Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens– Auteursrecht onbekend4304. N. LanierGa naar voetnoot2). (L.B.)I have not only receaved your favourable leter with his Exellencyes pass, but yesterday I had also newes, that my wives two trunks are delivered, and I hope all things safe. Shortly - God willing - I shall wayte uppon you and in person express my inexpressable obligations to you. I have promised to accompanye a great lady of ours that is heere, who is very shortly bound for Holland. This day at her howse I mett with father SeagarsGa naar voetnoot3) the paynter, doeing pennance and bearing the weightye cross his Excellencie sent him in returne of his rare peece of flowersGa naar voetnoot4). I would, our crosses of England were such. Sig.r Duarte humbly kisses your handes, and is glad of anny occasion to serve you; by this meanes M.r WilleboirtsGa naar voetnoot5) may take his pleasure of Mylady of OxfordeGa naar voetnoot6). I hope shortly to be an admirer and partaker of your harmonious excellent compositions, as I am of your favours and charetye, that hath eternaly obliged me to be ..... Antwerp, this 3d of April 1646. |