'Lipsius, Dousa and Jan van Hout. Latin and the vernacular in Leiden in the 1570s and 1580s'
(1997)–C.L. Heesakkers–Chris Heesakkers, ‘Lipsius, Dousa and Jan van Hout. Latin and the vernacular in Leiden in the 1570s and 1580s’. In: Karl Enenkel en Chris Heesakkers (eds.), Lipsius in Leiden. Studies in the Life and Works of a Great Humanist on the Occasion of his 450th Anniversary. Florivallis, Voorthuizen 1997, p. 93-120.
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exemplaar Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden
algemene opmerkingen
Dit betand geeft een diplomatische weergave van ‘Lipsius, Dousa and Jan van Hout. Latin and the vernacular in Leiden in the 1570s and 1580s’ door Chris Heesakkers, verschenen in Karl Enenkel en Chris Heesakkers (eds.), Lipsius in Leiden. Studies in the Life and Works of a Great Humanist on the Occasion of his 450th Anniversary. Florivallis, Voorthuizen 1997, p. 93-120.
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