Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens–4569. St. GoffeGa naar voetnoot5). (L.B.)If Calandrini waite upon you, I beseech you to remember, that it imports very much, he be sent out of this place with an opinion, he shal find contentment in the security he expects, and that the matter will proceede. This is necessary to be done, wich so ever the conclusion be, and I have already disposed him to that beleife. I send you this advertisement, because I perceave, he is in earnest to be gonne, and resolved to attend you first; for the maine point, it concernes as much to receive a speedy answer as a good one, and if it bring with it an unhappy period of this undertaking, you may please to consider, that from that instant we may reckon the period of the monarchy of great Brittaine. If I be able - for I am now fallen lame againe - I shall waite upon you this evening or to morrow morning, to receive the resolutions [that] shal be taken, wich, whatsoever they be, shall not by any meanes lessen the great services you have done their Majesties in this particular, nor the many obligations you have laied upon ..... March. 18Ga naar voetnoot6). |