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wachelberen, weckelberen. Iuniperum T. |
wachtelboom, geniverboom. Iuniperus V. vetus. sicamb. K. |
wack. Udus, uvidus, humidus cet. Lentus, flexibilis, vietus K. |
wack, wedick. j. hoy T. |
waerderebbe vel heimelicheit vel schijtcamere. Tristegum V. waerdrubbe, waerdrobbe, waerdrebbe. Vestiarium, conclave K. |
waeteralf. Daemon aquaticus, Ennosigaeus, Neptunus K. |
wafele. Grapha V. |
wagghe. Tibiale, fascia crurulis, pero; tibiale laxum K. |
waghen, waglen. j. swancken T. |
waghenspel. Comedie M. Ludi, scenici ludi, spectaculum K. |
waye vel sweetse. Flamicea V. |
wake. Ulcus GlB. wakel V. wakel. vetus. Ulcus, apostema K. |
walluys. j. wandluys. Cimex K. |
walm. Manipulus V. walm. Brando V. walm, gluye. Fasciculus straminis cet. et Fascis straminis ardentis K. |
wamsool. Dyoplois V. |
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wan-daghes, voormaels cet. Olim cet. T. |
wan-lust. Languor, nausea K. |
wan-schapen, lelick. j. eislick T. |
wan-schicht, onsede. j. misstant T. wan-schichtlick. j. aventurlick T. |
wan-sede. zeland. Malus mos cet. K. |
wan-sedicheit. j. dorperheit T. |
wan-slaeperigh. Semisopitus, semisomnis K. |
wan-sout. Non probe aut non satis salitus K. |
wan-weten, wanwetich. Ignarus, inscius cet. delirus P. |
wand-luys, walluys, weeghluys. Cimex K. |
wandelen, verbeteren. Meliorare, emendare T. |
wansch. Alacris, lepidus, venustus, scitus K. |
wanten. j. hanschen T. wante. Chirotheca, manica, vulgo ganta K. |
wapeling, wepener. Armiger, satrapa, satelles T. |
wapper. Cestus. i corium cum plumbo infuso quo manus suas pugiles muniunt et se invicem caedunt V. |
wapper, wippe. Tollenon K. |
wardt. j. grint T. |
warmoes. Olus GlB. |
warvoghel. Imbractator, perturbator cet. T. wervoghel. Perturbator, interturbator K. |
wase, wipe. Fax V. wase. vetus. Fax K. |
wasem. Vapor G. fland. holl. sicamb. Vapor K. |
wastel. Liba GlB. GlT. wastelle vel coeke. Libum V. |
wate, snede. j. egghe T. wate. Acies V. waet. Acumen G. waet, waete. Acies, acumen K. |
waterkonckel. Gurges P. |
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waveraet. Muria V. waveraert van vischen. Garus V. waeveraet. Liquamen Garum: muria, decoctum piscium vel carnium sale maceratarum, liquor rerum elixarum, vulgo salmuria K. |
wedde. Dos GlT. Pignus GlB. |
wede-wael, gheelgorse. Galgulus, galbula, chlorion cet. K. |
wede-winde. Hedera V. |
wede-maent. Junius V. wedemaend, weedmaend, weydmaend. Iunius, dicitur et wedermaend K. |
wedem. Dos. wedemen. Dotare GlB. |
weder ende wey gaen. Digredi V. weder ende weynd loopen. Ultro citroque cursitare K. |
weder-schijn. Obiectum G. |
wedick, wack. j. hoy T. |
weeck. j. endt, endtvoghel. Anas, anas mas K. |
weeme. La maison du curé. Domus pastoris vel curati P. |
weer. Noeud M. Callus, callum et Nodus, tuber K. |
weer. fland. Sepimentum, septum, palatio, pedatio, vallum K. |
weffel, wevel. fland. j. streme. Vibex K. |
weffel. Pustula sive tumor exilis ex aculeo muscae cet. K. |
weghen. Dirigere in viam, monstrare iter, viam docere K. |
wegher, gheweghenre, nutliker. j. bet T. |
weydelick, schoon, staetlick. j. abel, herlick T. weydelick. Magnus, validus, fortis, potens, bonus, probus; habilis, aptus; egregius, excellens K. |
weyen vel brieschen. Hinnire V. |
weyfelen. Vagari, vacillare, fluctuare cet. K. |
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weymaent. Iuin M. weydmaend. Iunius mensis, mensis quo pecora in pascua ducuntur K. |
weysteren. Mobilitare ante oculos K. |
wekelerboom. Iuniperus T. |
wemen. j. qwetzen T. |
wenckel, wennekel, rocket. j kedel. Recidinna, -natis vel recidinnum T. |
wenstre. Sinistra GlB. |
wente, untz, hint. j. bis T. |
wepelen. j. weyfelen. Vagari K. |
weps. Vappidus V. |
were, woonstede. j. ghehuchte T. |
werringhe, twist. Dissentio V. |
werselen. Reluctari, reniti, obniti K. |
werte. Braxma V. werte. j. worte. Cerevisia mustea K. |
werwolf. Raphus, infirmitas V. weerwolf. Raphus G. weerwolf, waerwolf, weyrwolf, wederwolf. Lycaon, lycanthropos, verisipellis nycterobius cet. K. |
