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A, sn. letter A |
A! uw. hey! |
A, w. to go to stool (nursery term) |
A, sn. excrement, dirt (do.) |
Aaklig, bn. horrible |
Aalmoes, sn. alms |
Aand, sn. evening |
Aandblommetji, sn. evening flower |
Aans, aanstons bw. just now |
Aanti, sn. E. aunty |
Aap, sn. ape, monkey |
Aapbroeki, abroeki, sn. boy's trousers |
Aapstert, sn. sjambok |
Aar, sn. vein, ear of corn |
Aarbossi, sn. schrub showing underground watercourses |
Aarby, sn. strawberry |
Aard, w. to thrive, take after |
Aard, sn. nature, disposition, manner |
Aardappel, sn. potato |
Aardappel-moer, sn. seed potato |
Aardbewing, sn. earthquake |
Aardbodem, sn. earth, world |
Aardbol, sn. globe |
Aardboor, sn. bore |
Aarde, sn. earth |
Aardgordel, sn. zone |
Aardig, bn. queer, strange, nasty |
Aardighyd, sn. curiosity, pleasantry |
Aardkors, sn. crust of the earth |
Aardkorskunde, sn. geology |
Aardkorskundig, bn. geological |
Aardkorskundige, sn. geologist |
Aardryk, sn. earth |
Aards, bn. earthly |
Aardsgesind, bn. worldlyminded |
Aardsgesindhyd, sn. worldlymindedness |
Aars, sn. arse |
Aarsel, w. to hesitate, waver |
Aarseling, sn. hesitation |
Aarts, bn. arch (affix to different words as in English) |
Aartsfaderlik, bn. patriarchal |
Aas, w. to feed, prey upon |
Aas, sn. bait, carcass |
Aasfo'el, sn. vulture |
Aasfo'elkrans, sn. vulture rock |
Abba, w. to carry on one's back |
Abc, sn. Alphabet |
Abc-boek, sn. primer |
Abdolkata, sn. a game |
Abrikwaboom, sn. a tree |
Absolusi, sn. absolution |
Absoluut -ute, bn. absolute |
Abuis, sn. mistake, error |
Adamsfyg, sn. Adam's fig |
Adder, sn. adder, viper |
Adel, sn. nobility |
Adelaar, sn. eagle |
Adelik, bn. noble |
Adelik, bw. nobly |
Adelstand, sn. nobility |
Adferteer, w. to advertise |
Adfertensi, sn. advertisement |
Adfiis, sn. advice |
Adfiseer, w. to advise |
Adfokaat, sn. advocate |
Adju!, uw. F. adieu!, farewell! |
Administrasie, sn. administration |
Administrateur, sn. administrator |
Admiraal, sn. admiral |
Adres, sn. address |
Adresboek, sn. directory |
Adresseer, w. to address, direct |
Af, fs. of, off |
Afbabbel, w. to babble |
Afbaken, W. to beacon off |
Afbars, w. to burst off |
Afbédel, w. to beg off |
Afbeelde, w. to draw a picture |
Afbeelding, sn. drawing, painting |
Afbeeldsel, sn. picture |
Afbeen, sn. a cripple |
Afbetaal, w. to pay off |
Afbetaling, sn. paying off |
Afbidde, w. to pray, deprecate |
Afbidding, sn. prayer, deprecation |
Afbinde, w. to ligate |
Afbinding, sn. ligature |
Afblaas, w. to blow off |
Afblader, w. to strip off leaves |
Afboender, w. to burst off, thrush |
Afborsel, w. to brush |
Afbottel, w. to bottle |
Afbrand, w. to burn down |
Afbreek, w. to break or pull down |
Afbreking, sn. breaking down |
Afbreng, w. to bring down |
Afbreuk, sn. harm, damage |
Afbrokkel, w. to crumble down |
Afbuig, w. to bend down |
Afbyt, w. to bite off |
Afbytel, w. to chisel off |
Afdaal, w. to descent |
Afdak, sn. a shed |
Afdaling, sn. descent |
Afdam, w. to dam up, to embank |
Afdank, w. to dismiss, discharge |
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Afdeel, w. to divide, parcel out |
Afdek, w. to clear a table, to thatch |
Afdeling, sn. division, section |
Afding, w. to lessen, to abate |
Afdobbel, w. to acquire by gambling |
Afdoen, w. to finish, take away from |
Afdoende, bn, sufficient, complete |
Afdra, w. to carry down, to wear out |
Afdraai, w. to deviate, to twist off |
Afdraand, bn. sloping down |
Afdraand, sn. a decline |
Afdring, w. to extort, to crowd off |
Afdringing, sn. crowding off |
Afdrink, w. to drown (a quarrel) |
Afdroog, w. to dry, to wipe off |
Afdruip, w. to drip |
Afdruk, w. to press, to print |
Afdruk, sn. print, impression |
Afdruksel, sn. print, impression |
Afdrywe, w. to float down, force down |
Afdrywend, bn. purgative, driving down |
Afdrywing, sn. driving down, purging |
Afdwaal, w. to stray, deviate |
Afdwaling, sn. straying, deviation |
Afdwing, w. to extort |
Af-eet, w. to devour, browse |
Af-eg, w. to harrow |
Af-el, w. to yard off |
Af-en-toe, bw. now and then |
Afersi, sn. F. disgust |
Affaar, w. to sail out |
Affaardig, w. to depute |
Affaardiging, sn. deputing |
Affal, w. to fall down |
Affal, sn. offall, apostacy |
Affallige, sn. renegade |
Affalighyd, sn. desertion |
Affé, w. to wipe off |
Affeegsel, sn. wiping off |
Affêre, sn. F. affair |
Afferg, w. to exact |
Afferging, sn. exaction |
Afferwe, w. to stain off |
Affleg, w. to untwist |
Affliig, w. to fly off |
Affloei, w. to flow down |
Afflot, w. to float down |
Affoeter, w. to bungle, to botch |
Affoer, w. to reap for forage |
Afforder, w. to exact |
Affordering, sn. demand |
Affou, w. to unfold |
Affra, w. to question |
Affreet, w. to browse |
Affront, sn. insult |
Affronteer, w. F. to insult |
Affronteer-spulletji, sn. a game |
Affrot, w. to rot off |
Affry, w. to take another's sweetheart |
Affrywe, w. rub off |
Affuur, w. to fire off |
Affyl, w. to file off |
Afgaan, w. to descend, to pass a stool |
Afgaande, bn. descending, going down |
Afgang, sn. descent, stool |
Afgé, w. to deliver |
Afgebaken-de,Ga naar voetnoot* bn. beaconed off |
Afgebedel-de, bn. begged |
Afgebeeld, bn. portrayed |
Afgebid-de, bn. begged |
Afgebin-de, bn. ligatured |
Afgeblaas-de, bn. blown off |
Afgebly-de, bn. abstained from |
Afgeboender-de, bn. scrubbed off |
Afgeborsel-de, bn. brusched off |
Afgebrand, bn. burned down |
Afgebreek-te, bn. broken off, pulled down |
Afgebreng-de, bn. brought down |
Afgebrokkel-de, bn. crumbled down |
Afgebyt, bn. bitten off |
Afgedaal-de, bn. descended |
Afgedankste, bn. confounded |
Afgedank-te, bn. discharged |
