ter, are his wife and daughter. Some heavy hand is always on him, plundering him, working him to death. Does he complain? Better he had never lived! One official protects another; and the wretched sufferer who saw his cattle dragged away last night, and in his passion rushed to some officer and made a complaint, is only too glad, when cool reflection comes, to disavow his own words, and declare he consented to the plunder rather than incur an enmity which would pursue him to the death. Whole regions become nearly depopulated by the flight of families into the swamps, anywhere out of the reach of some more than ordinarily rapacious persecutor. All the usual practices of jobbery, speculation, sham contracts, falsified reports, and so forth, fringe this hideous system of colonial government. Of course populations sometimes rise in revolt, and then, need we tell any Englishman who remembers what lateley came of a local riot in Jamaica, how vigorously and effectually the ruling race deals with the disturbers of official order?
‘Max Havelaar’ is the story of an Assistant Resident, of character remarkably eccentric for a colonial official. He has a deep-feeling heart, a noble sense of justice; he has keen eyes and high talents. He tries to do good in Java, and he fails. He tries to stand between the people and an abominable system. He tries to arouse the attention and the feelings of the Governor of the East India colonies and of the Home Government. He fails utterly. He is dismissed and disgraced, and he returns to Europe to tell, not of his own wrongs, but of those inflicted on Java. That is the whole story. A book which combines more humour, knowledge of character, high thought, deep pathos, and vigorous political intelligence than any we have read for a long time, is strung together on this slender thread. We should tell the reader that there is no piling the agony in it. The author apparently disdains the vulgar arts which would appeal to our emotion by elaborate descriptions of individual suffering and shame. It is a system which he pictures, and except for one exquisitely pathetic episode, there is little in the book to make a sensation drama or a sensation picture out of. The reader who cannot be moved to pity or aroused to anger by the description of systems which leaves him to infer the condition of those who suffer under them, will, perhaps, find little in this book to stir his emotions. Certainly he will find no elaborate and ghastly description of torturings and hangings, no