Briefwisseling. Deel 5: 1649-1663
(1916)–Constantijn Huygens–5349. PercyGa naar voetnoot2). (B.M.)I am not only in your debt for a letter, but for many other civilityes which I ought both to remember and thank you for, and that I now doe by this; whosoeever hath indispositions uppon him, is not master of himself norGa naar voetnoot3) his businesse. If [it] had bin my applications to give his hig[hness] Councell a state of the affaires heere, [I] should not have bin soe often called for, norGa naar voetnoot3) soe long a comming. You will find them, I think, very truly reported for what is matter of fact, but for matter of conduct I know myselfe soe subiect to faile, as I will not answer for myselfe; yet I hope, the faults that have bin committed either will not appeere to be myne, or else with the help of your advice will be easily mended. As it is not the part of a wise man to give councell before it is asked, soe it is not the part of a frend to deny it, when it is sought, and as I know you not subject to offend in the first part, soe I believe, your good nature and civility will not give me occasion to complaine of you for the other. The officers gave me their account and told me, it was the custome for me either to allow of them, or to send them to the Councell; of the two I chose the latter, not having had any order sent me for the other. I have given my owne opinion of those things, that I beleeve may settle the revenewe of this place. If you will send me yours, I shall take it as a [a]greableGa naar voetnoot4) favor, and make you all the returns that you can expect from one, that is very much your humble servant. Chat. Renard, the 27th AprilGa naar voetnoot5). |