Afgedeel-de, bn. divided, parcelled out |
Afgeding-de, bn. beaten down, abated |
Afgedoen-de, bn. finished, done |
Afgedraag-de, bn. carried down |
Afgedring-de, bn. forced away |
Afgedrink-te, bn. drunk down |
Afgedroog-de, bn. dried, wiped off |
Afgedrup-te, bn. trickled down, escaped quietly |
Afgedruk-te, bn. printed, impressed |
Afgedrup-te, bn. trickled down |
Afgedrywe, bn. carried down |
Afgedwaal-de, bn. strayed, lost |
Afgedwing-de, bn. wrested from |
Afge-eet, bn. eaten up |
Afgefaar-de, bn. sailed |
Afgefaardig-de, bn. deputed, commisioned |
Afgefaardigde, sn. deputy, delegate |
Afgefal-de, bn. fallen off |
Afgefat-te, bn. taken by force |
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Afgefeeg-de, bn. swept off |
Afgeferg-de, bn. demanded, exacted |
Afgeferwe, bn. painted |
Afgefliig-de, bn. flown off |
Afgefloei-de, bn. flowed down |
Afgefoer-de, bn. conveyed down |
Afgeforder-de, bn. demanded |
Afgefraagd-de, bn. requested, asked |
Afgefrot-te, bn. rotten away |
Afgevrywe, bn. rubbed off |
Afgefyl-de, bn. filed off |
Afgegé-we, bn. delivered, come off |
Afgegly-de, bn. slid down |
Afgegoi-de, bn. thrown or flung down |
Afgehaak-te, bn. unhooked, hit |
Afgehaal-de, bn. fetched or brought down |
Afgehang-de, bn. hung down |
Afgehelp-te, bn. freed, relieved |
Afgehou-de, bn. kept back, withheld |
Afgehuur-de, bn. hired |
Afgehyning-de, bn. hedged in |
Afgejaag-de, bn. overdriven, driven down |
Afgekap-te, bn. chopped off, cut down |
Afgekeer-de, bn. turned off, averted |
Afgekêkel-de, bn. cackled |
Afgekeur-de, bn. disapproved of |
Afgeklem-de, bn. pinched off |
Afgeklep-te, vn. published, announced |
Afgeklim-de, bn. descended |
Afgeklop-te, bn. died |
Afgeklouter-de, bn. climbed down |
Afgekluif-de, bn. picked |
Afgeknaag-de, bn. gnawed off |
Afgeknabbel-de, bn. nibbled off |
Afgeknel-de, bn. squeezed off |
Afgeknibbel-de, bn. haggled, beat down |
Afgeknip-te, bn. nipped or clipped off |
Afgeknyp-te, bn. nipped off |
Afgekom-de, bn. come down, descended from |
Afgekondig-de, bn. published, announced |
Afgekoop-te, bn. bought off |
Afgekort, bn. curtailed |
Afgekrap-te, bn. scratched off |
Afgekruip-te, bn. crept down |
Afgekry-de, bn. got off |
Afgelaai-de, bn. unloaded |
Afgelaat, bn. left off, let down |
Afgeleef-de, bn. aged, decrepid |
Afgeleefdhyd, sn. decrepitude |
Afgeleen, bn. borrowed |
Afgeleer-de, bn. unlearned |
Afgelees-de, bn. read out |
Afgeleg-de, bn. laid down or off |
Afgelege, bn. distant, remote |
Afgelek-te, bn. licked off |
Afgelig-te, bn. taken down |
Afgelok-te, bn. enticed |
Afgeloop-te, bn. run down |
Afgelos-te, bn. relieved |
Afgely-de, bn. derived, led off |
Afgemaai-de, bn. mowed down |
Afgemaak-te, bn. made off, made peace, killed |
Afgemaal-de, bn. ground |
Afgemat-te, bn. tired, fatigued |
Afgemeet-te, bn. measured |
Afgemuur-de, bn. walled in |
Afgeneem-de, bn. taken down, by force deprived, photographed |
Afgepaal-de, bn. hedged off with stakes |
Afgepas-te, bn. carefully measured off |
Afgeperk-te, bn. partitioned |
Afgepers-te, bn. extorted |
Afgepluis-de, bn. picked |
Afgepluk-te, bn. plucked, picked |
Afgepraat-te, bn. babbled, talked |
Afgepyl-de, bn. gauged |
Afgeraai-de, bn. dissuaded |
Afgeraak-te, bn. lost, strayed |
Afgerasper-de, bn. rasped off, grated |
Afgereken-de, bn. squared off, settled |
Afgerem-de, bn. with the break on, drawn out |
Afgerig-te, bn. trained. |
Afgeroep-te, bn. called down, proclaimed |
Afgeroes-te, bn. rusted away |
Afgerol-de, bn. rolled off or down |
Afgeron-de, bn. rounded, made round |
Afgeros-te, bn. thrashed, beaten |
Afgeruil-de, bn. exchanged, bartered |
Afgeruk-te, bn. pulled off |
Afgery-de, bn. ridden, overridden |
Afgeryk-te, bn. reached down |
Afgesaag-de, bn. sawn off |
Afgesaal-de, bn. saddled off |
Afgesak-te, bn. settled down |
Afgesant, sn. embassador, deputy |
Afgeseg-de, bn. refused |
Afgeset, bn. deposed |
Afgesiin, fw. notwithstanding |
Afgeskaaf-de, bn. planed |
Afgeskaduw-de, bn. shadowed, typified |
Afgeskaf-te, bn. abolished, abrogated |
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Afgeskeep-te, bn. shipped off, put off |
Afgeskets-te, bn. delineated, drawn |
Afgekeur-de, bn. torn off or away |
Afgeskiit-te, bn. fired off, shot away |
Afgeskil-de, bn. peeled off, shelled |
Afgeskilder-de, bn. painted, described |
Afgeskilfer-de, bn. pulled off, exfoliated |
Afgeskop-te, bn. kicked off or down |
Afgeskot-te, bn. fenced in, enclosed |
Afgeskraap-te, bn. scraped off |
Afgeskrik-te, bn. frightened, scared away |
Afgeskroei-de, bn. singed off |
Afgeskrop-te, bn. scrubbed off |
Afgeskrywe, bn. copied out, broken off |
Afgeskud-de, bn. shaken down |
Afgeskuiwe, bn. slid down, deferred |
Afgeskuur-de, bn. scoured off |
Afgesky, bn. separated, parted |
Afgeskydenhyd, sn. retirement, seclusion |
Afgeslaan-de, bn. beaten off, refused |
Afgesleep-te, bn. dragged down |
Afgeslinger-de, bn. swung down, hurled down |
Afgeslons-te, bn. worn slovenly |
Afgesloof-de, bn. fatigued, tired |
Afgesluit, bn. closed, squared off, wound up |
Afgeslyp-te, bn. ground down |
Afgeslyt, bn. worn out or off |
Afgesmeek-te, bn. begged off, implored |
Afgesmeer-de, bn. smeared |
Afgesmelt, bn. molten off |
Afgesmyt, bn. flung or cast down |
Afgesnipper-de, bn. cut off piecemeal |
Afgesnoei-de, bn. pruned, topped |
Afgesny-de, bn. cut off or down |
Afgesoen-de, bn. reconciled by kissing |
Afgesonder-de, bn. separated |
Afgespan-de, bn. spanned off |
Afgespeen-de, bn. weaned |
Afgespeul-de, bn. played out |
Afgespin-de, bn. spun off |
Afgespit-te, bn. dug off |
Afgesplyt, bn. split off |
Afgespoel-de, bn. washed off, rinsed |
Afgespreek-te, bn. agreed on |
