A New Critique of Theoretical Thought. Deel 3. The Structures of Individuality of Temporal Reality
(1969)–H. Dooyeweerd–H. Dooyeweerd, A New Critique of Theoretical Thought. Deel 3. The Structures of Individuality of Temporal Reality (vert. H. de Jongste en David H. Freeman). The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, z.p. 1969 (2de druk)
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Dit bestand biedt, behoudens een aantal hierna te noemen ingrepen, een diplomatische weergave van de tweede druk van A New Critique of Theoretical Thought. Deel 3. The Structures of Individuality of Temporal Reality van H. Dooyeweerd, in een vertaling van H. de Jongste en David H. Freeman uit 1969. De eerste druk van deze vertaling dateert uit 1957. Het oorspronkelijke werk verscheen in 1935-1936 onder de titel De wijsbegeerte der wetsidee.
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Professor of Philosophy of Law, Free University of Amsterdam Fellow of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Wilson College
English Master in the Ist Christian Secondary School of Rotterdam
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Original title:
Printed in the United States of America
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§ 1 - | The metaphysical concept of substance as a speculative exaggeration of a datum of naïve experience | 3 |
Substance as the personal point of reference of temporal being in August Brunner | 5 | |
The concept of substance in Greek metaphysics | 7 | |
A more detailed critical analysis of Aristotle's concept of primary substance | 9 | |
Is the primary substance to be interpreted as a structure of being? The view of Michael Marlet | 15 | |
Bertrand Russell's identification of substance and the thing of naïve experience | 18 | |
Russell's concept of an event. Russell's debate with Whitehead | 21 | |
Russell's identification of naïve experience with the ontological theory of naïve realism | 22 | |
Russell's logical mathematical concept of structure | 24 | |
The fundamental difference between the Aristotelian-scholastic and the modern Humanistic concept of substance | 26 | |
The critical concept of substance as a synthetical a priori concept of function and the misconception of the naïve experience of a thing as experience of a ‘Gegenstand’ | 27 | |
§ 2 - | The naïve attitude to reality and its misconception as an ‘abbild-theorie’ (copy-theory). The untenability of functionalistic interpretations | 28 |
Naïve experience is not neutral with respect to the religious position of the I-ness | 29 | |
Does a person of modern culture still have a really naïve experience? | 30 |
[pagina VI]
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Naïve experience and social praxis. The so-called primitive attitude and the complicated problem of animism | 32 | |
Once again the misinterpretation of naïve experience as a copy theory (Abbildtheorie) | 34 | |
§ 3 - | The supposed refutation of naïve experience by the results of special sciences. The theory of the specific energies of sense organs | 36 |
The theory of the specific energies of the sense-organs | 39 | |
The problem of the so-called inadequate stimulus | 41 | |
What remains of Müller's evidence? | 42 | |
The theory of Helmholtz | 43 | |
The misunderstanding in Riehl's interpretation of naïve experience | 44 | |
The interpretation of our naïve experience of a thing by Riehl, Rickert and Natorp | 46 | |
An important moment in Riehl's conception of the reality of a thing (Ding-wirklichkeit) | 47 | |
Rickert's criticism of ‘critical realism’ | 49 | |
Rickert's attitude toward naïve experience | 49 | |
Natorp's view of the naïve experience of a thing as a logical synthesis lacking ‘Reinheit’ (purity) | 51 | |
§ 1 - | Introduction | 53 |
The qualifying function in the structure of a linden | 56 | |
The impossibility of terminating the reality of an individual thing in a specific modality. The typically qualified object-functions | 56 | |
The typical structure of the internal opening-process and its coherence with the functional structure of the modal aspects | 58 | |
The qualifying function indicates the intrinsic destination of a thing in the temporal world-order | 60 | |
§ 2 - | The unity of the thing-structure and the modal sphere-sovereignty | 61 |
The modal sphere-sovereignty of the different aspects of a thing is not affected by the internal structural principle of the individual whole | 61 | |
The inter-modal character of the unity of a thing and the individual thing-causality | 63 |
[pagina VII]
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The internal thing-causality is neither to be explained in terms of a theory of parallelism, nor in terms of a theory of interaction between the modal functions | 63 | |
A closer examination of Stoker's argument | 64 | |
The continuity of cosmic time is not empty. Reality is present in the continuous intermodal temporal coherence | 64 | |
Why the temporal identity of a thing cannot itself become a ‘Gegenstand’ of theoretical analysis | 65 | |
A closer analysis of Stoker's substance-concept as he has provisionally explained it | 68 | |
A return to neo-Scholasticism? | 69 | |
A summary of my provisional objections against Stoker's substance-concept | 74 | |
§ 3 - | The inner articulation of structural types. Radical types, geno-types and variability types | 76 |
The structures of individuality as typical structures of temporal duration | 78 | |
The inner articulation of structural types | 80 | |
The concept of species in modern biology | 80 | |
The difference between a classificatory and a typological method in modern psychology and psychiatry | 81 | |
The so-called ideal-typical method in modern sociology and the typological concepts of dogmatic jurisprudence | 82 | |
Radical types and the kingdoms of individual things, events, or relationships circumscribed by them | 83 | |
Animal psychology and behaviourism | 85 | |
The denominator of comparison of the radical types | 87 | |
Why there does not exist a human radical type | 87 | |
Radical types of a secondary order which are typically related to human social life | 89 | |
The leading function and the foundational function of a structural whole | 90 | |
The anticipatory structure of the foundational function does not affect its nuclear type of individuality | 91 | |
Geno-, or primary types and variability types | 92 | |
The internal differentiation of geno-types | 94 | |
The philosophical implications of evolutionism | 95 | |
The distinction between radical types, geno- or primary types and variability types is not limited to the kingdoms of natural things | 85 |
[pagina VIII]
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The relation of structural type and subjective (or objective) individuality of a thing | 97 | |
§ 4 - | Structures of individuality hidden to naïve experience and disclosed through theoretical investigation | 98 |
