Briefwisseling. Deel 4: 1644-1649
(1915)–Constantijn Huygens– Auteursrecht onbekend3734. Aan den graaf van ArundelGa naar voetnoot3). (K.A.)Uw verzoek aangaande den graaf van OxfordGa naar voetnoot4) heb ik aan den Prins overgebracht, die den jongen edelman een post heeft gegeven, welke hem past, en mij beveelt u te melden, dat hij u gaarne een dienst bewijst. Het paspoort gaat hierbij. Mijne eigen geringe hulp bied ik u aan. ‘I hope not to have fayled in that kind of duty so farr as that I needed to be summoned of it by any mercenarie respects. And yet it has pleased your Lordship to deale with me something that way. But even in this incivilitie of receaving what I never deserved, I will obey and give humble thankes for so gracious a punishment, seeing that it cannot stand together, to bee really your Lordships servant, as I dare professe to bee, and to dispute against any livery you may find fitt to make me weare. Surely, Mylord, the colours of this are most excellent and daintily applyed, and I am to make a perpetual better cheare in these corners of a private kitchen then at any kings table. Though it must please the painter that I make much lesse of his never so cunning hand then of the givers’ ..... 2 of Septemb. 1644, Assenede. |