Abh. = Abhandlungen. |
Ann. soc. mét. France = Annuaire de la Société météorologique de France. |
Ann. = Annalen, Annales. |
Arch. = Archives. |
A.N. = Astronomische Nachrichten. |
Beitr. = Beiträge. |
Ber. = Berichte. |
Bull. = Bulletin. |
C.R. = Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris. |
Eder's Jahrb. = Eder's Jahrbuch für Photographie und Reproduktionstechnik. |
Geogr. = Geographical. |
Geogr. Ann. = Geografiska Annaler. |
H. en D. = Hemel en Dampkring. |
Helv. Phys. Acta = Helvetica Physica Acta. |
J.R.A.S. Can. = Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. |
J.O.S.A. = Journal of the Optical Society of America. |
Journ. Frankl. Inst. = Journal of the Franklin Institute. |
Mem. spett. it. = Memorie degli spettroscopisti italiani. |
Met. = Meteorological, Meteorologische, Meteorologie. |
Mag. = Magazine. |
Mitt. Ver. Fr. d. Astron. = Mitteilungen des Vereins der Freunde der Astronomie enz. |
M.N. = Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. |
M.W.R. = Monthly Weather Review. |
Nat. = Nature. |
Naturwiss. = die Naturwissenschaften. |
Nov. Act. Leop. = Nova Acta Academiae Leopoldinae. |
Onweders, enz. = Onweders en Optische Verschijnselen in Nederland. |
P.A.S.P. = Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. |
Peterm. Mitt. = Petermann's geographische Mitteilungen. |
Phil. Mag. = Philosophical Magazine. |
Philos. = Philosophical, Philosophie. |
Phys. = Physikalische, Physik, Physical. |
Pogg. Ann. = Annalen der Physik, Poggendorff'sche Reihe. |
Proc. Ind. Ass. = Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Advancement of Science. |
Proc. R. Soc. = Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. |
Quart. Journ. = Quarterly Journal of Theoretical and Applied Meteorology. |
Rep. Brit. Ass. = Report of the British Association. |
Rev. = Review. |
Smiths. misc. Coll. = Smithsonian miscellaneous Collection. |
Trans. = Transactions. |
Verh. = Verhandelingen. Verhandlungen. |
Versl. enz. = Verslagen der Kon. Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. |
Vid. Selsk. Forh. = Videnskabs Selskabets Forhandlinger. |
Zs. = Zeitschrift. |
De litteratuur uit Ruskin is aangehaald naar de Library Edition (London 1903-1912); de Romeinse cijfers zijn de nummers der delen. |