Briefwisseling. Deel 3: 1640-1644
(1914)–Constantijn Huygens–3302. Aan Utricia OgleGa naar voetnoot2). (K.A.)aant.My dear and most worthie scholler. This being the first settled place where I could have my musical bagage at hand, and some leasure to performe what I promised you so long agoe, I fell to the worke you see with all possible speed, some of it requiring but a copie, some new composing, of what I thought fittest for your faire and royall hands. You could give me leave to call them so, if you did but remember the proverbe by which kings are said to have long hands, but knowing, they are royall in a higher degree by their owne worth, I will not so much as crave your pardon for speaking truth. If I did entreate you to studie these lessons, it were a most senselesse forgetfulnesse of your noble skill. I have heard, you sing them before any other could have overseene them. My assured hopes are to heare you play them so too, and to stand myselfe ashamed, for seeing my brave scholler so farre beyond the reach of her poore master. At our first meeting I will stand to the tryall and helpe you soundlie, if not to laugh out, at least to sing out those unharmonious soules, who, unworthie of your anger, even by hating musicke shew, they love naturally its contrarie, which is falshood. I will never venture againe to entertaine your patience in this forrayne language, till I may be sure, you have understood some lines of my letter. Neither do I much care for the rest, if onely I can make you under- | |
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stand and beleeve the last of all and by it, that I am, my deare and most royall scholler, your most humble and obedient servant and unskillfull master ..... Assenede, 6 Jul. 43. You will find something altered in these songs of what I taught you before, but these are the true notes, falsifyed by my owne faulte and length of time. It comes to passe heere as with men that are used to lye; they will speake an untruth so often that at last they will beleeve and sweare them selfe, it is a truth. |