Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens– Auteursrecht onbekend4056. St. GoffeGa naar voetnoot5). (H.A.)In requitall of your extract of July 22th, I send you two others from mylord Jermyn to me, one as I told you at Eckelo of an old date, the other the same day with yoursGa naar voetnoot6). There is nothing more certaine then that their Maties do really and solely intend the conclusion of the treaty here, wishing, they were in condicion to do it; wich would suddainely be, if this state would do their part and for a beginning but alter their most injurious negative neutrality, and | |
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so farre comply with the Kings assistance, as by their alliance with his Ma.ty they are already obliged to do. I shall make such use of your advise, that I will not doubt shortly of giving you more cleare confirmations of what I now send. In the meane time I give you many humble thanks for the letters which have accompanied this, and hope that Mons. d'Estrade hath likewise done his part to hasten the good resolutions from France. By this time I feare, you have beene sufficiently vexed with the Kings cabinet, wherein his Highnes his name hath beene so unreasonably mencioned, that I am of the opinion, that clause is forged by them who sett out the booke. My letter to mylord DigbyGa naar voetnoot1) saies only, that meanes would be found here to provide shipping and other necessaries for the d[uke]sGa naar voetnoot2) transportation, so that the busines should not faile upon that point. Of His Highnes, I added, as was fitt, that he was most really and affectionately disposed to contribute all that he was in his power to assist His Ma.ty. But why the King should send that for newes to the Queene, wich he knew, shee must immediately understand from me, before himselfe could receave it in England, I cannot conceive, unles it be that unluckines must attend us in all we do, which perhapps may make our frends to feare us. But, Sir, let not this so far operate on you as thence to discontinue your kindnes and good opinion towards ..... Haghe, Aug. 5th 1645. You may observe, how the villaines have concealed all their Ma.ties letters, wich concerne the mariage of the Prince, and have printed only three of the Queenes from Paris, the rest being such als would have demonstrated her mind to peace and this protestant matchGa naar voetnoot3). |