildering |
Ferwaand, bn. conceited, vain |
Ferwaandhyd, sn. conceitedness |
Ferwaarloos, w. to neglect |
Ferwaarloosd, bn. neglected |
Ferwaarlosing, sn. neglect |
Ferwag, w. to expect |
Ferwagting, sn. expectation |
Ferwar, w. to confuse, entangle |
Ferward, bn. confused, entangled |
Ferwardhyd, sn. confusion |
Ferwarm, w. to warm |
Ferwarming, sn. warming |
Férwe, w. to paint, dye |
Ferweel, sn. velvet |
Ferweer, w. to defend, resist |
Ferweerbaar, bn. defensible |
Ferweerder, sn. defender |
Ferwek, w. to raise, produce |
Ferwekker, sn. cause, raiser |
Ferwelf, sn. vault, arched roof |
Ferwelf, bn. vaulted |
Ferwelk, w. to wither, fade |
Ferwelkbaar, bn. perishable |
Ferwelkbaarhyd, sn. perishableness |
Ferwelking, sn. withering |
Ferwelkom, w. to welcome |
Ferwelkommer, sn. welcomer |
Ferwelkte, bn. withered |
Ferwens, w. to curse, execrate |
Ferwenser, sn. curser, imprecator |
Ferwensing, sn. imprecation |
Férwer, sn. dyer, painter |
Ferwerp, w. to reject, refuse |
Ferwerper, sn. rejecter, refuser |
Ferwerping, sn. rejection |
Férwery, sn. dyeing, painting |
Ferwilder, w. to bewilder, grow wild |
Ferwilderd, bn. bewildered, waste |
Ferwildering, sn. bewildering |
Ferwissel, w. to change |
Ferwisselaar, sn. changer |
Ferwisselbaar, bn. changeable |
Ferwisseling, sn. change |
Ferwoes, w. to destroy, to ravage |
Ferwoestend, bn. destructive |
Ferwoester, sn. destroyer |
Ferwoesting, sn. desolation |
Ferwond, bn. wounded |
Ferwonder, w. to surprise, astonish |
Ferwonderd, bn. surprised |
Ferwonding, sn. wound, hurt |
Ferwonne, bn. vanquished |
Ferworpe, bn. rejected |
Ferworpeling, sn. outcast |
Ferwrik, w. to sprain |
Ferwrikking, sn. sprain |
Ferwring, w. to sprain |
Ferwringing, sn. distortion |
Ferwulf, sn. vaulted |
Ferwulfd, bn. vaulted |
Ferwurg, w. to strangle |
Ferwurging, sn. strangulation |
Ferydel, w. to frustrate, disappoint |
Ferydeling, sn. frustration, disappointment |
Ferys, w. to require |
Feryste, sn. requisite |
Fésiikte, sn. cattle disease |
Fessi, E. sn. fashion |
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Féteel, sn. breeding of cattle |
Fi, fiif! (see siis!), uw. pshaw! |
Fiêrig, F. bn. self-conceited |
Figuur, sn. figure, form |
Figuurlik, bn. figuratively |
Fiir, tw. four |
Fiir, w. to celebrate |
Fiirde, bn. fourth |
Fiirdubbel, bn. four fold |
Fiirfoetig, bn. en bw. quadruped |
Fiirhyd, sn. pride, dignity |
Fiir-ire, bn. high-spirited, proud |
Fiirkant, sn. square |
Fiirkant, bn. en bw. square |
Fiirkantighyd, sn. squareness |
Fiirmaal, bw. four times |
Fiis, bn. nasty, loathsome |
Fiishyd, sn. nastiness, disgust |
Fiits, bn. en bw. swellish |
Fiits, sn. bicycle |
Fiitse, w. to cycle-'cle |
Filippyn, sn. negrophilist |
Finansi'eel, bn. financial |
Finde, w. to find |
Finder, sn. finder |
Finding, sn. finding |
Finger, sn. finger |
Fingerhoed, sn. thimble |
Fink, sn. finch |
Finnig, bn. en bw. quick, sharp, smart |
Finnighyd, sn. sharpness |
Fiool, sn. violin, fiddle |
Firing, sn. celebration |
Fis, w. to fish |
Fis, sn. fish |
Fisagtig, bn. fishy |
Fisfrou, sn. fish-woman |
Fisgraat -ate, sn. fish-bone |
Fiskaal, sn. hangman, a bird |
Fismark, sn. fish-market |
Fisser, sn. fisher |
Fissery, sn. fishery |
