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Ba, w. to kiss (nursery term) |
Baai, sn. bay |
Baai, w. to bathe |
Baal, sn. bale |
Baan, sn. path, way, breadth |
Baan, w. to level, to pave |
Baan-skop, w. create a tumult |
Baar, w. to give birth, to bring forth |
Baar, sn. wave |
Baar, bn. unskilled, untrained (reverse of Oorlam) |
Baard, sn. beard, whiskers |
Baardeloos, bn. beardless |
Baardelooshyd, sn. beardlessness |
Baardkoring, sn. bearded wheat |
Baardskeerder, sn. barber |
Baarmoeder, sn. womb, matrix |
Baas, sn. master, fore-man |
Baasskap, sn. foremanship |
Baat, sn. profit, gain, benefit, advantage |
Baat, w. to avail, be of use |
Baatsug, sn. selfishness, covetousness |
Baatsigtig, bn. selfish, covetous |
Baatsugtighyd, sn. selfishness |
Babbel, w. to chatter, to babble |
Babbelaar, sn. babbler, tattler |
Babbelagtig, bn. talkative |
Babbelagtigheid, sn. talkativeness |
Babbelary, sn. babbling |
Babbelkous, sn. babbler, tattler |
Babeljoentjii, sn. cover of a bed |
Babetji, sn. E. baby |
Bad, sn. bath |
Badshuis, sn. bathroom |
Badskamer, sn. bathroom |
Bafta-blou, bn. blue |
Bagasi, sn. baggage, luggage |
Baing (banja) bw. much, many |
Bajonet, sn. bayonet |
Bak, w. to bake, to fry |
Bak, sn. bowl, pan basin |
Baken, sn. beacon |
Baken, w. to erect beacons |
Baker, w. to swaddle, to swathe |
Bak-kar, sn. scotch cart |
Bakker, sn. baker |
Bakkery, sn. bakery |
Bakketel, sn. trifle |
Bakkiis, sn. face, (vulgar epxression) |
Kakkiispomp, sn. water lift with buckets |
Bakkiis-trek, sn. a game |
Bakkis, sn. baker's trough |
Bakkly, w. to fight |
Bakklyslag, sn. a fight |
Bak-oond, sn. oven |
Bak-ore, sn. misshaped ears |
Baksel, sn. baking, batch |
Baksteen, sn. brick |
Baksteen-formery, sn. brickmaking, brick yard |
Baksteen-oond, sn. brick kiln |
Bal, sn. ball |
Balans, sn. balance, balance sheet |
Balanseer, w. to balance |
Baldadig, bn. wanton, foolish |
Baldadighyd, sn. wantonness, foolishness |
Balderja, sn. medicinary herb |
Bali, sn. tub, bar |
Baljaar, w. to play noisily |
Balju, sn. bailiff |
Balk, sn. beam, bar, rafter |
Balkon, sn. balcony |
Bal-krans, sn. a game |
Ballas, sn. burden, charge |
Ballingskap, sn. exile, banishment |
Balruiter, sn. a game |
Balsem, sn. balm, balsam |
Balsem, w. to embalm |
Balseming, sn. embalming |
Balsemini, sn. balsam (flower) |
Bal-slaan, sn. a game |
Bal-spel, sn. tennis |
Balsturig, bn. obstinate, cross |
Balsturighyd, sn. obstinacy |
Balyn, sn. whalebone |
Bambari (bombari), sn. tumult |
Bamboes, sn. bamboo |
Ban, w. to punish children by local arrest |
Ban, sn. banishment, excommunication |
Band, sn. band, tie, string, cord, hoop binding |
Bandeliir, sn. bandoleer |
Bandiit, sn. convict |
Bang, bn. afraid, timorous |
Bangbroek, sn. coward |
Banghyd, sn. fearfulness, anxiety |
Baniir, sn. banner, standard |
Bank, sn. bench, pew, bank, shelf |
Bankbreuk, sn. fall of a bank |
Banket, sn. sweetmeats, conglomer |
Banki, sn. small bench |
Bankiir, sn. banker |
Banknoot, sn. banknote |
Bankroet, bn. bankrupt |
Bankroetskap, sn. bankruptcy |
Banneling, sn. exile |
Banning, sn. banishment, exile |
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Barbaar, sn. barbarian |
Barbaars, bn. barbarous |
Barbaarshyd, sn. barbarity |
Barbiir-spel, sn. a game |
Barlewiit, sn. barley-wheat |
Barmhartig, bn. merciful |
Barmhartighyd, sn. mercy |
Baroe, sn. eatable root |
Barometer, sn. barometer |
Baron, sn. baron |
Barones, sn. baroness |
Bars, sn. crack, burst |
Bars, w. to crack, to burst |
Bas, sn. base, bass, bark, rind, shell |
Basaar, sn. bazaar |
Bas-boom, sn. bark-tree (used for tanning) |
Bas-snaar, sn. Bass-string |
Basta, It., uw. basta! stop! enough! |
Bas-stem, sn. bass-voice |
Baster, sn. cross breed, illegitimate child |
Basuin, sn. trumpet |
Basuin, w. to trumpet, sound the trumpet |
Bate en laste, sn. assets and liabilities |
Batji, sn. coat, jacket |
Battery, sn. battery |
Bawer, sn. baber (a fish) |
Be-aam, w. to assent, to approve |
Be-ampte, sn. official, officer |
Be-angs, bn. anxious, uneasy, troubled |
Be-antwoord, w. to answer, reply |
Be-antwoording, sn. answer |
Be-arby, w. to work at, cultivate, till |
Be-arbyding, sn. cultivation |
Bebloed, bn. bloody, gore |
Bebloed, w. to stain with blood |
Beboet, w. to fine, mulet |
Bebou, w. to build upon |
Beboubaar, bn. fit for building |
Bebroeide-y'er, a flower, sn. chinese lantern |
Bed, sn. bed. |
Bedaagd, bn. aged, old |
Bedaar, w. to compose, to calm |
Bedaard, bn. composed, sedate, calm |
Bedaardhyd, sn. calmness, sedateness |
Bedagsaam, bn. considerate |
Bedagsaamhyd, sn. circumspection |
Bedagt, bn. mindful, careful, attentive |
Bedank, w. to thank, refuse, dismiss |
Bedanking, sn. thanking, refusal, dismissal |
Beddegoed, sn. bedding |
Bede, sn. prayer, petition, request |
Bedeesd, bn. timid, confused, bashful |
Bedeesdhyd, sn. timidity, confusion |
Bedefaart, sn. pilgrimage |
Bedek, w. to cover, to conceal, to hide |
Bedekking, sn. covering, escort |
Bedeksel, sn. covering |
Bedel, w. to beg, to implore |
Bedelaar, sn. beggar |
Bedelary, sn. beggary, begging |
Bedenk, w. to consider, to weigh |
Bedenkelik, bn. dangerous, risky |
Bedenking, sn. reflection, consideration |
Bederf, sn. corruption, spoiling |
Bederfelik, bn. corruptible |
Bederfelikhyd, sn. corruptibility |
Bederwe, w. to corrupt, decay |
Bederwer, sn. spoiler, seducer |
Bederwing, sn. corruption |
Bediin, w. to serve, to wait upon |
Bediinde, sn. servant, waiter |
Bedinaar, sn. minister |
Bedining, sn. service, employment |
Bedlegerig, bn. bedrid, bedridden |
Bedoel, w. to aim at, to mean |
Bedoelings, sn. aim, design, intention |
Bedompig, bn. close, sultry, damp |
Bedompighyd, sn. closeness, heaviness |
Bedorwe, bn. spoiled, corrupted |
Bedraag, w. to amount to |
Bedrag, sn. amount |
Bedriig, w. to deceive, cheat, trick |
Bedriiglik, bn. deceitful, |
Bedriiglikhyd, sn. deceit, fraud |
Bedriger, sn. deceiver, imposter, cheat |
Bedrigery, sn. deceit, sham |
Bedroefd, bn. sad, sorrowful |
Bedroefdhyd, sn. sorrow, sadness, grief |
Bedroewe, w. to grieve, to afflict |
Bedrog, sn. cheat, deception, sham |
Bedrukt, bn. sad, dejected, afflicted |
Bedrukthyd, sn. sadness, sorrow |
Bedryf, sn. action, business, trade |
Bedryg, w. to threaten, to menace |
Bedryging, sn. threat, menace |
Bedrywig, bn. active, busy |
Bedrywigheid, sn. activity, haste |
Bedug, bn. afraid, apprehensive |
Bedugtheid, sn. fear, apprehension |
Bedui, w. to signify, imply, mean, show |
Beduidenis, sn. signification, meaning |
Beduiding, sn. indication, signification |
Beduiweld, bn. possessed by an evil spirit |
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Bedwelmd, bn. perplexed, giddy, intoxicated |
Bedwelming, sn. stunning, benumbment |
Bedwing, w. to constrain, subdue, check |
Bedwinger, sn. subduer, constrainer |
Be'edig, w. to swear, confirm by oath |
Be'edigd, bn. confirmed by oath |
Beek, sn. brook, rivulet, rill |
Beeld, sn. image, statue, figure, type, idea, portrait |
