Het groot woorden-boeck: gestelt in 't Nederduytsch, ende in 't Engelsch
(2010)–Henry Hexham– Auteursrechtelijk beschermd
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THE PREFACE to the Benevolent READER.COurteous Reader, Having of late compiled a large English and Netherdutch Dictionarie, never none before being extant, and that for the accommodation of the Nether-dutches, vvho are desirous to attaine unto the knovvledge and understanding of our English Tongue; much studied by them in these times, both Divines Students and others: I thought my labour and paines not full, but incompleate; unlesse I made it a double Dictionarie, in setting the Netherdutch first before our English, and vvithall have made a Briefe and a Compendious Netherdutch Grammar, that our English, vvho are affected to the learning of the Netherdutch Speach, may vvith the more facility and easinesse attaine unto the knovvledge and grounds thereof, vvhich may be usefull unto all sorts of men, Especially, considering the Love, Correspondencie, Traffick, and Trading vvhich is betwvveene our tvvo Nations; and for thy help, furthterance, and Proficiencie, in this | |
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Tongue, have undertaken this laborious vvorke, and so much the more, because there vvas never none yet extant before. Which if it be acceptable unto the Gentle Reader, I shall then thinke my time vvell bestovved, vvich vvas and is the principall Marke vvhereat I aimed. And so rest Your affectionate and loving Countrieman, HENRY HEXHAM. |