Fiswyf, sn. fish-wife |
Flaag, sn. fit, gust, shower |
Flag, sn. flag, colours |
Flak, bn. en bw. plain, shallow, level |
Flakhyd, sn. shallowness |
Flakte, sn. plain, level |
Flater, sn. blunder |
Flam, sn. flame, blaze |
Flam, w. to flame, blaze |
Flap, sn. cape orchid |
Flees, sn. flesh, meat |
Fleesagtig, bn. fleshy |
Fleesagtighyd, sn. fleshiness |
Fleeseter, sn. eater of meat |
Fleg, w. to twist, plat, braid |
Flegsel, sn. plait, braid |
Flegster, sn. twister, platter |
Flegting, sn. twisting, plattering |
Flek, w. to blot, stain |
Flek, sn. spot, stain, blemish |
Flekkeloos, bn. spotless |
Flekkelooshyd, sn. spotlessness |
Flenni, E. sn. flannel |
Flenter, w. to lounge, saunter |
Flenters, sn. rags |
Flenters, bn. ragged |
Flentertji, sn. small bit |
Flerk, sn. wing |
Flêrsi, sn. dirty, profligate woman |
Flêrts, w. to box one's ears |
Flêrts, sn. box on the ear |
Fles, sn. flask |
Flessi, sn. phial, small bottle |
Fletter, w. to flutter |
Fleur, sn. bloom, prime |
Fleurig, bn. blowing, flourishing |
Fliger, sn. kite |
Fliig, sn. fly |
Fliig, w. to fly |
Fliigfanger, sn. fly catcher |
Fliis, sn. fleece, film, membrane |
Flikker, w. to glitter, glare |
Flikkerig, bn. glittering |
Flikkering, sn. glittering |
Flink, bn. en bw. clever, brisk, lively |
Floed, sn. stream, river, flood |
Floei, w. to flow, run softly |
Floeibaar, bn. liquid, fluid |
Floeibaarhyd, sn. fluidity |
Floeiend, bn. en bw. flowing, fluent |
Floeiendhyd, sn. fluency |
Floei'ing, sn. flowing, running |
Floeistof, sn. liquid |
Floek, sn. curse, oath |
Floek, w. to curse, swear |
Floeker, sn. curser, swearer |
Floeking, sn. cursing |
Floekwoord, sn. oath |
Floer, sn. floor |
Floer, w. to floor |
Floering, sn. flooring |
Floerkleed, sn. carpet |
Flooi, sn. flea |
Floot, sn. fleet |
Flot, sn. raft |
Flot, bn. floating |
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Flou, bn. faint, weak |
Flouhartig, bn. en bw. faint-hearted |
Flouhartighyd, sn. faint-heartedness |
Flouhyd, sn. faintness |
Flous, w. to deceive |
Floute, sn. swoon, fainting fit |
Flug, sn. flight |
Flug, w. to fly away, flee |
Flugteling, sn. fugitive |
Flugtig, bn. en bw. fleeting-ly |
Flugtighyd, sn. cursoriness, quickness |
Fluister, w. to wisper |
Fluistering, sn. whispering |
Fluit, sn. flute |
Fluit, w. to whisle |
Fluiter, sn. whistler |
Fluks, bn. en bw. quick, brisk |
Flussiis, bn. a moment ago |
Fly, w. to flatter, coax |
Flyend, bn. flattering |
Flyer, sn. flatterer |
Flyery, sn. flattery, adulation |
Flygras, sn. marshy grass |
Flysug, sn. love of flattery |
Flyt, sn. diligence, application |
Flytig, bn. en bw. diligent-ly, industrious-ly |
Flytigheid, sn. diligence |
Fodde, sn. rags |
Foed, w. to feed, nourish |
Foedend, bn. nourishing |
Foeder, sn. feeder, nourisher |
Foeding, sn. feeding, nourishing |
Foedsaam, bn. nourishing |
Foedsaamhyd, sn. nourishingness |
Foedsel, sn. food, nourishment |
Foeg, sn. joint, seam |
Foeg, w. to join, fill up |
Foegwoord, sn. conjunction |
Foei! uw. fi! forshame! |
Foel, w. to feel |
Fo'el, sn. bird, fowl |
Foelbaar, bn. sensible |
Fo'elfanger, sn. bird catcher |
Fo'elfangs, sn. bird-catching |
Fo'elferskrikker, sn. scare-crow |
Fo'elflug, sn. aviary |
