Briefwisseling. Deel 6: 1663-1687
(1917)–Constantijn Huygens–6323. Aan den graaf van SouthamptonGa naar voetnoot1). (H.A.)Twee malen ben ik bij u aan huis geweest en had u de prenten van het nieuwe stadhuis van Amsterdam willen laten zien, maar vond u niet t'huis. Nu neem ik schriftelijk afscheid van u, want ik keer naar Frankrijk terug. - ‘A second supplication I am to joyne unto this, which is, whereas now by severall degrees the expedition of your two privy [seals] is come to my hands, it may please your lordship to favour his High.s with your warrant required upon them. Which being done, though I shall make no account to have obtained anything but paper insteed of monie, which your lordship has often protest unto me is not to be hoped for at this present [time], yet I am persuaded, some people finding our paper so much better qualifyed, will incline to some kind of negociation upon it, by which his High.s may on a manner be released in his present urgent necessities. Sir Philip WarwickGa naar voetnoot2), to whom I have delivered both privy seals, hath promised me to second me in this suite.’ Ik hoop, dat gij ook zult willen helpen door aan de nu nog noodige formaliteit te voldoen. Lond., 4/14 Aug. 1664. |