Beeldelik, bn. figurative, metaphorical |
Beelderig, bn. beautiful, plastic, nice |
Beeldgiter, sn. founder of statues |
Beeldhou, w. to sculpture, to carve |
Beelhouer, sn. sculptor, statuary |
Beeldhouery, sn. statuary's workshop |
Beeldhoukuns, sn. sculpture |
Beeldspraak, sn. figurative language, metaphor |
Beeltenis, sn. image, likeness, effigy |
Been, sn. bone, leg, shank |
Beenagtig, bn. bony |
Beenloos, bn. boneless |
Beentji, sn. small bone, ossicle |
Beer, sn. bear, boar |
Be'erwe, w. to inherit |
Bees, sn. beast, brute |
Beesagtig, bn. beastly, brutal |
Beesagtighyd, sn. beastliness, brutality |
Beeste, sn. cattle |
Beet, sn. beet-root |
Beet, bw. caught, hit |
Bef, sn. band |
Befaar, w. to navigate |
Befaarbaar, bn. navigable |
Befal, w. to be please confined |
Befallig, bn. charming, pleasing |
Befallighyd, sn. charm, grace |
Befalling, sn. confinement, delivery |
Befaring, sn. navigation |
Befat, w. to comprise, contain |
Befattelik, bn. intelligent, clear |
Befattelikhyd, sn. intelligence |
Befatting, sn. comprehension |
Befattingsfermoge, sn. comprehension |
Befdra'er, sn. clergyman |
Befeel, w. to command, order |
Befég, w. to combat, to fight |
Befégter, sn. fighter, champion |
Befél, sn. order, command |
Befelfoerder, sn. commander |
Befelhebber, sn. commander |
Bevelhebberskap, sn. command |
Beféling, sn. ordering |
Befestig, w. to confirm, affirm |
Befestigend, bn. affirmative |
Befestiging, sn. confirmation |
Befinde, w. to find, experience |
Befinding, sn. experience |
Beflek, w. to stain, pollute |
Beflekking, sn. staining, pollution |
Befleugel, w. to wing |
Befoegd, bn. competent, able, fit |
Befoegdhyd, sn. competence |
Befoel, w. to feel, handle |
Befoeling, sn. feeling, touching |
Befolk, w. to people |
Befolking, sn. population |
Befoordeel, w. to favour, advantage |
Befoordeling, sn. favouring |
Befooroordeeld, bn. prejudiced |
Befoorreg, w. to privilege |
Befoorregting, sn. privileging |
Beforder, w. to promote, advance further |
Beforderaar, sn. promoter |
Befordering, sn. promotion, advancement |
Beforderlik, bn. conducive, profitable |
Befredig, w. to content, to satisfy |
Befredigend, bn. satisfactory, gratifying |
Befrediging, sn. satisfying, satisfaction |
Befreem, w. to surprise, amaze |
Befreesd, bn. afraid, fearful |
Befreesdhyd, sn. fear, anxiety |
Befrind, bn. intimate |
Befrindhyd, sn. being on good terms |
Befrug, w. to fructify |
Befrug, bn. fructified, pregnant |
Befry, w. to free, deliver |
Befryer, sn. deliverer |
Befryding, sn. deliverance |
Befuil, w. to dirty, soil, foul |
Befuiling, sn. dirtying |
Befylig, w. to secure, shelter |
Befyliger, sn. protector |
Befyliging, sn. shelter, cover |
Begaafd, bn. gifted, endowed, talented |
Begaafdhyd, sn. endowment, abilities |
Begaan, w. to walk upon, perpetrate |
Begaan, bn. anxious, sorry, concerned |
Begaanbaar, bn. passable |
Begeer, w. to desire, wish for, covet, demand |
Begeerlik, bn. desirable, eager |
Begeerlikhyd, sn. desirableness, greediness |
Begeerte, sn. desire, wish, pleasure |
Begely, w. to accompany, escort |
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Begelyder, sn. companion, guide |
Begelyding, sn. accompaniment, guidance |
Begenadig w. to pardon, to reprieve |
Begenadiging, sn. pardon, reprieve |
Begerig bn. desirous, greedy, covetous |
Begerighyd, sn. greediness, longing |
Begewe, w. to forsake, leave, dispose of, abandon |
Begiit, w. to water, to irrigate |
Begin, sn. beginning |
Begin, w. to begin |
Beginner, sn. beginner, novice |
Beginsel, sn. principle, element |
Beginselloos, bn. unprincipled |
Beginselloosheid, sn. unprincipledness |
Begiting, sn. watering |
Begogel, w. to charm, to enchant |
Begogeling, sn. charm, enchantment |
Begraafplaas, sn. grave-yard |
Begrafenis, sn. funeral, burial |
Begrawe, w. to bury, to inter |
Begrawer, sn. burier |
Begrens, w. to limit |
Begrensd, bn. limited, bounded |
Begrensdhyd, sn. limitedness |
Begrensing, sn. limitation |
Begrip, sn. idea, conception, notion |
Begroei, w. to overgrow |
Begroeid, bn. overgrown |
Begroet, w. to salute, greet |
Begroeting, sn. salutation, greeting |
Begryp, w. to comprehend, conceive |
Begrypelik, bn. comprehensible |
Begrypelikhyd, sn. intellegibility |
Begunstig, w. to favour, aid |
Begunstiger, sn. favourer, abettor, patron |
Begunstiging, sn. favour, abetment |
Behaag, w. to please, like |
Behaaglik, bn. pleasant, agreeable |
Behaaglikhyd, sn. pleasantness, agreeableness |
Behaal, w. to get, obtain, win |
Behaling, sn. obtainment, gaining |
Behalwe, fs. en bw. except, safe, besides |
Behandel, w. to handle, treat, deal with |
Behandeling, sn. treatment, attention |
Behang, w. to hang, (with) |
Behanger, sn. upholsterer |
Behangsel, sn. paper, tapestry, hangings |
Behartig, w. to take care of, take to heart |
Behartiging, sn. attention, care |
Beheer, sn. management, administration |
Beheer, w. to manage, to direct |
Beheerder, sn. manager, director |
Beheers, w. rule, govern, command |
Beheerser, sn. ruler, governor, monarch |
Beheersing, sn. government, command |
Behelp, w. to resort to |
Behels, w. to contain |
Behendig, bn. dexterous, handy, skilful |
Behendighyd, sn. dexterity, skill |
Behoed, w. to guard, to defend |
Behoeder, sn. preserver |
Behoeding, sn. protection, preservation |
Behoedmiddel, sn. preservative |
Behoedsaamhyd, sn. prudence, caution |
Behoef, w. to want, need, require |
Behoefte, sn. want, need |
Behoeftig, bn. indigent, needy, poor |
Behoeftighyd, sn. indigence, penury |
Behoor, w. to be fit, ought, belong |
Behoorlik, bn. en bw. becoming, fit, proper, due, duly |
Behoorlikhyd, sn. suitableness, fitness |
Behou, w. to keep, to preserve, to save |
Behoud, sn. safety, salvation, conservation |
Behoudenis, sn. safety, salvation, conservation |
Behulp, sn. with the help of, by means of |
Behulpsaam, bn. helpful, officious |
Behulpsaamhyd, sn. readiness for help, officiousness |
Bejaard, bn. aged, old |
Bejaardhyd, sn. old age, decline |
Bejammer, w. to pity, to bewail |
Bek, sn. beak, snout, socket, entrance |
Bekeer, w. to convert |
Bekèn, w. to confess, own, admit |
Bekend, bn. known, acquainted |
Bekende, sn. acquantance |
Bekendhyd, sn. acquaintance, notoriety |
Bekendmaking, sn. announcement, publication |
Bekèntenis, sn. confession, avowal |
Béker, sn. goblet, jug, mug, chalice |
Bekéring, sn. conversion |
Beklaag, w. to lament, deplore, pity |
Beklaagde, sn. accused, defendant |
Beklaaglik, bn. deplorable |
Beklaaglikhyd, sn. deplorableness |
Beklad, w. to blot, stain, sully |
Bekladding, sn. staining |
Beklag, sn. complaint |
Beklag, sn. complaint |
Beklé, w. to clothe, array, fill |
Bekléder, sn. coverer, clother, invester |
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Bekléding, sn. clothing, arrayment, investment |
Bekleedsel, sn. covering, wrapper |
Beklem, w. to pinch, to press |
Beklim, w. to climb, mount, ascend |
Beklimmer, sn. climber, scaler |