Fo'ellym, sn. bird-lime |
Fo'elnes, sn. birds nest |
Foeler, sn. feeler |
Foeling, sn. feeling |
Foer, w. to feed |
Foer, sn. forage, fodder |
Foering, sn. lining |
Foet, sn. foot |
Foetbad, sn. foot-bath |
Foetenënd, sn. foot (of a bed) |
Foetfolk, sn. infantry |
Foetganger, sn. walker, young locust |
Foetmat, sn. mat |
Foetpad, sn. footpath |
Foetsoeker, sn. serpent |
Foetspoor, sn. track |
Foetstap, sn. foot-step |
Foetstuk, sn. basis, pedestal |
Fog, sn. fluid, liquid |
Fogtig, bn. moist, damp |
Fogtighyd, sn. moistiness, dampness |
Fol, bn. full, filled, tipsy |
Folbloedig, bn. plethoric |
Folbloedighyd, sn. plethora |
Folbreng, w. to fulfil, accomplish |
Folbrenger, sn. fulfiller, performer |
Folbrenging, sn. performance, fulfilment |
Foldaan, bn. satisfied, paid |
Foldoen, w. to satisfy, pay, gratify |
Foldoende, bn. sufficient |
Foldoener, sn. fulfiller, payer |
Foldoening, sn. satisfaction |
Folg, w. to follow |
Folgeling, sn. follower, votary |
Folgende, bn. following, next |
Folger, sn. follower, disciple |
Folgooi, w. to fill |
Folgsaam, bn. docile, obedient |
Folgsaamhyd, sn. docility |
Folharde, w. to persevere |
Folharder, sn. perseverer |
Folharding, sn. persevering |
Folhou, w. to keep up, persevere |
Folhouer, sn. continuer |
Folhyd, sn. fulness |
Folk, sn. people, nation, labourers |
Folkome, bn. perfect, complete |
Folkomenhyd, sn. perfection |
Folkplanting, sn. colony |
Folkryk, bn. populous |
Folksbestuur, sn. popular government |
Folksblad, sn. popular paper |
Folksdrag, sn. national dress |
Folledig, bn. complete |
Folledighyd, sn. completeness |
Folleerd, bn. fully learned, proficient |
Follens, fs. according to |
Folmaak, w. to perfect, fill |
Folmaakthyd, sn. perfectness |
Folmaakt-te, bn. perfect |
Folmag, sn. power, letter of attorney |
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Folmagtig, w. to empower |
Folmaker, sn. completer |
Folmaking, sn. perfection |
Folop, bn. plentiful |
Folskenk, w. to fill to the brim |
Folslage, bn. complete, quite |
Folstandig, bn. en bw. steadfast, constantly |
Folstandighyd, sn. steadfastness, constancy |
Foltallig, bn. numerically complete |
Foltallighyd, sn. completeness |
Folte, sn. fulness |
Foltooi, w. to finish, perfect |
Foltooier, sn. finisher |
Foltooi'ing, sn. completion |
Foluit, bw. in full, fully |
Folwasse, bn. full-grown, grown-up |
Folwassene, sn. adult |
Folwassenhyd, sn. being, fullgrown |
Folynder, sn. finisher |
Folyndiging, sn. end, accomplishment |
Fondament, sn. foundation |
Fonds, sn. fund, stock |
Fonk, sn. spark, sparkle |
Fonkel, w. to sparkle |
Fonkeling, sn. sparkling |
Fonnis, sn. sentence |
Fonnis, w. to sentence |
Fonograaf, sn. phonograph |
Fontyn, sn. fountain |
Fontyn-aar, sn. fountain-head |
Fontynwater, sn. spring water |
Foog, sn. guardian |
Foor, sn. furrow |
Foor, fs. for, before, as |
Fooraf, bw. beforehand, previously |
Fooran, bw. foremost, before |
Foorbarig, bn. rash, precipitate |
Foorbedag, bn. premeditated |
Foorbedagthyd, sn. premeditation |
Foorbeeld, sn. example, pattern, type |
Foorbeeldelik, bn. exemplary |
Foorbeen, sn. fore-leg |
Foorbehoedend, sn. preservative |
Foorbehoeder, sn. preserver |
Foorbehoeder, sn. preserver |