Afgespring-de, bn. jumped off, come to naught |
Afgestaan -ane, bn. yielded, given up |
Afgestamp-te, bn. knocked off |
Afgestap-te, bn. paced off, walked |
Afgesteek-te, bn. marked out, pegged off |
Afgesteel-de, bn. robbed |
Afgestel-de, bn. put off |
Afgestem-de, bn. outvoted, negatived |
Afgesterwe, bn. died |
Afgestof-te, bn. dusted |
Afgestomp-te, bn. made blunt |
Afgestroom-de, bn. flowed down |
Afgestroop-te, bn. stript off |
Afgestuit, bn. beaten back |
Afgestuur-de, bn. sent off, despatched |
Afgesweer-de, bn. adjurated |
Afgesyl-de, bn. slipped down |
Afgetap-te, bn. tapped off |
Afgeteken-de, bn. drawn, pictured |
Afgetel-de, bn. counted off |
Afgetop-te, bn. pruned |
Afgetorn-de, bn. off-stitched |
Afgetrap-te, bn. trod down |
Afgetré-de, bn. paced off, resigned |
Afgetrek-te, bn. pulled off, marched off |
Afgetrokke, bn. abstracted |
Afgetrokkenhyd, sn. abstractedness |
Afgetuig-de, bn. outspanned |
Afgetuimel-de, bn. tumbled down |
Afgewaai-de, bn. blown off |
Afgewag-te, bn. expected |
Afgewas-te, bn. washed off |
Afgewater-de, bn. watered off |
Afgeweer-de, bn. warded off |
Afgewen-de, bn. disaccustomed, turned off |
Afgewentel-de, bn. rolled off |
Afgewerp-te, bn. thrown off |
Afgewip-te, bn. slipped off |
Afgewissel-de, bn. alternated |
Afgewis-te, bn. wiped off |
Afgewy-de, bn. grazed off |
Afgewyk-te, bn. turned off |
Afgewys-de, bn. refused |
Afgeys-de, bn. exacted, demanded |
Afgiit, w. to pour off |
Afgiitsel, sn. cast |
Afglip, w. to slip off |
Afgly, w. to glide down |
Afgod, sn. idol |
Afgodery, sn. idolatry |
Afgodiis,-ise, bn. idolatrous |
Afgodsbeeld, sn. idol |
Afgodsdiens, sn. idolatry |
Afgodsdinaar, sn. idolator |
Afgodstempel, sn. temple of idols |
Afgoi, w. to throw down |
Afgrond, sn. abyss, precipice |
Afgrou, w. to snarl at |
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Afgryselik, bn. horrible |
Afgryselikhyd, sn. dreadfulness |
Afguns, sn. envy, jealousy |
Afgunstig, bn. envious, jealous |
Afgunstighyd, sn. jealousy |
Afhaak, w. unhook, outspan |
Afhaal, w. to fetch |
Afhandel, w. to finish, settle |
Afhang, w. to depend |
Afhankelik, bn. dependent |
Afhankelikhyd, sn. dependence |
Afhap, w. to bite off |
Afhark, w. to rake off |
Afhaspel, w. to reel off |
Afhellend, bn. sloping |
Afhelp, w. to help down |
Afhou, w. to keep apart |
Afhuur, w. to hire from |
Afhys, w. to hoist down |
Afjaag, w. to overdrive |
Afjaag (fan koorn), w. to winnow |
Afjaard, w. E. to yard off |
Afjag, afjak, sn. rebuff |
Afkam, w. to comb off |
Afkantel, w. to overset |
Afkap, w. to chop off, to die |
Afkappingsteken, sn. apostrophe |
Afkeer, w. to avert |
Afkerig, bn. averse |
Afkerighyd, sn. averseness |
Afkering, sn. aversion, dislike |
Afkerwe, w. to slice off, to chop off |
Afkeur, w. to disapprove, condemn |
Afkeuring, sn. disapprobation |
Afkeuringswaardig, bn. rejectable |
Afklad, w. to blot. |
Afklim, w. to descend |
Afklop, w. to faint, to die |
Afklouter, w. to climb off |
Afknaag, w. to knaw off |
Afknak, w. to break off |
Afknel, w. to pince or squeeze off |
Afknibbel, w. to haggle, to beat down |
Afknip, w. to cut off, to clip |
Afknipsel, sn. clipping |
Afknyp, w. to pinch or nip off |
Afkoel, w. to cool, to calm |
Afkoeler, sn. cooler |
Afkom, w. to descend, come down |
Afkomeling, sn. descendant, offspring |
Afkoms, sn. origin, pedigree |
Afkomstig, bn. descended from |
Afkondig, w. to announce, publish |
Afkondiger, sn. proclaimer |
Afkondiging, sn. proclamation |
Afkook, w. to boil, to decoct |
Afkooksel, sn. decoction |
Afkoop, w. to purchase |
Afkoopbaar, bn. purchasable |
Afkoopprys, sn. purchase price |
Afkoper, sn. purchaser, buyer |
Afkoping, sn. purchase |
Afkoppel, w. to uncouple |
Afkort, w. to shorten |
Afkorting, sn. shortening |
Afkou, w. to bite off |
Afkrap, w. to scratch off |
Afkruie, w. to wheel down |
Afkruip, w. to creep down |
Afkrummel, w. to crumble off |
Afkry, w. to get off or down |
Aflag, w. to laugh off |
Aflaai, w. to unload |
Aflaaier, sn. loader |
Aflaat, w. to leave off |
Aflaat, sn. indulgence |
Aflê, w. to lay down |
Afleen, w. to borrow |
Afleer, w. to unlearn |
Aflees, w. to announce |
Aflek, w. to lick off |
Aflening, sn. a borrowing |
Aflesing, sn. announcement |
Aflewer, w. to deliver |
Aflewering, sn. deliverance |
Aflig, w. to take off |
Afloer, w. to spy |
Aflok, w. to entice |
Afloop, w. to run down |
Afloping, sn. running down |
Aflos, w. to relieve |
Aflossing, sn. relief |
Aflui, w. to proclaim |
Afluister, w. to overhear |
Afly, w. to detract, derive |
Aflyding, sn. detraction, derivation |
Aflyer, sn. conductor |
Afmaai, w. to mow, to reap |
Afmaak, w. to clear off, to reconcile |
Afmaal, w. to grind |
Afmaker, sn. peacemaker |
Afmaking, sn. reconciliation |
Afmars, w. to march off |
Afmartel, w. to torment |
Afmarteling, sn. torment, torture |
Afmat, w. to weary, to tire out |
Afmattend, bn. wearying, tiring |
Afmatting, sn. fatigue |
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Afmeet, w. to survey |
Afmeetbaar, bn. measurable |
Afmerk, w. to mark off |
Afmetelik, bn. measurable |
Afmetelikhyd, sn. measurability |
Afmeting, sn. survey |
Afmoor, w. to treat cruelly |
Afmoot, w. to cut into pieces |
Afmuur, w. to wall off |
Afneem, w. to photograph, take away |
Afnemer, sn. photographer |
Af-oes, w. to reap |
Afpak, w. to unload |
Afpakkery, sn. unloading |
Afpars, w. to gather the vintage |
Afpen, w. to peg off |
Afperk, w. to fence in |
Afperking, sn. fencing in, enclosure |
Afpers, w. to exact, extort |
Afpeusel, w. to pick off |
Afpeuter, w. to bother |
Afpik, w. to hue |
Afpluk, w. to pick off, to gather |
Afplukker, sn. gatherer |
Afpoets, w. to clean, to polish |