Beklimming, sn. climbing, ascent |
Beklouter, w. to clamber up |
Beknel, w. to pinch, to perplex |
Bekneldhyd, sn. perplexity, anxiety |
Beknopt, bn. concise, brief, small |
Beknopthyd, sn. conciseness |
Beknor, w. to chide, scold |
Beknorring, sn. scolding |
Bekom, w. to get, obtain, recover |
Bekoming, sn. obtaining, recovery |
Bekommer, w. to trouble, vex |
Bekommerd, bn. concerned, anxious |
Bekommerdhyd, sn. anxiety, concern |
Bekommernis, sn. trouble, anxiety, sorrow |
Bekoms, sn. sufficiency, satiety |
Bekoor, w. to charm, fascinate |
Bekoorlik, bn. charming, enchanting |
Bekoorlikhyd, sn. charm, attraction, allurement |
Bekoring, sn. charm, temptation |
Bekort, w. to shorten, abridge |
Bekorting, sn. shortening, abridgement |
Bekostig, w. to defray |
Bekostiging, sn. charge, defrayment |
Bekragtig, w. to confirm, ratify, sanction |
Bekragtiging, sn. confirmation, saction |
Bekrans, w. to crown with flowers, wreath |
Bekrompe, bn. scanty, narrow-minded |
Bekrompenhyd, sn. pettiness, narrow-mindedness |
Bekroning, sn. coronation, crowning |
Bekroon, w. to crown, award a price |
Bekruip, w. to creep upon, surprise |
Bekruiping, sn. creeping, surprising |
Bekwaam, bn. capable, proper, fit, able |
Bekwaamhyd, sn. ability, fitness, capacity |
Bekyk, w. to look at, to view |
Bel, sn. clapper, bubble |
Belaglik, bn. ridiculous |
Belaglikhyd, sn. ridiculousness |
Belaai, w. to load, to freight |
Beland, w. to land, to arrive |
Belang, sn. interest, concern, importance |
Belangeloos, bn. disinterested |
Belangelooshyd, sn. disinterestedness |
Belanghebbende, sn. party concerned |
Belanghebber, sn. participant |
Belangrik, bn. important |
Belangrikhyd, sn. importance |
Belangstellend, bn. en bw. taking interest |
Belangstelling, sn. interest |
Belas, w. to charge, burden, order |
Belasbaar, bn. rateable, taxable |
Belasbaarhyd, sn. taxability |
Belaster, w. to slander, calumniate |
Belasteraar, sn. slanderer |
Belastering, sn. calumniation |
Belasting, sn. burden, tax, charge |
Belastingwet, sn. fiscal law |
Belédig, w. to insult, offend, wrong |
Belédigde, sn. injured party |
Belédigend, bn. offensive, injurious |
Belédiger, sn. offender |
Belédiging, sn. insult, offence, injury |
Beleefd, bn. polite, civil, courteous, obliging |
Beleefdhyd, sn. politeness, civility |
Belég, sn. siege |
Belég, w. to cover, overlay, floor |
Beléger, w. to besiege |
Belégeraar, sn. besieger |
Belégering, sn. siege |
Belégsel, sn. trimmings, lace, edging |
Belemmer, w. to hinder, impede |
Belemmering, sn. hindrance, impediment |
Belét, w. to prevent, hinder, oppose |
Beletsel, sn. hindrance, obstacle |
Beletting, sn. hindering |
Beléwe, w. to live, to see, witness, experience |
Belhamel, sn. ringleader |
Beliggaam, w. to embody |
Beliggaming, sn. embodiment |
Beliif, w. to please, gratify, oblige |
Beliig, w. to belie |
Beloer, w. to watch, spy, peep |
Beloerder, sn. spy |
Beloering, sn. spying |
Belofte, sn. promise |
Beloner, sn. rewarder |
Beloning, sn. reward, recompence |
Beloon, w. to reward, recompense |
Beloop, sn. course, way, shape, form |
Beloop, w. to reach, overtake |
Belowe, w. to promise |
Belower, sn. promiser |
Belroos, sn. erysipelas |
Bels, sn. medicinary herb |
Beluister, w. to overhear |
Beluistering, sn. eavesdropping, overhearing |
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Belust, bn. longing |
Belusthyd, sn. longing |
Bely, w. to confess, profess, avow |
Belyd, sn. tact, skill, prudence |
Belydenis, sn. confession, avowal |
Belyder, sn. confessor, professor |
Belym, w. to glue |
Bemagtig, w. to conquer, take |
Bemagtiging, sn. seizure |
Beman, w. to man |
Bemanning, sn. crew |
Bemantel, w. to cloak, mask, veil |
Bemanteling, sn. veiling, palliation |
Bemerk, w. to perceive, discover, observe |
Bemerkbaar, bn. perceivable, observable |
Bemerkbaarhyd, sn. perceptibility |
Bemerking, sn. observation, remark |
Bemest, w. to manure |
Bemesting, sn. manuring |
Bemiddel, w. to mediate, settle |
Bemiddelaar, sn. mediator, arbitrator |
Bemiddeld, bn. well off |
Bemin, w. to love, be fond of |
Bemind, bn. loved, beloved |
Beminde, sn. lover, lady, sweetheart |
Beminlik, bn. lovely, amiable, sweet |
Beminlikhyd, sn. sweetness, loveliness |
Beminnaar, sn. lover, amateur |
Bemodder, w. to cover with mud |
Bemoddering, sn. bemiring |
Bemoedig, w. to encourage, animate |
Bemoedigend, bn. encouraging |
Bemoediging, sn. encouragement |
Bemoei, w. to meddle with, interfere |
Bemoeiing, sn. meddling, trouble |
Bemoeisiek, bn. meddlesome |
Bemoeisug, sn. meddlesomeness |
Bemors, w. to soil, to dirty |
Bemorsing, sn. dirtying |
Bemuring, sn. walling |
Bemuur, w. to wall, to mure |
Bemuur, bn. walled |
Benaai, w. to sew, stitch |
Benaarstig, w. to endeavour |
Benadeel, w. to hurt, prejudice, injure |
Benadeling, sn. prejudice |
Benaming, sn. denomination |
Bende, sn. band, troop, company, crew |
Beneem, w. to deprive, take away from |
Benerig, bn. bony |
Benoem, w. to name, nominate |
Benoemde, sn. appointed, nominee |
Benoeming, sn. nomination, appointment |
Benodig, bn. wanted, required, necessary |
Benodighyd, sn. want, necessity |
Benoud, bn. anxious, afraid, oppressed |
Benoude-siikte, sn. croup |
Benoudhyd, sn. anxiety, uneasiness |
Beny, w. to envy, to grudge |
Benyder, sn. jealous person, envier |
Benyding, sn. envy, jealousy |
Beoefen, w. to study, cultivate, practise |
Beoefenaar, sn. student, practitioner |
Beoefening, sn. study, practice |
Beoog, w. to aim at, have in view |
Beoordeel, w. to judge, criticise |
Beoordelaar, sn. judge, critic |
Beoordeling, sn. judgement, criticism |
Bepaal, w. to limit, define, fix, appoint |
Bepaald, bn. fixed, definite, positive |
Bepaald, bw. certainly |
Bepaaldhyd, sn. distinctness |
Bepalend, bn. definite, determinate |
Bepaling, sn. limitation, determination |
Beperk, w. to limit, bound |
Beperking, sn. limitation |
Beperkt, bn. limited |
Beperkthyd, sn. limitedness |
Bepik, w. to pitch |
Beplak, w. to paste on |
Beplant, w. to plant |
Beplanting, sn. planting |
Beploeg, w. to plough |
Beploeging, sn. ploughing |
Beplyster, w. to plaster over |
Beplyt, w. to plead |
Beplyting, sn. pleading |
Bepraat, w. to persuade, coax |
Beprater, sn. coaxer, persuader |
Beprating, sn. persuasion |
Beproef (beproewe), w. to try |
Beproefde, bn. tried |
Beproewing, sn. trial |
Bepyns, w. to meditate, muse upon, consider |
Bepynsing, sn. meditation, musing |
Beraad, sn. consideration, deliberation |
Beraadslaag, w. to debate, consult |
Beraadslaging, sn. consultation |
Beraam, w. to frame, contrive, calculate |
Berade, bn. deliberate, well-advised, circumspect |
Beradenhyd, sn. resoluteness, deliberateness |
Beraming, sn. contrivance, calculation |
Beredeneer, w. to discuss |
Bereken, w. to calculate, charge |
Berekening, sn. calculation |
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| |
Berg, sn. mountain, difficulty |
Berg-af, bn. downhill |
Bergagtig, bn. mountainous |
Bergagtighyd, sn. mountaniousness |