wesinghe. Essentia GlT. |
wesse. Dilutum malti cerevisarii; mustea cerevisia; decoctum. j. worte K. |
wete. Scientia et Renuntiatio, relatio, significatio K. |
wetten. j. vypen T. wetten, scherpen. Acuere cet. K. |
wevel. Cabro, scarrobeus T. wevel, wevelworm. j. kalander. Curculio K. |
wewede, pyne. j. crot T. wewede lyden, pyn hebben T. |
wewite. Calamitas GlB. wewite, onsalicheit, ermoede. Calamitas V. |
wichelen. j. wijchelen. Hinnire et Hariolari K. |
wijchelie, waersegghinghe. Auspicium G. wijchelaer. Aruspex G. |
wicken, toveren. j. boeten T. |
wideham. Viminetum V. |
wijden of willighen wart. Salictum T. |
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wiec in die wonde. Epithema G. wiecke, wondwiecke. Turunda, linamentum cet. K. |
wieke] Lues, een plaghe of wieke. i. macula, sordes vel pestilentia G. |
wiel, kolck, wielinghe. Vortex, vertex, contorta in se aqua cet. K. |
wier. holl. j. soegras. Alga, ulva, fucus marinus K. |
wieren. Gyrare, circuire K. |
wiewauwen. Delirare T. |
wyle der nonnen. Velum T. |
wilghe of tene. Salix G. wilghe. j. wyde T. willighe, wilghe. Salix K. |
wimmel. j. eveger T. wimpel. vetus. Terebellum K. |
wimpel. Bandum V. |
wijnboeve. Scurrus, scurro cet. T. |
winck. j. oghenblick T. |
windaes. Troclea, torcular vel parva rota super puteum V. windase. Carthesia, carthesia sunt in cacumine arboris, navis vel alterius trocleae per quas funes trahuntur V. wintdaes, dat men met stocken omdraeyt. Angin, guindas M. |
windelmaent. December V. windelmaend. vetus. j. windmaend. December K. |
winleke, erieleke. Aratorius V. |
winne vel ackerman. Accola V. winne, win, landwinner. Agricola, agricultor K. |
wint vel brec. Leporarius V. |
wip. Vibratio, agitatio tremula atque subita K. |
wip-steert. Gnaphalus K. |
wipe vel brant. Fax GlT. wijpken. Facula V. wijp, wijpe. j. wip. vetus. Fax K. |
wispelen. Vagari cet. T. |
wispelen. Sibilare GlB. wispelen vel blasen. Sibilare V. |
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wisse. Restis V. Vimen, Restis K. |
wissele. Fissina V. |
wytelen, hoblen, wentzelen. Volutare, volvere T. |
wijtinc. Gobia G. wijting ofte gadde. Un merlan. Apua P. wijttingh. j. wittingh. Apua et Asellus mollis K. |
wittemoes. Lactatum V. witmoes. Athera; puls ex tritici farina lacti permista; leucophagum; cibus lactarius K. |
wittighen. j. vercundighen T. |
wivel. Scarabeus GlT. wivel, wevel V. |
woene, waecke, bijte op dem yse. Lacua T. |
woensdagh, melius et frequentius goensdagh. Dies Mercurii K. |
woerhinne vel quackele vel lemoense. Ortix V. |
wolfskip. Decipula V. |
wolkenberst. Cataracta G. |
wors of mout. Braxavium G. |
worstelen. Agonizare, luctari GlB. V. |
worte oft meddigh bier, ghesoden mout. Mustea cerevisia et tepida cet. K. |
wosen. Aqua bulliente decrescente aliam insundere K. |
wouwe of cukendief. Milvus G. |
wraddel. Palear, palearia cet. K. |
wrangh, wranck van smaeck. Adstringens, austerus, asper gustu K. |
wranghen, ringhen. j. pranghen T. |
wransch. fland. Acerbus, austerus, amarus K. |
wranten. Mutire, litigare, iurgari P. |
wrase. j. torsse, torsche, torff T. wrase, wraese. sicamb. Cespes K. |
wreyken, wryecken. j. kyepen T. |
wreitsel. Plectrum dicitur gubernaculum navis V. |
wremelen. Motitare, palpitare K. |
wryen. Admissarius T. |
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writselen, vritselen. Motitare, mobilitari; subsilire K. |
writselen. Torquere, intorquere, involvere K. |
wroeghen. Incusare GlT. Urgere, torquere, angere et Accusare, deferre K. |
wroeten, scherren, schravelen, vaghen. Verrere G. |
wroeten, vroeten. Suffodere rostro humum cet. K. |
wronghel. Spira et Cesticillus et Cinnus K. |
wuelen, vestighen. j. binden T. |
wulpe, welpe. Catulus, catellus K. |
wulps. Temerarius, inconsideratus, dissolutus, lascivus instar catuli K. |
wulps sijn. Iuvenari, temere et inconsiderate iuvenum more aliquid agere, iuveniliter lascivire, iuveniliter se gerere, vitulari K. |
wuwe. Milvus GlT. |
wuwen. j. baffen T. |