Briefwisseling. Deel 6: 1663-1687
(1917)–Constantijn Huygens–6954. Aan Dr. WrenGa naar voetnoot3). (K.A.)aant.This bearer is a Jew by birth and profession, and I bound to him for some instructions I had from him, long agoe, in the Hebrew literature. This maketh me grant him the adresses he desireth of me, his intention being to shew in England a curious model of the temple of Salomon, he hath been about to contrive these many years, where he doth presume to have demonstrated and corrected au infinite number of errors and paralogismes of our most learned schollars, who have meddled with the exposition of that holy fabrick, and most specially of the Jesuit VillalpandusGa naar voetnoot4), who, as you know, Sir, has handled the matter ingenti cum fastu et apparatu, ut solent isti. I make no question but many of your divines and other virtuosi will take some pleasure to heare the Isralite discourse upon his architecture and the conformity of it with the genuine truth of the holy text, but, Sir, before all, I have thought I was to bring him acquainted with yourself, who are able to judge of the matter upon better and surer grounds than any man living. I give him also | |
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letters to the Portingal ambassadorGa naar voetnoot1), to mylord Arlington and M.r OldenburgGa naar voetnoot2), that some notice may be taken of him, both at the court, and amongst those of the Royal Society. If you will be so good as to direct him unto mylord archbishop of CanterburyGa naar voetnoot3) his Grace, even in my name, I am sure the noble prelat will take it pro more suo friendly, and remember with me the Psalme, Laetatus sum in his quae dicta sunt mihi, in domum domini ibimus. I pray, Sir, lett his Grace find here my humble and most devoted respect, and for your part I beleeve I doe still remember your excellent merits, and in consideration of them am and will always shew to be ..... Haghe, the 7 of Oct. 1674. I find no copie about me of a french discourse I readGa naar voetnoot4) in England concerning the cleaning of London streets; if it were possible you could procure me one, I would receave it as a special favour. |