Bergbewoner, sn. mountaineer, highlander |
Berge, w. to save, hide, put aside, put by |
Bergengte, sn. pass |
Berghaan, sn. bird of prey |
Berghaas, sn. mountain hare |
Berghelling, sn. slope of a mountain |
Bergketen, sn. chain of mountain |
Berg-op, bn. up hill |
Berig, sn. report, information |
Berig, w. to inform of, send word |
Beriggewer, sn. informant, correspondent |
Berispe, w. to blame, reprove, rebuke |
Berispelik, bn. censurable |
Berispelikhyd, sn. censurableness |
Berisping, sn. rebuke, reproof |
Beroem, w. to boast, glory in |
Beroemd, bn. famous, renowned, illustrious |
Beroemdhyd, sn. fame, renown |
Beroeming, sn. boasting |
Beroep, sn. profession, trade, vocation |
Beroep, w. to call, appoint |
Beroeping, sn. calling, appointment |
Beroer, w. to disturb, stir, trouble |
Beroerd, bn. miserable, pitiful |
Beroerder, sn. disturber |
Beroerdhyd, sn. disturbance, miserableness |
Beroering, sn. commotion, disturbance |
Beroerte, sn. apoplexy, tumult, disturbance |
Beroerteagtig, bn. paralytic |
Beroking, sn. fumigation, gassing |
Berokken, w. to cause, create |
Beroof, (Berowe), w. to deprive, bereave |
Beroofd, bn. deprived, robbed |
Berook, w. to fumigate, smoke, gas |
Berou, sn. repentance, contrition, remorse |
Berou, w. to repent, grieve at, regret |
Berower, sn. depriver, depredator |
Berowing, sn. privation, robbing, plundering |
Berugte, bn. notorious, famous |
Berugthyd, sn. notoriety |
Beruik, w. to smell |
Berus, w. to rely, depend, rest |
Berusting, sn. submission, resignation |
Bery, w. to prepare, ride |
Beryd, bn. ready, prepared, willing |
Beryding, sn. preparation |
Berydwillig, bn. ready, willing, officious |
Berydwillighyd, sn. readiness, willingness |
Beryk, sn. reach, power, ability |
Beryk, w. to reach, attain, arrive at |
Berykbaar, bn. attainable |
Berykbaarhyed, sn. attainability |
Berym, w. to rhyme |
Berymer, sn. rhymer |
Beryming, sn. putting into rhyme |
Berys, w. to travel over, frequent |
Bes, sn. berry |
Besaai, w. to sow |
Besaai'ing, sn. sowing |
Besadigde, bn. sedate, calm |
Besadighyd, sn. calmness |
Beseer, w. to wound, hurt |
Besef, sn. sense, conception, notion |
Besef, w. to conceive, perceive |
Beseffeloos, bn. senseless, idiotic |
Beseffelooshyd, sn. senselessness, idiotism |
Besegeling, sn. sealing |
Bésem, sn. broom |
Bésem-skoon, bn. swept out |
Bésem-stok, sn. broom stick |
Besending, sn. consignment |
Beséring, sn. hurting |
Besét, w. to occupy |
Besét, bn. pregnant |
Besète, bn. possessed |
Besétene, sn. demoniac |
Besetenhyd, sn. being possessed |
Besetting, sn. occupation, garrison |
Besig, bn. busy |
Besig, w. to use, employ |
Besighyd, sn. business |
Besigtig, w. to view, inspect |
Besigtiging, sn. inspection |
Besiil, w. to animate, inspire |
Besiild, bn. inspired |
Besiin, w. to see, view, behold |
Besiling, sn. animation, inspiration |
Besin, w. to consider, reflect |
Besing, w. to sing, celebrate |
Besit, w. to possess |
Besit, sn. possession |
Besittelik, bn. possessive |
Besitter, sn. owner |
Beskaafd, bn. civilized, polite, polished |
Beskaafdhyd, sn. civility, culture |
Beskaam, w. to put to shame |
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Beskaamd, bn. ashamed, bashful |
Beskaamdhyd, sn. shame, bashfulness, coyness |
Beskaamte, sn. privy parts |
Beskadig, w. to damage, hurt, impair |
Beskadigde, bn. damaged |
Beskadiging, sn. damage, scathe |
Beskaduw, w. to shade, eclipse |
Beskaduwing, sn. overshadowing |
Beskamer, sn. mortifier, baffler |
Beskaming, sn. mortification |
Beskans, w. to intrench, fortify |
Beskansing, sn. intrenchment |
Beskawing, sn. civilization, revision |
Beskeer, w. to shave, shear |
Beskemer, w. to throw a faint light upon |
Beskender, w. to villify, slander |
Beskenk, w. to endow, bestow |
Beskerm, w. to protect, defend, secure from |
Beskermeling, sn. protégé |
Beskerm-engel, sn. guardian angel |
Beskermer, sn. protector, defender |
Beskerming, sn. protection, defence |
Beskiit, w. to canonade, fire upon, bombard |
Beskik, w. to manage, arrange, order |
Beskikbaar, bn. disposable |
Beskikker, sn. manager, disposer, procurer |
Beskikking, sn. disposition |
Beskilder, w. to paint |
Beskildering, sn. painting |
Beskimmel, w. to grow mouldy |
Beskimmeld, bn. mouldy, shy, bashful |
Beskimmelhyd, sn. mouldiness, bashfulness |
Beskimmeling, sn. growing mouldy |
Beskimp, w. to jeer, mock, insult |
Beskimper, sn. disgracer, jeerer, mocker |
Beskimping, sn. jeer, mock, abuse |
Beskiting, sn. firing, wainscoting, bombardment |
Beskonke, bn. intoxicated, tipsy |
Beskonkenhyd, sn. drunkenness, tipsiness |
Beskot, sn. partition |
Beskotwerk, sn. wainscoting |
Beskou, w. to contemplate, consider, view |
Beskouer, sn. spectator |
Beskouing, sn. contemplation |
Beskroomd, bn. timid, bashful |
Beskroomdhyd, sn. timidity |
Beskrywe, w. to describe, write |
Beskrywer, sn. describer, writer |
Beskrywing, sn. description |
Beskuit, sn. biscuit |
Beskuldig, w. to accuse, blame, charge |
Beskuldigde, sn. accused, defendant |
Beskuldiger, sn. accuser, plaintiff |
Beskuldiging, sn. accusation |
Beskut, w. to protect, shelter |
Beskutter, sn. protector, defender |
Beskutting, sn. protection, defence |
Beskydenhyd, sn. discretion, modesty |
Beskye, bn. modest, discreet |
Beskyn, w. to shine on or upon |
Beskyning, sn. shining |
Beslaan, w. to cover, shoe (a horse) |
Beslag, sn. seizure, bands, hoops |
Beslaglêer, sn. seizor |
Beslaglegging, sn. seizure |
Beslagna'el, sn. stud |
Beslaner, sn. shoer |
Beslis, w. to decide |
Beslissend, bn. decisive, final, positive |
Beslissing, sn. decision |
Beslommer, w. to bother, embroil |
Beslommering, sn. encumbrance, trouble, care |
Besluit, sn. resolution, conclusion, decision |
Besluit, w. to resolve, conclude, decide |
Besluiteloos, bn. irresolute, undecided |
Besluitelooshyd, sn. irresolution, indecision |
Besluiting, sn. conclusion |
Beslyk, w. to bemire, dirty |
Beslykte, bn. dirty, muddy |
Beslyp, w. to grind |
Besmeer, w. to besmear, grease, dirty |
Besmeerder, sn. one who smears |
Besmering, sn. smearing |
Besmet, w. to infect, pollute, stain |
Besmettelik, bn. infectious, catching |
Besmettelikhyd, sn. infectiousness |
Besmetter, sn. infector |
Besmetting, sn. infection, contagion |
Besnoei, w. to prune, curtail, cliplessen |
Besnoeibaar, bn. fit to be curtailed |
Besnoeier, sn. topper, clipper |
Besnoei'ing, sn. curtailment, clipping |
Besnuffel, w. to smell at, pry in |
Besnuffeling, sn. snuffling |
Besny, w. to circumcise, cut, carve |
Besnydenis, (Besnyding), sn. circumsision |
Besnyder, sn. circumciser |
Besoedel, w. to dirty soil |
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Besoedeling, sn. dirt, pollution |
Besoek, sn. visit, call, company |
Besoek, w. to visit, call upon |
Besoeker, sn. visitor, guest |
Besoeking, sn. visit, trial |
Besondig, w. to sin |
Besope, bn. drunk |
Besopenhyd, sn. drunkenness |
Besorg, w. to mind, take care of |
Besorgd, bn. anxious |
