Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens–4192. St. GoffeGa naar voetnoot3). (L.B.)Though I understand by Mons. Knuijte that admiral Dorp is by this time arrived with you, yet I shall venture to stay till to morrow to finish my occupations here. In the meane time I pray you to acquaint the admiral that I have lettres for him from the duke of Orleans, and adde such encouragements of your owne as you shall find fitt. The lettres from France do extreamely presse the prompt execution of this busines, and have brought with them severall motives to it, wich I shall tell you, when I come. Among others you may take notice that the duke of Lorraine hath desired a passeport for a gentleman of his to goe to the Queene of England, and conclude the treaty for his voyage into England, and accordingly that it is granted him, and resolution taken to bring that busines to an end, if at last there be any certainety to be found in it. Other things I have in answer to lettres of mine, withGa naar voetnoot4) give me great contentment and shall be communicated to you ..... Midleborough, Novemb. 2 (1645)Ga naar voetnoot5). |