Foorbehoeding, sn. preservation |
Foorbehoedmiddel, sn. precaution |
Foorbehoedsel, sn. preservative |
Foorbehoud, sn. reservation |
Foorbehouding, sn. reservation |
Foorberig, sn. preface |
Foorbery, w. to prepare |
Foorberydend, bn. preparatory |
Foorberyder, sn. preparator |
Foorberyding, sn. preparation |
Foorberydsel, sn. preparative |
Foorbeskik, w. to predestine |
Foorbeskikking, sn. predestination |
Foorbid, w. to intercede |
Foorbidder, sn. intercessor |
Foorbidding, sn. intercession |
Foorbode, sn. precursor |
Foorbreng, w. to propose |
Foordans, w. to lead the dance |
Foordanser, sn. leader of the dance |
Foordanster, sn. prima donna |
Foordeel, sn. advantage, profit, gain |
Foordelig, bn. profitable |
Foordelighyd, sn. advantageousness |
Foordeur, sn. front door |
Foordoen, w. to do first, to give an example |
Foordra, w. to propose, to deliver |
Foordrag, sn. delivery, proposition |
Foorfader, sn. ancestor, forefather |
Foorfaderlik, bn. ancestral |
Foorfal, sn. event, incident |
Foorfal, w. to occur, happen |
Foorfinger, sn. forefinger |
Foorflerk, sn. forewing |
Foorfoet, sn. forefoot |
Foorgaan, w. to precede, set an example |
Foorgaande, bn. preceding, last |
Foorgang, sn. example |
Foorganger, sn. predecessor, leader |
Foorgé, w. to pretend |
Foorgebed, sn. prayer before sermon |
Foorgefoel, sn. presentiment |
Foorgestoelte, sn. place of honour |
Foorgewing, sn. pretence, pretext |
Foorgrond, sn. fore-ground |
Foorhang, w. to hang before |
Foorhangsel, sn. curtain, veil |
Foorhê, w. to intend, design |
Foorheen, bw. formerly, before |
Foorhof, sn. vestibule, parvis |
Foorhou, w. to propose, represent |
Foorhuis, sn. passage, hall, porch |
Foorjaag, W. to drive or ride in front |
Foorkamer, sn. drawing room, frontroom |
Foorkennis, sn. prescience |
Foorkeur, sn. preference |
Foorkom, sn. appearance, exterior |
Foorkom, w. to come before, prevent, anticipate |
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Foorland, sn. fate, destiny |
Foorlê, w. to propose, lay before |
Foorlees, w. to read |
Foorleser, sn. reader |
Foorlesing, sn. lecture, reading |
Foorloop, w. to go before |
Foorloop, sn. first brandy at distilling |
Foorloper, sn. fore-runner |
Foorlopig, bn. en bw. previously |
Foorlyf, sn. fore-part of body |
Foorman, sn. fore-man |
Foormiddag, sn. fore-noon |
Foornaam, sn. christian name |
Foornaam, bn. distinguished |
Foornaamste, bn. chief, principal |
Foornaamwoord, sn. pronoun |
Foornag, sn. first hours of the night |
Foornamelik, bn. chiefly, principally |
Foorneem, w. to intend, mean |
Foorneming, sn. intention, purpose |
Fooro'er, bw. forward, bending forward |
Fooroordeel, sn. prejudice |
Foorop, bw. on the fore-part |
Foorouers, sn. ancestors |
Foorpêrd, sn. fore-horse |
Foorpoot, sn. fore-leg |
Foorportaal, sn. porch, hall |
Foorproef, sn. foretaste |
Foorproewer, sn. taster |
Foorraad, sn. provision, stock |
Foorraadhuis, sn. store-house |
Foorraadsolder, sn. granary |
Foorrang, sn. first place |
Foorrede, sn. preface |
Foorreg, sn. priviledge |
Foorreken, w. to sum approve |
Foorry, w. to ride or drive before |
Foorryer, sn. postilion |
Foorset, w. to set before |
Foorsetsel, sn. preposition |
Foorsigtig, bn. careful, cautious |