Besorgdhyd, sn. anxiety, solicitude |
Bespaar, w. to spare, economize, save |
Bespan, w. to put to harness |
Bespanning, sn. team, set |
Besparing, sn. saving |
Bespat, w. to spatter, splash with mud |
Bespeler, sn. player |
Bespeling, sn. playing on |
Bespeul, w. to play on |
Bespeur, w. to perceive, discover |
Bespeurder, sn. perceiver |
Bespeuring, sn. perception |
Bespide, w. to spy, watch |
Bespider, sn. spy, emissary, detective |
Bespiding, sn. spying, espionage |
Bespigel, w, to expose to a mirror |
Bespigelend, bn. contemplating |
Bespigeling, sn. contemplation, speculation |
Bespikkel, w. to speckle |
Bespikkeling, sn. speckling |
Bespit, w. to dig |
Bespoel, w. to wash |
Bespoeling, sn. washing |
Bespot, w. to mock at, deride |
Bespottelik, bn. ridiculous |
Bespottelikhyd, sn. ridiculousness |
Bespotter, sn. mocker, derider |
Bespotting, sn. mockery |
Bespreek, w. to secure, bespeak, discuss, exorcise, stipulate |
Bespreking, sn. conference, discussion, exorcism |
Bespreng, w. to sprinkle, strew |
Besprenging, sn. sprinkling |
Bespring, w. to leap upon, attack |
Bespringing, sn. assault, attack |
Besproei, w. to water, irrigate |
Besproeier, sn. waterer |
Besproeiing, sn. watering, irrigation |
Bespuit, w. to squirt, syringe, spray |
Bespuiting, sn. spraying, syringing |
Bespuw, w. to bespit, spit upon |
Bespuwing, sn. spitting upon |
Bestaan, w. to exist, live |
Bestaan, sn. existence, livelihood, subsistence |
Bestaanbaar, bn. possible, consistent |
Bestaanbaarhyd, sn. possibility, consistency |
Bestand, bn. proof, able fit, capable |
Bestanddeel, sn. part, element |
Beste, bn. (o'ertr. trap fan goed) best, excellent |
Besté, w. to spend, to lay out |
Besteding, sn. spending |
Besteed, bn. spent |
Besteel, w. to rob, pilfer |
Bestek, sn. space, compass, plan, draught |
Bestél, sn. management, arrangement |
Bestél, w. to arrange, order, manage, appoint |
Bestéling, sn. robbing |
Bestéller, sn. carrier, postman |
Bestelling, sn. order, commission, arrangement |
Bestem, w. to destine, |
Bestemd, bn. destined |
Bestempel, w. to name, style |
Bestempeling, sn. stamping, name |
Bestendig, bn. steady, lasting, constant |
Bestendighyd, sn. steadiness, duration, permanence |
Bestiir, sn. management, government |
Bestiir, w. to manage, govern |
Bestiirder, sn. governor, manager |
Bestiring, sn. ordinance |
Bestorm, w. to storm, assail |
Bestormer, sn. assaulter |
Bestorming, sn. assault, storm |
Bestraal, w. to beam upon |
Bestraat, w. to pave |
Bestraf, w. to rebuke, reprove, punish |
Bestraffelik, bn. reprehensible |
Bestraffelikhyd, sn. reprehensibleness |
Bestraffer, sn. rebuker |
Bestraffing, sn. reproof, reprehension |
Bestraling, sn. irradiation |
Bestrating, sn. pavement |
Bestrooi, w. to bestrew, strew |
Bestry, w. to combat, fight, oppose |
Bestryder, sn. antagonist, opposer |
Bestryding, sn. contest, defrayment |
Bestudeer, w. to study, practise |
Besturing, sn. direction, management |
Bestuur, w. to govern, rule, manage |
Bestuur, sn. government, sway, direction |
Bestuurder, sn. governor, director |
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Besuinig, sn. to economize, save |
Besuiniger, sn. saver |
Besuiniging, sn. economizing, economy |
Besuip, w. to get drunk |
Besuring, sn. expiation |
Besuur, w. to suffer, pay dear for |
Beswaar, w. to burden, lay to one's charge |
Beswaard, bn. burdened, oppressed |
Beswaarlik, bn. difficult, burdensome |
Beswarend, bn. aggravating, indigestible |
Beswaring, sn. charge |
Besweer, w. to swear, confirm by oath, exorcise |
Besweet, bn. sweaty |
Beswering, sn. oath, exorcism |
Beswyk, w. to sink, faint, die |
Beswyking, sn. succumbency |
Beswym, w. to swoon |
Beswyming, sn. fainting fit |
Betaal, w. to pay |
Betaalbaar, bn. payable |
Betaalbriif, sn. cheque |
Betaald, bn. paid |
Betaaldag, sn. pay-day |
Betaalmeester, sn. pay-master |
Betaam, w. to become, suit, be proper |
Betakel, w. to dirty |
Betaler, sn. payer |
Betaling, sn. payment |
Betamelik, bn. becoming, decent |
Betamelikhyd, sn. decency |
Betas, w. to handle, feel, touch |
Betasting, sn. touching, handling |
Beteer, w. to tar |
Betéken, w. to signify, mean, imply |
Betékenis, sn. meaning, sense, signification |
Béter, bn. (fergel, trap fan goed), better |
Béter, w. to improve, recover |
Bétering, (beterskap), sn. amendment, convalescence |
Beteugel, w. to bridle, curt, check |
Beteugelaar, sn. bridler |
Beteugeling, sn. check, restraint |
Beteuterd, bn. confounded, confused, abashed |
Beteuterdhyd, sn. confusion |
Betitel, w. to style, name, call |
Betiteling, sn. styling |
Betoming, sn. bridling |
Betoning, sn. showing, token, mark |
Betoom, w. to bridle, curb |
Betoon, w. to show, manifest |
Betouwing, sn. rigging |
Betower, w. to bewitch, charm, enchant |
Betowerend, bn. charming, enchanting |
Betowering, sn. enchantment, charm |
Betrag, w. to observe, perform |
Betragting, sn. practice, exercise, application |
Betrap, w. to catch, surprise, detect |
Betrapping, sn. catching |
Betré, w. to tread upon, enter |
Betreding, sn. treading |
Betréf, w. to concern, regard |
Betreffende, fs. concerning |
Betrék, w. to watch, spy |
Betrekkelik, bn. relative, relatively |
Betreur, w. to lament, regret, deplore |
Betreurenswaardig, bn. lamentable, deplorable |
Betrokke, bn. concerned |
Betrou, w. to trust, confide |
Betuig, w. to testify, protest, declare |
Betuiging, sn. declaration, protestation |
Betuin, w. to enclose |
Betuining, sn. enclosure |
Betwis, w. to dispute, question |
Betwisting, sn. dispute, contestation |
Betwyfel, w. to doubt, question |
Betwyfeling, sn. doubt |
Betyds, bw. in time |
Beul, sn. hangman, executioner |
Beulagtig, bn. barbarous |
Beulskap, sn. hangman's office |
Beulskneg, sn. hangman's servant |
Beur, w. to lift up |
Beurs, sn. purse, exchange |
Beurt, sn. turn |
Beurtelings, bw. alternately, in rotation |
Beurtsang, sn. alternate song |
Beusel, w. to trifle, idle |
Beuselaar, sn. trifler, idler |
Beuselagtig, bn. trifling, trivial |
Beuselagtighyd, sn. triflingness |
Beuseling, sn. trifle |
Bewaai, w. to blow upon |
Bewaak, w. to watch, guard |
Bewaar, w. to keep, take care of, save |
Bewaarder, sn. keeper, guardian |
Bewaarhyd, w. to verify, prove |
Bewaarplek, sn. depository, storehouse |
Bewaker, sn. watcher |
Bewaking, sn. watching, guard |
Bewandel, w, to walk or tread upon |
Bewapen, w. to arm |
Bewapening, sn. arming |
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Bewaring, sn. keeping, preservation |
Bewasem, w. to cover with vapour |
Bewater, w. to water, to irrigate |
Bewatering, sn. watering, irrigation |
Béwe, w. to tremble, shiver |
Beweeg, w. to move, to affect |
Beweegbaar, bn. movable |
Beweegbaarhyd, sn. mobility |
Beweegkrag, sn. moving power |
Beweegmiddel, sn. motive, motor |
Beweeg-oorsaak (-rede), sn. cause, motive |
Beween, w. to deplore, lament, grieve |
Beweer, w. to assert |
Bewéger, sn. mover |
Bewéging, sn. motion, movement, gesture |