Afpraat, w. to talk |
Afprent, w. to print off |
Afprewel, w. to mutter |
Afpyl, w. to take a flying survey |
Afraai, w. to dissuade |
Afraaier, sn. dissuader |
Afrabbel, w. to babble |
Aframmel, w. to rattle |
Afransel, w. to thrash |
Afraspe, w. to rasp off |
Afreken, w. to square off, to settle |
Afrekening, sn. settlement. |
Afrikaner, Afrikaander, sn. white man born in Africa |
Afrikaner, sn. a flower |
Afrikaner bees, skaap ens. sn. African breed of cattle, sheep etc. |
Afroei, w. to row down |
Afroep, w. to call down |
Afroeper, sn. proclaimer |
Afroes, w. to rust off |
Afrokkel, w. to entice |
Afrol, w. to roll down, to unroll |
Afronde, w. to round off |
Afroom, w. to cream off, to skim |
Afrowe, w. to rob |
Afruk, w. to pull or tear off |
Afrukker, sn. puller off |
Afry, w. to depart |
Afrys, sn. departure |
Afsaag, w. to saw off |
Afsaal, w.. to unsaddle |
Afsak, w. to sink down |
Afsaksel, sn. dreg |
Afsê, w. to break off an engagement |
Afsende, w. to send away |
Afsender, sn. sender, consigner |
Afsending, sn. despatch |
Afset, w. to rob, depose, start |
Afset, sn. a terrace, start |
Afsettery, sn. sharking trick |
Afsigtelik, bn. hideous |
Afsiin, w. to leave off, see off |
Afskaafsel, sn. shavings |
Afskaduw, w. to shadow off |
Afskaf, w. to abolish |
Afskaffer, sn. abstainer |
Afskaffer, sn. abstainer |
Afskaffing, sn. abolition |
Afskans, w. to intrench |
Afskansing, sn. intrenchment |
Afskawe, w. to plane |
Afskeep, w. to ship, to slight |
Afskeer, w. to shave or shear off |
Afskeersel, sn. clipping |
Afskep, w. to scum |
Afskets, w. to delineate |
Afskeur, w. to pull or tear off |
Afskiit, w. to shoot off |
Afskil, w. to peel |
Afskilder, w. to paint |
Afskildering, sn. painting |
Afskoffel, w. to weed |
Afskop, w. to kick off |
Afskort, w. to partition off |
Afskort, sn. partition |
Afskraap, w. to scrape |
Afskraapsel, w. scraping |
Afskrif, sn. copy |
Afskrik, w. to frighten, intimidate |
Afskrik, sn. abhorrence |
Afskrikwekkend, bn. horrible |
Afskroei, w. to singe |
Afskroewe, w. screw off |
Afskrop, w. to scrub off |
Afskrywe, w. to copy |
Afskrywer, sn. copyist |
Afsku, sn. abhorrence |
Afskudde, w. to shake off |
Afskudding, sn. shaking off |
Afskuim, w. to scum, skim |
Afskuiwe, w. to shove off |
Afskuiwing, sn. shoving off |
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Afskuur, w. to scour off |
Afskuwelik, bn. abominable |
Afskuwelikhyd, sn. abomination |
Afsky, w. to separate, to part |
Afskydbaar, bn. separable |
Afskyding, sn. separation |
Afskydingslyn, sn. partition line |
Afskydneming, sn. parting |
Afskydsbesoek, sn. farewell visit |
Afskydsbriif, sn. parting letter |
Afskydsgroet, sn. farewell greeting |
Afskydsmaal, sn. farewell dinner |
Afskydsmuur, sn. parting wall |
Afskydspersent, sn. parting gift |
Afskydspreek, sn. farewell sermon |
Afskydsrede, sn. farewell address |
Afskydssoen, sn. parting kiss |
Afskynsel, sn. spendour, image |
Afslaan, w. to strike off, to reject |
Afsla'er, sn. auctioneer |
Afslag, w. to skin |
Afslag, sn. reduction in price |
Afsleep, w. to drag down |
Afsleepsel, sn. dragging down |
Afslinger, w. to hurl down |
Afsloer, w. to waste one's self |
Afsloof, w. to wear out |
Afslowe (sig), w. to fatigue |
Afsluit, w. to lock away |
Afsluiting, sn. fence, bar |
Afslyp, w. to grind off |
Afslyt, w. to wear off |
Afsmeek, w. to implore |
Afsmelt, w. to melt off |
Afsmyt, w. to throw down |
Afsnoei, w. to prune off |
Afsnou, w. to snarl, growl |
Afsnuit, w. to snuff (a candle) |
Afsny, w. to cut off |
Afsnyding, sn. cutting off |
Afsoen, w. to reconcile with a kiss |
Afsonder, w. to separate |
Afsondering, sn. separation |
Afsonderlik, bn. separate |
Afsonderlik, bw. separately |
Afspan, w. to span |
Afspit, w. to shovel off |
Afsplinter, w. to splinter off |
Afspoel, w. to wash away |
Afspoeling, sn. washing off |
Afspraak, sn. verbal agreement |
Afspreek, w. to bespeak, to arrange |
Afspring, w. to jump down |
Afstaan, w. to yield, to give up |
Afstam, w. to descend from |
Afstammeling, sn. descendant |
Afstamming, sn. descent |
Afstamp, w. to stamp off |
Afstand, sn. distance, cession |
Afstap, w. to pace off |
Afsteek, w. to cut off, to beacon off |
Afsteel, w. to steal, to rob |
Afstel, w. to put off |
Afstel, sn. renouncement |
Afstem, w. to outvote |
Afstemming, sn. rejection |
Afstempel, w. to stamp off |
Afsterwe, w. to die |
Afsterwing, sn. dying, death |
Afstik, w. stitch off |
Afstip, w. to dot off |
Afstof, w. to dust off, to give a licking |
Afstoffer, sn. duster |
Afstomp, w. to truncate |
Afstook, w. to distil |
Afstoot, w. to push off |
Afstorm, w. to storm down |
Afstort, w. to pour down |
Afstorting, sn. pouring down |
Afstraal, w. to beam, shine |
Afstraf, w. to punish severely |
Afstraffing, sn. sound beating |
Afstraling, sn. splendour, irradiation |
Afstrook, w. to strip off |
Afstroom, w. to stream, flow down |
Afstroop, w. to strip off, skin |
Afstuit, w. to rebound, glance off |
Afstuiting, sn. rebounding, failure |
Afstuur, w. to steer off, send off |
Afsuig, w. to suck off |
Afsweer, w. to abjure |
Afswerwe, w. to stray |
Afswerwing, sn. straying |
Afsyl, w. to glide off |
Aftakel, w. to unrig |
Aftakeling, sn. unrigging |
Aftap, w. to tap, drain, draw |
Afteken, w. to mark out, draw |
Aftekening, sn. design, sketch |
Aftel, w. to count, number |
Aftog, sn. retreat |
Aftoom, w. to unbridle |
Aftop, w. to top, prune |
Aftorn, w. to rip off, unsew |
Aftrap, w. to tread down |
Aftré, w. to meausre by pace, resign |
Aftreding, sn. pacing off, resignation |
Aftrek, w. to deduct, subtract |
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Aftreksel, sn. extract |