Foorsigtighyd, sn. carefulness, caution, discretion |
Foorsiin, w. to foresee, to provide |
Foorsing, w. to lead in singing |
Foorsinger, sn. leader in song, precenter |
Foorsinighyd, sn. providence |
Foorsit, w. to preside |
Foorsitter, sn. chairman, president |
Foorsitting, sn. presidency |
Foorskiit, w. to lend, to advance |
Foorskoot, sn. apron |
Foorskrif, sn. copy, prescription |
Foorskrywe, w. to prescribe |
Foorskrywer, sn. prescriber |
Foorslaan, w. to strike |
Foorslag, sn. fore-end of whip |
Foorslaner, sn. striker |
Foorsmaak, sn. foretaste |
Foorsorg, sn. precaution, care |
Foorspeel, w. to play first, lead |
Foorspel, sn. prelude |
Foorspel, w. to predict, presage |
Foorspeler, sn. conductor of musical band |
Foorspeller, sn. predictor, foreteller |
Foorspelling, sn. prediction |
Foorspoed, sn. prosperity |
Foorspoedig, bn. prosperous |
Foorspoedighyd, sn. prosperousness |
Foorspraak, sn. inrecession, advocate |
Foorstaan, w. to maintain, defend |
Foorstad, sn. suburb |
Foorstand, sn. protection |
Foorstander, sn. defender, maintainer |
Foorste, bn. foremost |
Foorsteek, w. to put before |
Foorstel, sn. proposal, problem |
Foorstel, w. to propose, introduce |
Foorsteller, sn. proposer |
Foorstelling, sn. proposal |
Foorstoot, w. to play first |
Foorstoter, sn. first player |
Foorstuk, sn. fore piece |
Foorsê, w. to foretell, predict |
Foorsegger, sn. foreteller |
Foorsegging, sn. prediction |
Foort, bw. forward, on, away |
Foortaan, bw. henceforward |
Foortand, sn. fore-tooth |
Foortbasuin, w. to proclaim |
Foortbreng, w. to produce |
Foortbrenger, sn. producer |
Foortbrenging, sn. production |
Foortbrengsel, sn. product |
Foortduur, w. to continue, last |
Foortdurend, bn. continual |
Foortduring, sn. continuance |
Foorteken, sn. omen, foretoken |
Foortekening, sn. sketch |
Foortel, w. count down |
Foortelling, sn. counting down |
Foortfarend, bn. en bw. hasty -ily |
Foortfarendhyd, sn. hastiness, activity |
Foortgaan, w. to continue, go on |
Foortgang, sn. progress, continuance |
Foorthelp, w. to help, assist |
Foorthelper, sn. helper |
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Foortkanker, w. to corrode |
Foortkom, w. to come forth |
Foortplant, w. to spread |
Foortplanter, sn. propagator |
Foortplanting, sn. propagation |
Foortreffelik, bn. excellent |
Foortreffelikhyd, sn. excellence |
Foortrek, w. to prefer, to give preference |
Foorts, bw. further, moreover |
Foortset, w. to carry on, continue |
Foortsetter, sn. continuer |
Foortsetting, sn. continuation |
Foorspruitsel, sn. result |
Foortsukkel, w. to drudge on |
Foortyds, bn. formerly |
Fooruit, bw. before, beforehand |
Fooruitbestelling, sn. giving orders beforehand |
Fooruitbetaling, sn. payment in advance |
Fooruitgaan, w. to improve, go before, prosper |
Fooruitgang, sn. progress |
Fooruitloop, w. to go before |
Fooruitloper, sn. fore-runner |
Fooruitsig, sn. prospect |
Fooruitsiin, w. to foresee, look forward |
Fooruitspring, w. to project, jump forward |
Foorwaar, bw. indeed, truly |
Foorwaarde, sn. condition, term |
Foorwaardelik, bn. conditional |
Foorwaarts, bn. en bw. forward |
Foorweeg, w. to weigh out |
Foorweging, sn. weighing out |