Bewéning, sn. bewailing |
Béwerig, bn. shivery, shaky |
Bewéring, sn. assertion |
Bewerk, w. to prepare, effect, cultivate |
Bewerker, sn. agent, author, workman |
Bewerking, sn. workmanship, operation |
Bewerkstellig, w. to bring about |
Bewillig, w. to grant, allow |
Bewilliging, sn. consent, grant |
Bewimpel, w. to disguise, mask |
Bewimpeling, sn. disguise, palliation |
Béwing, sn. trembling, shivering |
Bewirook, w. to incense, flatter |
Bewiroking, sn. incensing |
Bewit, w. to whitewash |
Bewolk, w. to cloud |
Bewolking, sn. clouding |
Bewolkte, bn. cloudy |
Bewolkthyd, sn. cloudiness |
Bewonder, w. to admire |
Bewonderaar, sn. admirer |
Bewondering, sn. admiration |
Bewoner, sn. inhabitant |
Bewoning, sn. inhabiting |
Bewoon, w. to inhabit, occupy |
Bewoonbaar, bn. inhabitable |
Bewoonbaarhyd, sn. being inhabitable |
Bewoord, w. to express in words |
Bewoording, sn. terms, expressions |
Bewust, bn. conscious of |
Bewusteloos, bn. senseless, insensible |
Bewustelooshyd, sn. senselessness, swoon |
Bewusthyd, (Bewustsyn), sn. consciousness, knowledge |
Bewy, w. to graze |
Bewys, sn. proof, evidence, token |
Bewys, w. to prove |
Bewysbaar, bn. provable |
Bewysgrond, sn. argument, reason |
Bewyskrag, sn. demonstrative power |
Bewysmiddel, sn. proof |
Bewysplaas, sn. quotation, proof, authority |
Bewysstuk, sn. document, titledeed |
Beywer, w. to endeavour, strive |
Bibber, w. to shiver, shudder |
Bibliotheek, sn. library |
Bid, w. to pray, say grace, beseech |
Bidder, sn. one who prays |
Bide, w. to offer, present, bid |
Bidplek, sn. oratory, chapel |
Biduur, sn. prayer meeting |
Biir, sn. beer ale |
Biirbrouer, sn. brewer |
Biierbrouery, sn. brewery |
Biis, sn. rush |
Biisgras, sn. club rush |
Biismelk, sn. curdled milk |
Bilijoen, sn. million of millions |
Biljart, sn. billiards |
Biljart-kamer, sn. billiard-room |
Biljet, sn. note, bill, ticket |
Billik, bn. just, right, equitable |
Billikerwys, sn. fairly |
Biltong, sn. dried meat |
Biltong-garing, sn. sinew thread |
Bind, w. to bind, tie |
Binder, sn. binder |
Binding, sn. binding |
Binne, bw. en fs. within, in, into, inward |
Binnegoed, sn. entrails |
Binne-hof, sn. inner-court |
Binne-kant, sn. inside |
Binnekoors, sn. inward fever |
Binneland, sn. interior |
Binnelands, bn. en bw. inland, homemade |
Binnensmonds, bn. between the teeth |
Binneste, sn. en bn. inmost, inside |
Binnewerk, sn. inner work, intestines |
Biskuit, sn. biscuit |
Bisonder, bw. apart, in particular |
Bisonderhyd, sn. particular |
Bisonderlik, bn. en bw. separate-ly |
Bisskop, sn. bishop |
Bitji, sn. little, some |
Bits, bn. harsh, sharp |
Bitshyd, sn. harshness |
Bitter, bn, sad, grievous, bitter |
Bitteragtig, bn. somewhat bitter |
Bitterhyd, sn. bitterness, sharpness |
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Bittertji, sn. little glass of bitters |
Blaai, w. to turn leaves |
Blaadji, sn. leaf, sheet, tray |
Blaak, w. to burn, parch |
Blaam, sn. blame, blemish |
Blaar, sn. blister, leaf |
Blaas, sn. bladder, bubble |
Blaas, w. to blow, sound, brag |
Blaasbalk, sn. bellows |
Blaasontsteking, sn. inflammation of the bladder |
Blaas-op, sn. poisonous fish |
Blaaswerk, sn. bellows (of an organ) |
Blaat, w. to bleat |
Blad, sn. leaf, sheet, newspaper |
Bladerloos, bn. leafless |
Bladsak, sn. sidebag |
Bladsy, sn. page |
Bladwyser, sn. index, table of contents |
Blaf, w. to bark, yelp |
Blaffer, sn. barker |
Blaffing, sn. barking |
Blakend, bn. ardent, fervent |
Blaker, sn. candlestick |
Blameer, w. to blame, to slander |
Blank, sn. blank |
Blank, bn. white, clean, fair |
Blankhyd, sn. whiteness, fairness, purity |
Blanko, sn. blank |
Blaser, sn. blower |
Blasing, sn. blowing |
Bleek, bn. pale |
Bleek, w. to bleach |
Bleekagtig, bn. palish |
Bleekhyd, sn. paleness |
Bles, sn. forelock, blaze, horse with a blaze |
Blesbok, sn. blesbuck, an antilope |
Bleshoender, sn. water fowl |
Blik, sn. glance look, view |
Blik, sn. tin-plate |
Bliksem, sn. lightning; w. to lighten, flash |
Bliksemslag, sn. clasp of thunder |
Bliksemstraal, sn. flash of lightning |
Blikwerk, sn. tin-wares |
Blind, bn. blind |
Blindagtig, bn. rather blind |
Blinddoek, w. to blindfold |
Blinde-fliig, sn. sting fly |
Blindelings, bw. blindly, implicitly |
Blinding, sn. shutter |
Blindhyd, sn. blindness |
Blink, w. to shine, glitter |
Blinkend, bn. shining, glittering |
Bloed, sn. blood, race, kindred |
Bloedagtig, bn. like blood |
Bloed-armoede, sn. poorness of blood |
Bloeddors, sn. thirst of blood |
Bloeddorstig, bn. blood-thirsty |
Bloeddorstighyd, sn. cruelty, blood-thirstiness |
Bloedeloos, bn. bloodless |
Bloedelooshyd, sn. want of blood |
Bloedferliis, sn. loss of blood |
Bloedferwant, sn. relation, kinsman |
Bloedferwantskap, sn. kindred, relationship |
Bloedfin, sn. boil |
Bloedgeld, sn. price of blood |
Bloedig, bn. bloody, sanguinary |
Bloedji, sn. weak child |
Bloedpens, sn. disease of lambs |
Bloedrood, bn. crimson, sanguine |
Bloeds-omloop, sn. circulation of blood |
Bloedstorting, sn. hemorhage, slaughter |
Bloedsuier, sn. leech |
Bloedsweer, sn. boil |
Bloei, w. to bleed, bloom, flourish |
Bloei, sn. prime, bloom, flower |
Bloeiend, bn. blooming, blossoming |
Bloeisel, sn. blossom |
Bloeityd, sn. spring-time |
Blok, sn. block, log, blockhead |
Blom, sn. flower, blossom, choice |
Blomkenner, sn. florist |
Blomkool, sn. cauliflower |
Blomkrans, sn. garland, wreath |
Blommeel, sn. flour |
Blommetji, sn. floweret |
Blompot, sn. flowerpot |
Blomruiker, sn. nosegay, bouquet |
Blomtuin, sn. flower-garden |
Blond, bn. fair, light, flaxen |
Blonde, sn. fair woman or man |
Blondharig, bn. light haired |
Blondhyd, sn. fairness |
Blondine, sn. fair woman |
Bloos, w. to blush, colour |
Bloots, bn. naked, bare |
Blootsfoet, bn. barefooted |
Blootstelling, sn. exposure |
Blos, bn. blush, colour |
Blos, sn. blush |
Blosend, bn. rosy, blushing |
Blosing, sn. blushing |
Blou, bn. blue |
Bloubos, sn. blue shrub |
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Blou-euntji, sn. eatable bulp |
Blouhyd, sn. blueness |
Bloukop, sn. blue head, sheep disease |
Bloukop-klipsalmander, sn. blue-head salamander |
Blou-nier, sn. blue udder disease |
Blou-potkly, sn. blue potter's clay |
Blousaadgras, sn. blueseeded grass |
Bloutong, sn. blue tongue, sheep disease |
Bluf, sn. boasting |
Bluf, w. to brag, boast |
Blus, w. to extinguish, put out |
Blusser, sn. quencher, extinguisher |
Blussing, sn. quenching |
Bly, bn. glad, joyful |
Bly, w. to remain, continue, last |
Blydskap, sn. joy, mirth |
Blyhyd, sn. joyfulness, joy |
Blyk, sn. token, mark, proof |
Blyk, w. to be evident, to appear |
Blykbaar, bn. apparent, visible |
Blykbaarhyd, sn. clearness |
Blymoedig, bn. cheerful, gay |
Blymoedighyd, sn. cheerfulness, gladness |
Bo, fs. above, upon, over, up |
Bo'af, bw. from the surface |
Bo'an, bw. at the upper end |
Bobaas, sn. principal, chief |
Bobbejaan, sn. baboon |
Bobbejaan-bout, sn. old fashioned gun |
Bobbejaan-oor, sn. a bulb |