Aftrek-som, sn. deduction |
Aftrompet, w. to proclaim by trumpet |
Aftuig, w. to unharness |
Aftuimel, w. to tumble down |
Afwaai, w. to blow off |
Afwag, w. to wait for, abide |
Afwagting, sn. waiting, staying |
Afwas, w. to wash |
Afwassing, sn. ablusion |
Afwater, w. to strain |
Afwatering, sn. straining |
Afweeg, w. to weigh |
Afweer, w. to defend, to prevent |
Afweerder, sn. repeller, repulser |
Afweger, sn. weigher |
Afwen, w. to disaccustom, disinure |
Afwende, w. to turn aside, divert |
Afwending, sn. diversion |
Afwening, sn. losing the habit |
Afwentel, w. to roll off or down |
Afwenteling, sn. rolling down |
Afwering, sn. resistance |
Afwerk, w. to work off, finish |
Afwerking, sn. finishing |
Afwerp, w. to cast, to throw |
Afwesig, bn. absent |
Afwesighyd, sn. absence |
Afwin, w. to gain from one |
Afwis, w. to wipe off |
Afwissel, w. to change, vary |
Afwisselend, bn. en bw. varied, alternate |
Afwisseling, sn. change, variation |
Afwryf, w. to rub, polish |
Afwyk, w. to deviate |
Afwykend, bn. different, deviating |
Afwyking, sn. digression, declination |
Afwys, w. to refuse, reject |
Afwysend, bn. declining |
Afwysing, sn. refusal, rejection |
Ag, uw. oh! |
Ag, sn. attention |
Ag, tw. eight |
Ag, w. to esteem, mind, think |
Agaat, sn. agate |
Agbaar, bn. venerable |
Agbaarhyd, sn. dignity |
Agbénig, bn. eight-legged |
Agdubbel, bn. octuple, eightfold |
Agent, sn. agent |
Agentskap, sn. agency |
Agfoud, sn. octuple, eightfold |
Agfoudig, bw. octuple, eightfold |
Aggéwend, bn. attentive |
Aggewing, sn. attention |
Aghoek, sn. octagon |
Aghoekig, bn. octagonal |
Agjarig, bn. eight years old |
Agkantig, bn. octagonal |
Agmaal, bn. eight times |
Agponder, sn. eightpounder |
Agsaam, bn. careful, considerate |
Agsaamhyd, sn. carefulness |
Agste, bn. eighth |
Agste, sn. eighth part |
Agsydig, bn. octahedral |
Agtal, sn. number of eight |
Agteloos, Agtelosig, bn. en bw. careless |
Agtelooshyd, sn. carelessness |
Agtenswaardig, bn. respectable, honourable |
Agtenswaardighyd, sn. respectability |
Agter, fs. en bw. behind, after |
Agteraan, bw. behind, in the rear |
Agteraf, bw. out of the way, secretly |
Agterbaks, bw. in secret |
Agterbeen, sn. hindleg |
Agterbly, w. to stay behind, remain behind |
Agterbuurt, sn. remote quarter, back street |
Agterdeel, sn. hind part |
Agterdeur, sn. back door, loophole |
Agterdog, sn. suspicion |
Agterdogtig, bn. suspicious |
Agterdogtighyd, sn. suspiciousness |
Agtereen, bn. successively, after one another |
Agterfoegsel, sn. affix, suffix |
Agterfolg, w. to follow, pursue |
Agterfolgens, bw. successively |
Agterfolging, sn. succession, pursuit |
Agtergéwel, sn. back front |
Agtergrond, sn. background |
Agterhaal, w. to overtake |
Agterhaling, sn. overtaking |
Agterhand, sn. back of hand |
Agterhand, bw. backward, behind |
Agterhoof, sn. occiput |
Agterhou, w. to keep back, withhold, conceal |
Agterhoudend, bn. reserved, reticent |
Agterhoudendhyd, sn. reserve, caution |
Agterhuis, sn. out-house, back house |
Agterin, bw. in from behind |
Agteringang, sn. hind-entrance |
Agterklap, sn. slander |
Agterklap, w. to slander, backbite |
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Agterklapper, sn. backbiter |
Agterlyndogter, sn. great-granddaughter |
Agterklynkind, sn. great-grandchild |
Agterklynseun, sn. great-grandson |
Agterkom, w. to discover |
Agterlaat, w. to leave behind, omit |
Agterlating, sn. leaving behind |
Agterlê, w. to lie behind |
Agterlyf, sn. hindpart, backside |
Agtermakaar, bn. en bw. successively, in order |
Agtermiddag, sn. afternoon |
Agterna, bw. after, behind |
Agternaam, sn. second name |
Agtero'er, bw. backward, supinely, on one's back |
Agterom, bw. the back way about |
Agteronder, sn. stern hold |
Agterop, bw. up behind |
Agterop-skop, w. to kick, wince |
Agterplaas, sn. back-yard |
Agterpoort, sn. back-gate |
Agterpoot, sn. hind paw, hindfoot |
Agterryer, sn. attendant on horseback |
Agterslag, (see Foorslag) sn. part of a whip |
Agterstaan, w. to be inferior, stand back |
Agterstal, sn. back-stable |
Agterstallig, bn. in arrear |
Agterstallighyd, sm. being in arrears |
Agterste, sn. backside, backpart |
Agterste, bn. hindermost |
Agterstel, w. to slight, put or place behind |
Agterstel, sn. back part of a wagon |
Agterstraat, sn. back-street, bylane |
Agterstuk, sn. hinderpiece |
Agtertog, sn. rear |
Agteruit, bw. backwards |
Agteruitgang, sn. going backwards |
Agterwaarts, bw. backpart |
Agterweg, sn. backway, backroad |
Agterwege, bw. aside |
Agterwerk, sn. backward |
Agterwiil, sn. hind-wheel |
Agter-ynde, sn. hindpart, backpart |
Agteryster, sn. hind-shoe |
Agtiin, tw. eighteen |
Agtiinde, tw. eighteenth |
Agting, sn. esteem, regard |
Agtuur, sn. breakfast |
Agurk, sn. gherkin |
Ai, uw. ah! |
Aia, sn. M. nurse |
Akelig, bn. dreary, dismal, gloomy |
Akelighyd, sn. dreariness, gloominess |
Akker, sn. acre, field, acorn |
Akkerdruiwe, sn. grapes like acorns |
Akkoord, sn. agreement |
Akkordeer, w. to agree |
Akkuraat -ate, bn. accurate |
Akkuraathyd, sn. accuracy |
Akseptant, sn. acceptant |
Akseptasi, sn. acceptation |
Aksepteer, w. to accept |
Aksi, sn. action, figure |
Aksyns, sn. excise |
Aksynsmeester, sn. excise officer |
Akte, sn. act, deed certificate |
Akteur, sn. actor, performer |
Aktiif, bn. active |
Al, alle, bn. all, every |
Al, bw. already |
Al, fw. though, even |
Alarm, sn. alarm |
Alarmklok, sn. alarm-bell, tocsin |
Alarmkreet, sn. cry of alarm |
Alarmskot, sn. alarm-gun |
Albaster, sn. marble |
Albeheersend, bn. all-ruling |
Album, sn. album |
Aldaar, bw. there |
Aldus, bw. thus, in this manner |
Aleer, bw. before |
