No 2354.
Chr. Cock à Christiaan Huygens.
17 juin 1684.
Appendice au No. 2352.
La lettre se trouve à Leiden, coll. Huygens.
London June ye 27th
Worthy Sir.
I haue sent you twenty four peeces of Glass according to your directions and they weighed ad first before I cut them fifty Eight pound: at foure shillings a pound which comes to: 11 ℔ - 12s. - ood another peece of glass which is whiter then the rest that cost me 10s., And for wateridge and for a box to put them in and for porteridge comes to 10s. more wich in all comes to 12 ℔. 12s.oo wich I Receiued of the Marchant, the white peece of glass that I sent you, I sent it for your experience to try whether you approve of it and I doe thinke it the best that euer was made in the world, if it will continue in frost or in wett weather, for my tyme and trouble and labour I haue not a farthing this is what I am out of pockett. and I expect 10 guinneyes from the Marchant who paid me the other by your order or else I haue not sattisfaction I would not aske the marchant any thing then because I would haue you to see them first. I had soe much trouble in cutting them round that my hands weir soe sore that I was not able to doe any thing and I would not doe soe much againe. not for 10 guineys soe I Remayne
Your humble serv.
Christop. Cock.
pray Sr. if you please let me here from you.
These for Monsr. Huggens.