Bobbejaan-tou, sn. baboon's rope, a climber |
Bobbel, sn. bubble, pimple |
Boboti, sn. M. curried minced meat |
Bod, sn. offer, bid |
Bode, sn. messenger, servant |
Bode, sn. auctioneer |
Bodeel, sn. upper part |
Bodem, sn. bottom, ground |
Bodemloos, bn. bottomless |
Bodeur, sn. upper half of door |
Bodeur, bw. through upper part |
Boedel, sn. estate, possession |
Boedellys, sn. inventory |
Boedelrekening, sn. inventory |
Bo'ediin, bn. moreover, besides |
Boeg, sn. bow, prow |
Boeglam, bn, shoulder-shotten, tired |
Boegoe, sn. buchu |
Boehaai, sn. hubbub |
Boei, sn. shackle, fetter, handcuff |
Boei, w. to handcuff, chain, fetter |
Boeiend, bn. fascinating, captivating |
Boek, sn. book, quire |
Boek, w. to enter, register |
Boekbeoordelaar, sn. critic |
Boekbeoordeling, sn. criticism |
Boekbindery, sn. bookbinding |
Boekbinding, sn. bookbinding |
Boekdeel, sn. volume, tome |
Boekhandel, sn. book-trade |
Boekhou, w. to keep books |
Boekhouer, sn. bookkeeper |
Boekkamer, sn. library |
Boeklys, sn. catalogue |
Boekpens, sn. abnormally large stomach |
Boekwerk, sn. volume |
Boekwurm, sn. book-worm |
Boel, sn. lot |
Bo'end, sn. upper end |
Bo'enste, bn. en sn. upper part |
Boer, w. to farm |
Boer, sn. farmer, peasant |
Boeragtig, bn. boorish |
Boeragtighyd, sn. boorishness |
Boerboontjiis, sn. broad beans |
Boerdorp, sn. country village |
Boerin, sn. farmer's wife |
Boerkool, sn. boer cabbage |
Boers, bn. boorish |
Boershyd, sn. boorishness |
Boesem, sn. bosom |
Boesemfrind, sn. bosom-friend |
Boesemfrindskap, sn. intimate friendship |
Boet, boeta, boeti, sn. brother |
Boet, w. to atone, pay, suffer |
Boeta-bessi, sn. wild cherry |
Boete, sn. penitence, penalty, fine |
Boeteling, sn. penitent |
Boetfaardig, bn. penitent, contrite |
Boetfaardighyd, sn. repentance |
Boetson, sn. bad leg |
Bof en Boffi, sn. a game |
Bo-ferdiping, sn. upper story |
Boggel, sn. hump, humpback |
Bok, sn. goat, buck, blunder |
Bokagtig, bn. uncivil, rude |
Bokkapater, sn. eunuch-goat |
Bokki, sn. kid |
Bokkom, sn. dried fish |
Boklere, sn. upper clothes or garment |
Bokooi, sn. she-goat |
Bokram, sn. he-goat |
Bokspring, w. to leap, bound |
Bol, sn. ball, globe, crown, bulb |
Bolaag, sn. upper layer |
Bolagtig, bn. convex, bulbous |
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Bolagtighyd, sn. convexity |
Boland, sn. country near the Cape |
Bolip, sn. upper-lip |
Bolformig, bn, orbed, globulous |
Bolplant, sn. bulbous plant |
Bolrond, bn. convex |
Bolster, sn. hull, busk, shell |
Bolwerk, sn. wall, bulwark, rampart |
Bolyf, sn. upper part of body |
Bom, sn. bung, bomb, shell |
Bombardeer, w. to bambard |
Bombardeerder, sn. bombardier |
Bombardéring, sn. bombardment |
Bommel, sn. bung |
Bond, sn. confederation |
Bondbreuk, sn. violation of a treaty |
Bondgenoot, sn. confederate |
Bondgenootskap, sn. confederacy, alliance |
Bondig, bn. concise |
Bons, sn. bounce |
Bont, bn. variegated, checkered |
Boodskap, sn. message, errand |
Boodskap, w. to bring word, inform |
Boodskaploper, sn. message-boy |
Boodskapper, sn. messenger, announcer |
Boog, sn. bow, arch, bend |
Boogformig, bn. arched |
Boom, sn. tree, beam |
Boombas, sn. bark |
Boomgaard, sn. orchard |
Boomgaardeniir, sn. arborest |
Boomgewas, sn. shrubs and trees |
Boomkwekery, sn. nursery garden |
Boomloos, bn. treeless |
Boomluis, sn. plant-louse |
Boomryk, bn. full of trees |
Boomsnoeier, sn. pruner |
Boomstam, sn. trunk of a tree |
Boontji, sn. bean |
Bo-op, bw. above, uppermost |
Boor, sn. drill, wimble |
Boor, w. to bore, pierce |
Boord, sn. orchard |
Boordji, sn. collar |
Boos, bn. wicked, angry, in a passion |
Boosaardig, bn. malicious, savage |
Boosaardighyd, sn. malice |
Boosdoener, sn. evildoer, malefactor |
Booshyd, sn. wickedness, anger |
Booswig, sn. wretch, villain |
Boot, sn. boat |
Bootsfolk, sn. crew |
Bo-raam, sn. upper window |
Bord, sn. plate, board |
Bordes, sn. high step, flight of steps |
Borduur, w. to embroider |
Borduurwerk, sn. embroidery |
Borg, sn. pledge, bail, trust, surety |
Borgsteller, sn. bailor |
Borgstelling, sn. bail |
Borgtog, sn. bail, surety |
Borrel, sn. bubble, dram |
Borrel, w. to bubble |
Borri, sn. turmeric |
Bors, sn. chest, breast, bosom |
Borsbeen, sn. breastbone |
Borsel, sn. brush, bristle |
Borsel, w. to brush |
Borsfliis, sn. pleura |
Borskwaal, sn. disease of the chest |
Borskwaal, sn. pleurisy |
Borslap, sn. breast-piece, plastron, bib |
Borsstuk, sn. breastplate |
Borstrok, sn. corset, stays |
Borswapen, sn. corselet, breastplate |
Bos, sn. bunch, bundel, bush |
Bos, sn. wood, forest |
Bosagtig, bn. woody |
Bosbewaarder, sn. forester |
Bosbewoner, sn. forester |
Bosbok, sn. bush buck |
Bosduif, sn. ring pigeon |
Bo-se, sn. devil |
Bosgasi, sn. dense bush |
Bosryk, bn. richly wooded |
Bostaande, bw. above-mentioned |
Bot, w. to bud |
Bot, bn. blunt, dull, stupid |
Bothyd, sn. bluntness, dullness |
Botter, sn. butter |
Botteragtig, bn. buttery |
Botterblom, sn. butter-cup |
Bots, w. to strike against, knock |
Botsing, sn. collision, encounter |
Bottel, sn. bottle |
Bottji, sn. a game |
Bou, w. to build |
Bouer, sn. builder |
Bouery, sn. building |
Boufal, sn. ruin, ruins |
Boufallig, bn. decayed, dilapidated |
Boufallighyd, sn. decay, decayed state |
Boukunde, sn. architecture |
Boukundig, bn. skilled in architecture |
Boukuns, sn. architecture |
Boukunstig, bn. architectural |
Boumeester, sn. architect |
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Bouorde, sn. order of architecture |
Boustof, sn. material |
Bout, sn. bolt, pin, leg, bum |
Braaf, bn. good |
Braafhyd, sn. goodness |
Braai, w. to roast, fry |
Braak, w. to vomit, cultivate |
Braakland, sn. fallow land |
Braaksel, sn. vomiting |
Braam, sn. blackberry |
Braambos, sn. blackberry-bush |
Brak, bn. brackish, briny, saltish |
Brakbos, sn. saltish shrub |
Brakdak, sn. flat roof made of brackish soil |
Brakslaai, sn. saltish plant used for salad |
Brand, w. to burn, mark |
Brand, sn. fire, burning |
Brandbaar, bn. combustible |
Brandbaarhyd, sn. combustibility |
Brandend, bn. burning, ardent |
Brandewyn, sn. brandy |
Brandewyn-stook, w. to distil |
Brandglas, sn. burning-glass |
Brandhout, sn. firewood |
Branding, sn. surf, breakers |
Brandspuit, sn. fire engine |
Brandstapel, sn. pile, stake |
Brandstigter, sn. incendiary |
Brandstigting, sn. arson |
Brandstof, sn. fuel |
Brandwag, sn. fire-watch |
Bras, w. to revel |
Brassery, sn. feasting, riot |
Breed, bn. broad, large |
Breedfoerig, bn. ample |
Breedfoerighyd, sn. ampleness |
Breedhyd, sn. broadness |
Breedte, sn. breadth, latitude |
Breedtegraad, sn. degree of latitude |
Breek, w. to break, smash |
Breekbaar, bn. breakable |
Breekbaarhyd, sn. fragility, brittleness |
Breekbytel, sn. crow |
Breekyster, sn. crow bar |
Breker, sn. breaker |
Breking, sn. breaking |
Breng, w. to bring, carry, convey |
Brenger, sn. bringer, bearer |
Briif, sn. letter |
Briifbus, sn. letter-box |
Briifdra'er, sn. letter-carrier |