Alfabet, sn. Alphabet |
Alfabetiis, bn. alphabetical |
Alfermoge, sn. omnipotence |
Alfermogend, bn. almighty |
Alfernilend, bn. all-destroying |
Alferslindend, bn. omnivorous |
Alforens, fw. before |
Algar, bw. altogether |
Algeheel, bn. entire, whole, total |
Algemeen, bw. generally, commonly |
Algemeen, bn. universal, common |
Algemeenhyd, sn. generality |
Algenoegsaamhyd, bn. all-sufficient |
Algenoegsaamhyd, sn. all-sufficiency |
Algoede, sn. all-good, God |
Algoedhyd, sn. all-bountifulness |
Alhiir, bw. here, at this place |
Alhoewel, bw. although |
Alikruik, sn. periwinkle |
Alikruik, sn. a nobody |
Aljimmer, bw. repeatedly |
Alklaps, bw. very often, now and again |
Alla!, uw. M. By God! In conjunction with other words, eg. allagiftig! alla= kragtig! allakrentig! allamattjiis! allamentjiis! allamintig! allawereld! |
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Alle, bn. all, every |
Alledaags, bn. daily, common |
Alledaagshyd, sn. triviality, commonness |
Alleen, bn. en bw. alone, single, isolated |
Alleenhandel, sn. monopoly |
Alleenheerser, sn. monarch, autocrat |
Alleenheerskappy, sn. monarchy |
Alleenspraak, sn. soliloquy, monologue |
Alleman, fn. everybody |
Allengs, bw. gradually |
Allerbes, bw. excellent, capital |
Allereerst, bn. first of all |
Allergristeliks, bn. most christian |
Allerhande, bn. of all sorts |
Allerhoogste, bn. highest, supreme |
Allerliifs, bw. most charmingly |
Allermeest, bn. en bw. most, mostly |
Alles, sn. all, everything |
Allessins, bw. in every respect, by all means |
Almag, sn. omnipotence, almightiness |
Almagtig, bn. almithy, omnipotent |
Almagtighyd, sn. almightiness |
Almal, bw. altogether |
Almede, bw. too, also, likewise |
Almogend, bn. almighty, all-powerful |
Almogendhyd, sn. almightiness |
Alom, bw. everywhere |
Alomfattend, bn. all-embracing |
Alomteenwoordig, bn. omnipresent |
Alomteenwoordighyd, sn. omnipresence |
Aloud, bn. ancient, antique |
Aloudhyd, sn. antiquity |
Alreeds, bw. already |
Als, as, fw. as, when, like, if |
Als, sn. wormwood |
Alsiind, bn. all-seeing |
Alslag, bw. repeatedly |
Also, fw. because, since, thus |
Alsydig, bn. universal |
Altaar, sn. altar |
Altans, bw. at least |
Al te, bw. too, too much |
Altemit, bw. perhaps |
Altesame, bw. altogether |
Altoos, bw. always, at least |
Altyd, bw. always, ever |
Altyddurend, bn. en bw. everlastingly |
Aluin, sn. alum |
Aluin-leer, felle, sn. leather tanned with alum |
Alwaar, bw. where |
Alweer, bw. again |
Alwetend, bn. omniscient |
Alwetenhyd, sn. omniscience |
Alwys, bn. all-wise |
Alwyse, sn. supreme wisdom (of God) |
Alwyshyd, sn. supreme wisdom |
Amandel, sn. almond |
Amb, sn. office, employment |
Ambag, sn. trade, handicraft |
Ambagslide, sn. workmen |
Ambagsman, sn. workman, mechanic |
Ambassade, sn. embassy |
Ambassadeur, sn. ambassador |
Ambgenoot, sn. colleague |
Ambsbedining, sn. office |
Ambsgewaad, sn. professional dress |
Ambshalwe, bn. officially |
Ambskleding, sn. official dress |
Ambteloos, bn. without employment |
Ambtenaar, sn. clerk, officer |
Amby, sn. piles |
Amper, bw. nearly |
An, fs. to, at, on, near |
Ananas, sn. pine-apple |
Anbeeld, sn. anvil |
Anbefeel, w. to recommend |
Anbefelenswaardig, bn. recommendable |
Anbefeling, sn. recommendation |
Anbefelingsbriif, sn. letter of recommendation |
Anbefole, bn. recommended |
Anbesté, w. to give out by contract |
Anbestéde, bn. contracted for |
Anbestéding, sn. public tender |
Anbid, w. to worship, to adore |
Anbiddelik, bn. en bw. adorable |
Anbiddenswaardig, bn. adorable |
Anbidder, sn. worshipper, adorer |
Anbidding, sn. worship, adoration |
Anbrand, w. to burn |
Anbrandsel, sn. burned part |
Ander, bn. other |
Andere, bn. others |
Anderhalf, bn. one and a half |
Andermaal, w. once again, another time |
Andermans, bn. of another |
Anders, bw. otherwise, else |
Andersdenkend, bn. of another opinion |
Anderssins, bw. otherwise |
Andiin, w. to announce |
Andoeli, sn. F. mince, meat, sausage |
Andoen, w. to call at |
Andoening, sn. emotion |
Andoenlik, bn. touching, moving |
Andoenlikhyd, sn. sentimentality |
Andra, w. to bring, tell |
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| |
Andraai, w. to turn in, turn tighter |
Andra'er, sn. informer, tell-tale |
Andraf, w. to trot on |
Andrang, sn. pressure, earnestness |
Andrentel, w. to saunter, lounge |
Andrif, sn. impulse, instinct |
Andring, w. to press, to insist |
Andringend, bn. insisting |
Andringing, sn. entreaty, insisting upon |
Andruis, w. to clash with |
Andruk, w. to press on, push on |
Andrukking, sn. pressing or pushing on |
Andrywe, w. to press or push on |
Andrywing, sn. instigation, impulsion |
Andui, w. to indicate, show |
Anduiding, sn. indication |
An-een, bw. together, successively |
An-ert, w. to earth up, tump |
An-ertploeg, sn. earthing-up plough |
Anfaar, w. to begin, collide |
Anfaarding, sn. beginning |
Anfal, w. to attack |
Anfal, sn. attack |
Anfallend, bn. attacking |
Anfaller, sn. attacker |
Anfallig, bn. charming, lovely |
Anfallighyd, sn. loveliness |
Anfang, w. to begin |
Anfang, sn. beginning |
Anfankelik, bw. at first |
Anfat, w. to seize, undertake |
Anfeg, w. to tempt |
Anfegting, sn. temptation |
Anferwant, bn. related |
Anferwantskap, sn. relation |
Anfliig, w. to rush |
Anfoeg,w. to join |
Anfoegend, bn. joining |
Anfoeging, sn. junction |
Anfoer, w. to command, convey |
Anfoerder, sn. commander |
Anfoer, sn. supply |
Anfra, w. to ask for |
Anfraag, sn. demand |
Anful, w. to fill up |
Anfulling, sn. completion |
Anfuur, w. to incite |
Angaan, w. to concern, matter, call on |
Angaande, bw. concerning, as to |
Angé, w. to hand |
Angebedene, sn. adored one |