Foorwende, w. to pretend, feign |
Foorwending, sn. pretending, feigning |
Foorwensel, sn. pretence |
Foorwerp, sn. object, article, subject |
Foorwiil, sn. fore-wheel |
Foorwinter, sn, beginning of winter |
Foos, bn. spongy |
Fooshyd, sn. sponginess |
Fop, w. to cheat |
Foppery, sn. cheating |
Fopping, sn. cheating |
Forder, w. to improve, demand |
Forderaar, sn. claimer |
Fordering, sn. advance, progress |
Forige, bn. former, late |
Form, sn. form, shape |
Form, w. to form, to mould |
Formaat, sn. size |
Formalityt, sn. formality |
Formeel, bn. en bw. formal -ly |
Formeer, w. to form |
Formeliir, sn. formulary |
Formelik, bn. formal |
Formelikhyd, sn. formality |
Formeloos, bn. shapeless |
Former, sn. former, moulder |
Formering, sn. formation |
Forming, sn. formation |
Forseer, w. to compel, force |
Fors, bn. strong, vigorous |
Fors, sn. sovereign, prince |
Forshyd, sn. strength, vigour |
Forstelikhyd, sn. princeliness |
Forstehuis, sn. prince's house |
Forstin, sn. princess |
Fort, sn. fort, fortress |
Fortifikasi, sn. fortification |
Fortuin, sn. fortune |
Fortuinsoeker, sn. fortunehunter |
Fos, sn. fox |
Fotografeer, w. to photograph |
Fotografi, sn. photography |
Fou, w. to fold |
Fou, sn. fold, plaid |
Foubaar, bn. foldable |
Foudeur, sn. folding-door |
Fouer, sn. folder |
Fouery, sn. folding |
Fouing, sn. folding |
Foustoel, sn. folding chair |
Fout, sn. fault, mistake |
Foutji, sn. fee, small fold |
Fra, w. to ask, request, invite |
Fraag, sn. question, request |
Fraagsiik, bn. inquisitive |
Fraagteken, sn. note of interrogation |
Fraai, bn. pretty, fine (ironically) |
Fraaihyd, sn. prettiness |
Fraat, sn. glutton |
Fraatagtig, bn. gluttonous |
Fraatagtighyd, sn. gluttonousness |
Fraatsiik, bn. gluttonous |
Frag, sn. cargo, burden, weight |
Fragbriif, sn. bill of lading |
Frager, sn. inquirer |
Frat, sn. wart |
Fratji, sn. small wart |
Fratse, sn. whims, caprices |
Frede, sn. peace, quiet |
Fredeliwend, bn. peaceable |
Fredeliwendhyd, sn. peaceableness |
Frederegter, sn. justice of peace |
Freedsaam, bn. peaceable |
Freedsaamhyd, sn. peaceableness |
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Freemd, bn. strange, foreign, singular |
Freemdeling, sn. stranger, foreigner |
Freemdelingskap, sn. being a stranger sojourning |
Freemdhyd, sn. strangeness |
Frees, sn. fear, dread |
Frees, w. to fear, dread |
Freesagtig, bn. fearful, timorous |
Freesagtighyd, sn. fearfulness |
Freet, w. to swallow, eat gluttonously |
Freetsak, sn. glutton |
Freetsiik, bn. gluttonous |
Freetsug, sn. gluttony |
Frek, w. to die (vulgar expr.) |
Frek, sn. miser, niggard |
Frekagtig, Frekkig, bn. stingy |
Frekkighyd, sn. stinginess |
Freselik, bn. dreadful, terrible |
Freselikhyd, sn. dreadfulness |
Freter, sn. glutton, eater |
Friis, w. to freeze, curl (hair) |
Friispunt, sn. freezing point |
Frind, Friind, sn. friend, kinsman |
Frindeloos, bn. friendless |
Frindin, Friindin, sn. friend, mistress |
Frindlik, Friindlik, bn. friendly |
Frindlikhyd, Friindlikhyd, sn. friendliness |
Frindskap, sn. friendship, kindness |
Frindskappelik, bn. friendly |
Frindskappelikhyd, sn. friendliness |
Fris, bn. healthy, strong, cool |
Frishyd, sn. freshness |
Froeg, bn. en bw. early, soon |
