Miscellaneous no. 8, Correspondence between H.M. Government in the United Kingdom and the German Government, August 1939. Cmd. 6102.
Urkunden zur letzten Phase der deutsch-polnischen Krise, Berlin 1939, Carl Heymanns Verlag.
Miscellaneous no. 9 (1939), Documents concerning German - Polish relations and the outbreak of hostilities between Great Britain and Germany on September 3 rd 1939. Cmd. 6106.
Germany no. 1 (1939), Final report by the Right Honourable Sir Nevile Henderson G.C.M.G. on the circumstances leading to the termination of his mission to Berlin, September 20 th, 1939. Cmd. 6115.
India and the War. Statement issued by the Governor-General of India on October 17th, 1939. Cmd. 6121.
Germany no. 2 (1939), Papers concerning the treatment of German nationals in Germany 1938-1939. Cmd. 6120.