Angebore, bn. innate, inherent, natural |
Angedaan, bn. moved, affected |
Angeklaagd, bn. accused |
Angeklaagde, sn. accused |
Angekom, bn. arrived |
Angeleer, bn. acquired, improved |
Angelege, bn. important |
Angenaam, bn. agreeable, pleasant |
Angenaamhyd, sn. pleasure, charm |
Angesig, sn. face, countenance |
Angesiin, fw. since, considered |
Angesteld, bn. appointed |
Angestoke, bn. worm-eaten, rotten |
Angewas, bn. increased, swollen |
Angéwer, sn. denouncer, plaintiff |
Angiit, w. add by casting |
Angooi, w. to throw or cast against |
Angorde, w. to grid on |
Angrens, w. to border upon |
Angrensend, bn. adjacent, contiguous |
Angrensing, sn. bordering upon |
Angroei, sn. growth, increase |
Angroei, w. to grow, increase |
Angroei'ing, sn. growth, increase |
Angryp, w. to take hold of, to seize |
Angrypend, bn. touching |
Angryping, sn. attack, taking hold of |
Angs, sn. anxiety, agony, fear |
Angsfallig, bn. scrupulous, timid |
Angsfallighyd, sn. anxiety, scrupulousness |
Angsgefoel, sn. sensation of anguish |
Angskreet, sn. cry of distress |
Angssweet, sn. cold perspiration |
Angstighyd, sn. uneasiness |
Angswekkend, bn. alarming |
Anhaak, w. to hook, fasten, attach |
Anhaal, w. to tighten |
Anhalingsteken, sn. inverted commas |
Anhang, sn. party, following |
Anhang, w. adhere, follow |
Anhanger, sn. partisan, follower, adherent |
Anhangig, bn. hanging, pending |
Anhangsel, sn. supplement, appendix |
Anhê, w. to have on, wear |
Anhef, w. to begin, utter |
Anheffing, sn. intonation |
Anheg, w. to affix, fasten |
Anhegsel, sn. affix |
Anhegting, sn. affixing, fastening |
Anhelp, w. to help on |
Anhits, w. to incite, stimulate |
Anhitsend, bn. inciting |
Anhitsing, sn. stimulation, incitement |
Anhol, w. to run on |
Anhoor, w. to listen to, hear |
Anhoorder, sn. listener, hearer |
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Anhorig, bn. belonging, appurtenant |
Anhorighyd, sn. appurtenance |
Anhou, w. to insist, continue, persevere |
Anhoudend, bn. continual |
Anhoudenhyd, sn. continuance |
Anja, w. to hurry on, push on |
Anjeliir, sn. pink, carnation |
Ankalk, w. to coat with lime |
Anker, sn. anchor |
Anker, w. to anchor, cast anchor |
Ankla, w. to accuse of |
Anklag, sn. accusation, charge |
Anklager, sn. accuser, plaintiff |
Anklé, w. to dress |
Ankleding, sn. dressing |
Ankleefsel, sn. sticking part |
Anklewe, w. to stick to, adhere |
Anklop, w. to knock at |
Anklopping, sn. knocking |
Anknoop, w. to button together, bind |
Anknoping, sn. buttoning together, tying |
Ankom, w. to arrive, improve |
Ankomeling, sn. new- comer, new- beginner |
Ankomend, bn. arriving, ensuing |
Ankoms, sn. arrival |
Ankondig, w. to announce, inform |
Ankondiger, sn. announcer, advertiser |
Ankondiging, sn. announcement |
Ankoop, sn. purchase |
Ankoop, w. to buy, purchase |
Ankoping, sn. purchase |
Ankoppel, w. to bring about by match-making |
Ankoppeling, sn. match-making |
Ankruip, w. to creep towards |
Ankry, w. to get |
Ankuier, w. to walk on |
Ankweek, w. to cultivate |
Ankweker, sn. cultivator |
Ankweking, sn. cultivation |
Ankyk, w. to look at |
Anlaat, w. to leave on, to let on |
Anlag, w. to smile at |
Anland, w. to land |
Anlanding, sn. landing |
Anlap, w. to add to |
Anlas, w. to eke, to join on |
Anlassing, sn. joining |
Anlasstuk, sn. eking-piece |
Anlê, w. to take aim, manage |
Anleer, w. to learn, acquire |
Anleg, sn. plan, arrangement, natural disposition |
Anlegger, sn. author, cause |
Anlegging, sn. investment, construction |
Anlering, sn. studying |
Anleun, w. to lean, rest |
Anliggend, bn. adjacent |
Anlok, w. to attract, allure, charm |
Anlokkelik, bn. attractive, alluring |
Anlokkelikhyd, sn. attractiveness, charm |
Anlokking, sn. alluring, enticing |
Anloksel, sn. attraction, charm |
Anloop, sn. start, run, haunt |
Anlyding, sn. inducement, motive |
Anlym, w. to glue together |
Anmaak, w. to prepare |
Anmatig, w. to presume, pretend to |
Anmatigend, bn. presumptuous |
Anmatiging, sn. presumption |
Anmelde, w. to announce |
Anmelding, sn. announcement, application |
Anmerk, w. to remark, observe |
Anmerkelik, bn. considerable |
Anmerking, sn. remark, reflection |
Anminnig, bn. lovely, sweet |
Anminnighyd, sn. loveliness |
Anmoedig, w. to encourage, incite |
Anmoediging, sn. encouragement, incitation |
Annaai, w. to sew on |
Anneem, w. to accept, adopt, suppose |
Annemelik, bn. acceptable |
Annemelikhyd, sn. acceptibility |
Annemer, sn. contractor |
Anneming, sn. acceptance, adoption, confirmation |
Anpak, w. to seize, lay hold of |
Anpas, w. to try, to adjust |
Anpen, w. to pen on |
Anpikel, w. to convey with difficulty |
Anplant, w. to plant |
Anplanting, sn. planting, plantation |
Anplyster, w. plaster |
Anplystering, sn. plastering |
Anpor, w. to incite, stimulate |
Anporder, sn. inciter, stimulator |
Anporring, sn. stimulation |
Anprater, sn. palmer |
Anprating, sn. persuasion |
Anprys, w. recommend, to praise |
Anprysing, sn. recommendation |
Anraai, w. to advise, recommend |
Anraaier, sn. adviser |
Anraak, w. to touch |
Anraking, sn. touch |
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| |
Anrand, w. to attack, to assail |
Anranding, sn. attack |
Anreken, w. to charge |
Anrig, w. to cause, make, do |
Anrigting, sn. causing, perpetration |
Anroei, w. to row on, toward |
Anroep, w. to call, invoke |
Anroeping, sn. calling, invocation |
Anroer, w. to touch, hint, mention |
Anroes, w. to gather rust |
Anroesting, sn. growing rusty |
Anrol, w. to roll on |
Anruk, w. to shut with a jerk |
Anry, w. to transport |
Anryg, w. to tighten |
Anset, w. to put on, incite, sharpen |
Ansettafel, sn. adjoining table |
