[2 september 1873
Antwoord van de Engelse regering]
2 september 1873
Antwoord van de engelse regering op Multatuli's circulaire. Formulier, groot formaat, waarop de eerste veertien woorden gedrukt, de rest geschreven. (M.M.)
Whitehall, 2nd September 1873.
I am directed by Mr Secretary Lowe to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 1o. Instant, submitting for consideration a plan which you have invented for the utilisation of Railway-tickets. And I am to inform you that the Secretary of State never interferes in the matter of inventions. They must depend upon their own merits for introduction to, and adoption by the Public.
I am,
Your obedient Servant
A.J.O. Liddell
Mr Eduard D. Dekker