Briifgeld, sn. postage |
Briifsak, sn. letter-bag |
Briifstyl, sn. epistolary style |
Briifwisseling, sn. correspondence |
Bril, sn. pair of spectacles |
Bril, w. to wear glasses |
Brilhuisi, sn. spectacle-case |
Broederliifde, sn. fraternal love |
Broederlik, bn. brotherly, fraternal |
Broederloos, bn. brotherless |
Broei, w. to brood, to hatch |
Broeiend, bn. hatching |
Broeiery, sn. breeding |
Broeihen, sn. brood hen |
Broei-masiin, sn. incubator |
Broeis, bn. broody |
Broeisel, sn. brood, hatch |
Broeishyd, sn. inclining to brood |
Broeityd, sn. brooding time |
Broeiyer, sn. addle egg |
Broek, sn. trousers |
Broekband, sn. waist-band |
Broekmannetji, sn. poisonous insect |
Broekpyp, sn. leg of the trousers |
Broeksak, sn. breeches pocket |
Broer, sn. brother |
Broerskap, sn. brotherhood |
Brokki, sn. bit, morsel |
Brom, w. hum, grumble |
Brommer, sn. grumbler |
Bron, sn. spring, fountain, origin |
Brons, sn. bronze |
Brood, sn. bread, loaf |
Broodjiis, sn. rolls |
Broodsgebrek, sn. want of bread |
Broodwinning, sn. subsistence, livelihood |
Broos, bn. frail, brittle |
Brooshyd, sn. fragility, brittleness |
Brou, w. to brew, concoct, plot |
Brouer, sn. brewer |
Brouery, sn. brewery |
Brug, sn. bridge |
Brugleuning, sn. rails of bridge |
Bruid, sn. bride |
Bruidegom, sn. bridegroom |
Bruidsblom, sn. Deutzia, bridal flower |
Bruidsgoed, sn. trousseau |
Bruidskat, sn. dowry |
Bruidskoek, sn. bride's cake |
Bruikbaar, bn. fit, useful |
Bruikbaarhyd, sn. fitfulness, usefulness |
Bruilof, sn. wedding |
Bruin, sn. brown, dark |
Bruinagtig, bn. brownish |
Bruinet, sn. dark person |
Bruinhyd, sn. brownness |
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Bruinkapel, sn. brown cobra |
Bruis, w. to foam |
Bruisend, bn. foaming |
Bruising, sn. foaming |
Brul, w. to roar |
Brulling, w. roaring |
Brul-padda, sn. large roaring toad |
Brutaal, bn. impudent, insolent |
Brutaliseer, w. to be impudent |
Brutalityt, sn. brutality |
Bry, w. to knit, roll one's r's |
Bryer, sn. knitter |
Brygare, sn. knitting-cotton |
Bryn, sn. brain, intelligence |
Brynloos, sn. brainless |
Brynlooshyd, sn. brainlessness |
Brynontsteking, sn. brain-fever |
Brysak, sn. knitting-bag |
Brywerk, sn. knitting |
Buffel, sn. buffalo, rude fellow |
Buffelagtig, bn. rude |
Buffelagtighyd, sn. rudeness |
Buffeldoorn, sn. buffalo thorn tree |
Buffel-fel-boontjiis, sn. buffalo hide grass |
Buffelgras, sn. buffalo grass |
Bui, sn. shower, whim |
Buierig, bn. showery, whimsical |
Buig, w. to bend, submit |
Buig, sn. bow, curtsy |
Buigbaar, bn. flexible |
Buigbaarhyd, sn. flexibility |
Buiging, sn. bow, curtsy |
Buigsaam, bn. flexible |
Buik, sn. stomach, belly |
Buikfliis, sn. peritoneum |
Buikfliisontsteking, sn. peritonitis |
Buikgord, sn. girth, girdle |
Buikplank, sn. floorplank (of a vehicle) |
Buikpyn, sn. belly-ache |
Buiksiikte, sn. diarrhea |
Buikspreker, sn. ventriloguist |
Buiksprekery, sn. ventriloquism |
Buil, sn. bump, bubo |
Builepes, sn. bubonic plague |
Buit, sn. spoil, prey |
Buit, w. to get booty, pilfer, plunder |
Buite, bw. without, outside, besides |
Buitedeur, sn. outer door |
Buite-ferblyf, sn. country house |
Buitegewoon, bn. en bw. extraordinary-ily |
Buitehof, sn. outer court |
Buitehuis, sn. outer house |
Buitekamer, sn. outside room |
Buitekant, sn. outside |
Buiteland, sn. foreign country |
Buitelander, sn. foreigner |
Buitelands, bn. en bw. foreign, exotic |
Buitelug, bn. country air |
Buiteman, sn. country man |
Buitemate, bw. extremely, excessively |
Buitematig, bn. excessive |
Buitemuur, sn. outer wall |
Buitendeurs, bn. out of doors |
Buitendiin, bw. morevover, besides |
Buitenhuis, bw. without doors |
Buitenslands, bw. in foreign countries |
Buitensporig, bn. en bw. extravagant-ly |
Buitensporighyd, sn. extravagance |
Buitenste, bn. outermost, outer |
Buitenste, sn. outside |
Buitenstyds, bw. unseasonably, inopportune |
Buiteplaas, sn. villa, country-seat |
Buitepos, sn. outpost |
Buiter, sn. freebooter |
Buite-sluit, w. to exclude, shut out |
Buitesluiting, sn. exclusion |
Buitesy, sn. outside |
Buitewag, sn. advance guard |
Buitewêreld, sn. outer world |
Buitewerk, sn. outwork |
Buk, w. to bend, bow, stoop |
Buks, sn. short gun |
Bul, sn. Bull, gruff man |
Bulder, w. to bluster, rage, roar |
Buldering, sn. roaring, blustering |
Bulhond, sn. bull dog |
Bulk, w. to low, bellow |
Bulkalf, sn. bull calf |
Bullebak, sn. bugbear, surly fellow |
Bulsak, sn. feather mattress |
Bult, sn. hill |
Bulterig, bn. hilly |
Bure, sn. neighbours |
Buregerug, sn. alarm |
Burg, sn. ostracised pig |
Burgemeester, sn. mayor |
Burger, sn. citizen, burgher |
Burgerlik, bn. civil |
Burgermag, sn. national guard |
Burgerman, sn. commoner |
Burgeroorlog, sn. civil war |
Burgerreg, sn. citizenship |
Burgerskap, sn. citizenship |
Burgerstand, sn. class of citizens |
Burgerwet, sn. civil law |
Bus, sn. box, barrel |
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Buskruit, sn. gunpowder |
Bussel, sn. E. bushel |
Buurfrou,. sn. neighbour |
Buurman, sn. neighbour |
Buurpratji, sn. gossip |
Buurskap, sn. neighbourly relations |
Buurte, sn. neighbourhood |
By, sn. bee |
By, fs. by, with, near, at |
By-angel, sn. sting of a bee |
Bybel, sn. bible |
Bybelferklaring, sn. commentary |
Bybelgenootskap, sn. bible society |
Bybelkenner, sn. biblical critic |
Bybelkennis, sn. knowledge of the bible |
Bybels, bn. biblical, scriptural |
Byblad, sn. supplement |
Bybly, w. to retain, keep up |
Bybring, w. to contribute |
Bydoen, w. to add |
Bydra, w. to contribute |
Bydrager, sn. contributor |
Bydraging, sn. contribution |
Byeen, bw. together |
Byeenkom, w. to meet, assemble |
Byeenkoms, sn. meeting |
Byeenraap, w. to gather |
Byeenroep, w. to call together, convoke |
Byeenroeping, sn. convocation |
Byeenskraap, w. to hoard up |
Byeentrek, w. to pull together |
Byeentrekking, sn. contraction |
Byfal, sn. approbation |
Byfoeg, w. to add |
Byfoeging, sn. addition |
Byfoegsel, sn. supplement, appendix |
Bygebou, sn. outbuilding |
Bygeloof, sn. superstition |
Bygelowig, bn. superstitious |
Bygelowighyd, superstition |
Byhou, w. to keep up |
Bykom, w. to recover, come to |
Bykos, sn. greens, desert |
Byl, sn. axe |
Bylê, w. to add, to settle a dispute |
Bymakaar, bw. together |
By-my-siks! uw. upon my word! |
Byna, bw. almost |
Bynaam, sn. surname, nick name |
Byneem, w. to take to |
By-nes, sn. bee-hive |
Byreken, w. to include, to add to |
Byroep, w. to call in |
Bysaak, sn. secondary thing |
Bysiinde, bn. shortsighted |
Bysiindhyd, sn. shortsightedness |
Byspring, w. to seize, get hold of |
Bystaan, w. to help, assist |
Bystand, sn. assistance |
Bystander, sn. bystander |
Bysin, sn. presence |
Byt, w. to bite, smart, itch |
Bytel, sn. chisel |
By-tel, w. to add |
Bytend, bn. biting, sharp |
Byter, sn. biter |
Bytyds, betyds, bw. betimes, in time |
Bywerk, sn. bees wax |
Bywoner, sn. one who lives on another's property |
Bywoon, w. to witness, be present |
Bywoord, sn. adverb |