II O'er di Lettergrepe,
II. Syllables.
1. Sofeul letters as 'n mens in een slag uitspreek is 'n lettergreep. So het ons woorde fan een lettergreep, soos skool; fan 2, soos bil-tong; fan 3, soos juis-te-ment; fan 4, soos kuils-kan-ne-tji; fan 5, soos pap-pe-lel-le-koors; fan 6 soos kaf-fer-wa-ter-li-moen, ens. |
1. As many letters as are pronounced together at once form a syllable. Thus we have in Cape Dutch as well as in English words of one and more syllables, as knap-sak, etc, |
Oefening: - Skryf di follende woorde afgedeel in lettergrepe:- |
Exercise: - Write the following words and separate the different syllables, thus ka-tji-pi-ring:- |
Koggelstok, hotopses, haarnaasfoor, fuurmaakplek, ferkleurmannetji, kroekemakranka, karkattji, skaapsteker, uiefliis. |
2. 'n Lettergreep is ope, as dit op 'n klinker uitgaan, soos ja, en gesluit as dit op 'n medeklinker yndig soos jag. |
2. A syllable is called open when it terminates in a vowel as go, and closed when it ends in a consonant, as got. |
Oefening: - Wys an in di follende woorde watter lettergrepe ope en watter gesluit is:- |
Exercise; - Point out in the following words which syllables are open and which closed:- |
Perbeerslag, gemakkelik, moeielik, andere, folkome, betrekkelike foornaamwoorde, fergelykende trappe, koekemakranke, dolosse. |
3. Waar twe klinkers agtermakaar kom en twe lettergrepe maak, daar set ons in Afrikaans 'n komma (') tussen di twe, om an te wys, dat dit ni an makaar moet gelees worde ni, soos Isra'el, Indi'e, ens. |
3. When 2 vowels follow on each other, which are pronounced as 2 syllables, this is indicated in Cape Dutch by placing a comma between the two, thus Isra'el, Indi'e. |
Oefening: - Ful di kommas in tot afskyding in di follende woorde:- |
Exercise: - Separate the syllables in the following words, by inserting the required commas:- |
Oer drientwintig dae kom di skip fan Australie. Party mense skrywe Hogerhuis en Lagerhuis, en andere weer Hoerhuis en Laerhuis fan ons Parlement. |