Briefwisseling. Deel 1: 1608-1634
(1911)–Constantijn Huygens–758. Sir H. VereGa naar voetnoot2). H.A.)The bringer of this, Mr. Moris, hath a busynes with you, wherein hee prayeth your assistannce. I doe joyne with him in the request that hee makes to you, that you would give him your best help for the obtayninge from the Prince that which he desyres. I doe leave yt to himself to make knowen to you what the busynes is. The willingnes, that I have ever found in you to further me in those thinges that I have had to doe with the Prince, gives me boldness in this perticular to troble you. I shall acknowledge the curtesy you doe me in this, as don to myself. When you have a fytt oportunitie, I pray you to present my humblest services to the Prince. I doe trewly honor him; yt is an affliction to me, that I am not able to doe him personall services. I shall ever comend his brave undertakinges to the god of hostes (?); so with the comendation of my affectionate love and services to yourself, I rest and shall ever be .... Hackney, this 4th of Feb. 1633. |