Froegtydig, bn. en bw. early, premature |
Froetangs, sn. small eatable herb |
Frok, sn. under-vest |
Frolik, bn. merry, gay, cheerful |
Frolikhyd, sn. mirth, gayety |
Frommel, w. to crush, frumble |
Front, sn. front |
Frontiljak, sn. sort grape |
Froom, bn. pious, honest |
Froomhyd, sn. piety, honesty |
Frou, -es en -ens, sn. woman |
Frouelik, bn. female, feminine |
Frouelikhyd, sn. womanliness |
Frug, sn. fruit, child |
Frugbaar, bn. fruitful, fertile |
Frugbaarhyd, sn. fertility |
Frugteboom, sn. fruit-tree |
Frugteloos, bn. fruitless |
Frugtelooshyd, sn. fruitlessness |
Fry, w. to court, woo |
Fry, bn. free, easy, liberal, loose |
Fry-bly, w. to remain free |
Frybriif, sn. passport, indulgence |
Frydag, sn. Friday |
Frydenker, sn. free thinker |
Frydenkery, sn. free thinking |
Frydom, sn. franchise, freedom |
Fryelik, bn. freely |
Fryer, sn. suiter, wooer, lover |
Fryery, sn. courting, wooing |
Frygelaat, bn. emancipated |
Frygelatene, sn. emancipated one |
Fryhou, w. to defray, to pay for |
Fryhuis, sn. asylum |
Fryhyd, sn. freedom, liberty |
Frykom, w. to get free of |
Frykoop, w. to redeem |
Frykoping, sn. redemption |
Frylaat, w. to release |
Frylating, sn. release |
Frymesselaar, sn. free-mason |
Frymesselary, sn. free-masonry |
Frymoedig, bn. free, bold |
Frymoedighyd, sn. boldness, freeness |
Fryplyt, w. to gain the cause of |
Fryplyting, sn. justification |
Frypostig, bn. en bw. bold, impudently |
Frypostighyd, sn. impudence |
Fryspraak, sn. acquittal |
Fryspreek, w. to acquit |
Fryspreker, sn. acquitter |
Fryspreking, sn. acquittal |
Frystel, w. to free, release |
Frysteller, sn. exempter |
Frystelling, sn. freedom, liberation |
Fryster, sn. sweetheart, girl |
Frywillig, bn. en bw. voluntary, free -ly |
Frywilliger, sn. volunteer |
Frywillighyd, sn. voluntariness |
Fuil, bn. dirty, foul, malicious |
Fuilhyd, sn. filth, dirt, malice |
Fuilighyd, sn. lilth, dirt, malice |
Fuilte, sn. foulness |
Fuis, sn, fist, wrist |
Fuisgefeg, sn. boxing |
Fuishandskoen, sn. boxing-glove |
Fuisslag, sn. blow with the fist |
Ful, w. to fill, stuff |
Fuller, sn. filler |
Fulling, sn. filling, stuffing |
Fulsel, sn. stuffing |
Furk, sn. fork, trident |
Furkagtig, bn. furcated |
Fuur, sn. fire, flame, inflammation |
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Furig, bn. en bw. fiery, fervent |
Furighyd, sn. fierceness, redness |
Fuurspuwende-berg, sn. volcano |
Fyand, sn. enemy, foe |
Fyandelik, bn. hostile |
Fyandelikhyd, sn. hostility |
Fyandig, bn. en bw. hostile, envious-ly |
Fyandighyd, sn. enmity |
Fyandskap, sn. enmity |
Fyf, sn. five |
Fyfde, bn. fifth |
Fyfde, sn. fifth part |
Fyfmaal, bw. five times |
Fyftiin, sn. fifteen |
Fyftig, tw. fifty |
Fyftigste, bn. fiftieth |
Fyftiinde, bn. fifteenth |
Fyg, sn. fig |
Fygeboom, sn. fig-tree |
Fygemelk, sn. fig milk |
Fyl, w. to file, scrub |
Fyl, sn. file |
Fylbaar, bn. fallible, saleable |
Fylbaarhyd, sn. fallibility |
Fylig, bn. safe, secure |
Fylighyd, sn. safety, security |
Fyling, sn. auction, filing |
Fyn, bn, fine, delicate, refined |
Fynhyd, sn. delicacy, purity |
Fysel, sn. mortar |
Fyselstamper, sn. pestle |
Fyt, sn. fact, whitlow |
Fytelik, bn. really |
Fywer, sn. pond, fish pond |