Ansiin, w. to look at |
Ansiinlik, bn. goodlooking |
Ansit, w. to sit down |
Anskaf, w. to furnish, buy |
Anskaffing, sn. furnishing, buying |
Anskoffel, w. shuffle along |
Anskou, w. see, behold |
Anskouer, sn. eye-witness |
Anskrywe, w. to summon, order |
Anskrywing, sn. notification, summons |
Anskroewe, w. to screw on |
Anskroewing, sn. screwing on |
Anskuiwe, w. push against, shove to |
Anskryn, sn. appearance, face |
Anslaan, w. to hit, salute, rust |
Anslag, sn. attempt, assault, thrive |
Ansleep, w. to drag on |
Ansluit, w. to sit close, follow, join |
Ansluiting, sn. joining, attachment |
Anslyp, w. to sharpen, whet |
Ansmeer, w. to smear |
Ansmyt, w. to throw against |
Ansnel, w. to run, hasten |
Ansny, w. to give the first cut to |
Ansnyding, sn. cutting up |
Ansoek, w. to solicit |
Ansoek, sn. application |
Anspelde, w. to pin on |
Anspoel, w. to wash ashore |
Anspoor, w. to encourage |
Anspraak, sn. speech, company address |
Anspreek, to address, speak to |
Anspring, w. to rush upon |
Anspyker, w. to nail to |
Anstaan, w. to suit, please |
Anstaande, bn. next |
Anstaande, sn. intended future wife or husband |
Anstaar, w. to stare on, gaze at |
Anstap, w. to walk on |
Ansteek, w. to fasten, infect |
Anstekelik, bn. infectious |
Anstekelikhyd, sn. contagiousness |
Anstel,w. to appoint, nominate, simulate |
Anstelling, sn. appointment |
Anstellings, sn. caprices |
Anstip, w. to touch, mention |
Anstoker, sn. stimulator, incter |
Anstoking, sn. stirring up |
Anstonds, bw. directly, immediately, presently |
Anstook, w. to stir up, incite |
Anstoot, sn. insult |
Anstorm, w. to rush in |
Anstotelik, bn. shocking, insulting |
Anstotelikhyd, sn. scandalousness |
Anstoting, sn. pushing, push |
Anstreep, w. to note down with a dash |
Anstroom, w. to flow on |
Ansuiwer, w. to pay off |
Answem, w. to swim on |
Antal, sn. number, a great many |
Antas, w. to attack, assail |
Anteken, w. to note down, register |
Antekening, sn. annotation, registering |
Antekeningboek, sn. note-book |
Antik, w. to knock, to touch |
Antimmer, w. to timber on |
Antog, sn. approach |
Antonend, bn. indicative, demonstrative |
Antoon, w. to show, indicate |
Antref, w. to meet, find |
Antrek, w. to attract, dress, be concerned |
Antreklik, bn. sensitive, easily affected, attractive |
Antreklikhyd, sn. charm, sensitiveness |
Antrekking, sn. attraction |
Antrekkingsfermoge, sn. attractive power |
Antrekkingskrag, sn. attractive power |
Antrekkingspunt, sn. centre of gravity |
Antrou, w, to ally by marriage |
Antrouing, sn. alliance by marriage |
Antwoord, w. to answer |
Antwoord, sn. reply, answer |
Anwaai, w. to blow to, come unawares |
Antwoord, sn. reply, answer |
Anwaai, w. to blow to, come unawares |
Anwakker, w. to encourage |
Anwandel, w. to approach slowly |
Anwas, w. to grow |
| |
| |
Anwas, sn. growth |
Anwen, w. to accustom |
Anwende, w. to employ |
Anwending, sn. application |
Anwenk, w. to beckon |
Anwensel, sn. habit |
Anwerk, w. to keep on working |
Anwerp, w. to throw against |
Anwerwe, w. to enlist, enroll |
Anwerwer, sn. recruiting officer |
Anwerwing, sn. enlistment |
Anwese, sn. presence |
Anwesend, bn. present |
Anwesig, bn. present |
Anys, sn. aniseed |
Apeflooi, sn. a nobody |
Apegesig, sn. monkey-face |
Apejonge, sn. a foolish boy |
Apespel, sn. apishness |
Apestreek, sn. a foolish act |
Api, sn. small ape |
Apiisboom, sn. a sort of mimosa |
Apokriif, bn. apocryphal |
Apostel, sn. Apostle |
Apostolise, bn. apostolic |
Appel, sn. apple |
Appél, sn. appeal |
Appel-der-liefde, sn. gooseberry |
Appelkoos, sn. apricot |
Appelkoos-perske, sn. apricot-peach |
Apelleer, w. to appeal |
Appel-luis, sn. appletree aphis |
Appeltji-skil, w. to settle something |
Apteek, so. apothecary's shop |
Apteker, sn. apothecary |
Aptyd, sn. appetite |
Arbiter, sn. arbitrator |
Arbitrasi, sn. arbitration |
Arby, sn. strawberry |
Arby, w. to labour |
Arbyd, sn. labour |
Arbyder, sn. labourer |
Arbydsaam, bn. industrious |
Arbydsloon, sn. wages |
Arend, sn. eagle |
Argitek, sn. architect |
Arglistig, bn. crafty |
Arglistighyd, sn. craftiness |
Argwaan, sn. suspicion |
Arikruik, sn. periwinkle |
Ark, sn. ark |
Arm, sn. arm |
Arm, bn. poor |
Armbeurs, Armbus, sn. alms-box |
Arm-mans koek, sn. poor man's cake |
Armoede, sn. poverty |
Armoedig, bn. poor |
Armoedighyd, sn. poverty |
Armsalig, bn. wretched, pitiful |
Armsalighyd, sn. wretchedness |
Armsgat, sn. armhole |
Arm-Soldaat-spulletji, sn. a game |
Aroena, sn. a wild fruit |
Arres, sn. arrest |
Arresteer, w. to arrest |
Arri! uw. hallo! |
Arseniik, sn. arsenicum |
Art-appel (see Ert-appe!) |
Artikel, sn. article |
Artilleri, sn. artillery |
Artilleris, sn. artillerist |
As, sn. axle, ash |
As, fw. if, than |
Asbossi, sn. ash-bush |
Asem, sn. breath |
Asem-haal, w. to breathe |
Asgaai, sn. assegai |
Asgaaiboom, sn. a tree |
Asgaaihout, sn. a sort of timber |
As-gat, sn. lazy fellow |
As-hoop, sn. ash-heap |
As-koek, sn. ash-cake |
As-kop, sn. ash-pan |
Askoek-klop, w. a peculiar Hottentot dance |
Askoestertji, sn. a bird |
Asma, sn. asthma |
As-paai, sn. a game |
Aspres, bw. purposely |
Assebliif, uw. if you please |
Assignasi, sn. assignation |
Assigneer, w. to assign |
Assuransi, sn. insurance |
Assureer, w. to insure |
Aster (somer), sn. aster |
Aster (winter), sn. chrysanthemum |
Astrant, bn. forward, pedant |
Asuur, bn. azure |
Asyn, sn. vinegar |
Ate'is, sn. atheist |
Ate'isme, sn. atheism |
Atjar, M. sn. pickles |
Atlas, sn. atlas |
Atmosfeer, sn. atmosphere |
Atta, sn. a nurse |
Attensi, sn. attention |
Attestaat, sn. certificate |
Aweregs, bn. wrong, perverse |
- For declension of Adjectives see Comparative Grammar.