Why can we not find any original types of individuality in the mathematical modalities? | 99 | |
The internal structure of so-called chemical elements | 100 | |
The internal structure of a living cell | 102 | |
§ 1 - | The inner structural character of the subject-object relation in a thing | 104 |
The structure of a thing expresses itself in each of its modal aspects of meaning | 104 | |
The internal structural-character of the qualifying function | 105 | |
The structural principles are not dependent on the genesis of individuals in which they are realized | 106 | |
Objective thing-structures qualified by a psychical structural function | 106 | |
Nowhere else is the intrinsic untenability of the distinction between meaning and reality so conclusively in evidence as in things whose structure is objectively qualified | 107 | |
Reality as a continuous process of realization | 109 | |
§ 2 - | The objective thing-structure of a sculpture | 109 |
Do all works of fine art actually have an objective thing-structure? If they do not, can we still speak of ‘works of art’ as a secondary radical-type? | 110 | |
Analysis of the internal typical structure of Praxiteles' Hermes with the boy Dionysus | 111 | |
The complicated representational relation in the objective-sensory aspect of sculpture | 113 | |
Productive and reproductive fantasy respectively in the creation and appreciation of a work of art | 114 | |
The merely intentional character of the object of fantasy | 115 | |
The typical foundational function of a sculptural work of art and the problem of its modal determination | 117 | |
Why the typical foundational function of the work of art cannot be found in the natural leading function of the marble | 119 |
[pagina IX]
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The sensory structural function of Praxiteles' Hermes does not have an original individuality | 120 | |
The typical historical foundational function of a sculpture in connection with the stylistic element. Style as a differentiating factor in its geno-type | 120 | |
The secondary radical-type of a work of art reconsidered. Why all secondary radical types of man-made complete things imply two radical functions | 122 | |
The interwovenness of a natural and an aesthetically qualified structure in a sculptural work of art, as an enkaptic binding of the former | 123 | |
Homogeneous aggregate and a non-homogeneous individual whole | 124 | |
The internal unity of the art-work is also disturbed by a dualism between the typical foundational and the leading function | 125 | |
The natural structure of individuality of the marble material is not abolished but its meaning is enriched and opened in its enkaptic function within the inner structure of the work of art | 126 | |
As such the moulded marble is a variability- of pheno-type of the sculptural art-work | 127 | |
§ 3 - | Radical types of other normatively qualified objective thing-structures | 128 |
The radical type of everyday utensils and the enkaptic interwovenness of their structure of individuality with the natural structure of the materials | 129 | |
The structural type of the so-called semi-manifactured products | 131 | |
Analysis of the internal structural functions of a chair in relation to the modal foundational system of law-spheres | 132 | |
The typical foundational function of utensils and the problem of the individual identity of a thing | 135 | |
The typical qualifying function in the radical type of utensils | 137 | |
The relation between free and applied or bound art | 138 | |
The structural function of furniture styles and the pompous character of the style Louis XIV | 140 | |
A reconsideration of the difference between the objective leading structural function of things and the merely subjective purposes to which they can be made serviceable. A new problem | 143 |
[pagina X]
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§ 4 - | Actualization and inactualization of the objective qualifying function of objects typically founded in the historical aspect | 143 |
The radical type of things qualified by an object function in the faith aspect | 144 | |
The routine view of modern daily life may not be confused with actual naïve experience. A restatement of the relation between intuitive and symbolic knowledge according to modern phenomenology | 145 | |
The inactualization of the objective leading function of useful objects | 146 | |
The three figures in the subject-object relation of these thing-structures: the intentional representational relation, the unfolding relation and the actualization relation | 147 | |
§ 5 - | The relation between the internal structural principle and the modal foundational system in the subject-object relation of symbolically qualified things. The biotic structural function in the unfolding- and actualization relations | 149 |
The biotic structural function of things in the unfolding-relation of their objective empirical reality | 150 | |
In their inner structure, things objectively symbolically qualified and historically founded, lack the previously analysed representational relation to an intentional object that itself is not symbolically qualified | 150 |
§ 1 - | Introduction. The structural principles of human society as the transcendental conditions of our experience of variable factual societal relationships. The basic problem of sociology as a totality-science | 157 |
The pseudo-natural scientific concept of structure in modern sociology | 158 | |
Sorokin's over-estimation of the rôle of legal norms in all organized groups | 160 | |
Sorokin's solution of the totality-problem in general sociology | 162 | |
The uncritical character of sociological universalism | 163 |
[pagina XI]
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Gurvitch's universalist construction of all-inclusive societies | 164 | |
Oppenheimer's universalist construction of human society | 166 | |
The three forms of universalism | 167 | |
The three transcendental problems of a theoretical total view of human society | 168 | |
The principle of structural sovereignty of every type of societal relationship within its own inner orbit, and the undifferentiated societies | 170 | |
§ 2 - | The societal forms and their relation to the structural principles of the different types of societal relationships | 172 |
The totality-character of the societal forms is disregarded by the so-called formal sociology | 172 | |
The difference between the transcendental structural principles of human society and the subjective socio-political principles (maxims) | 173 | |
The societal forms and the factual societal relationships. The temporal duration of both | 173 | |
Constitutive or genetic, and existential social forms | 174 | |
§ 3 - | Some preliminary transcendental distinctions | 176 |
Communal relationships and inter-individual or inter-communal relationships. Their correlativity | 177 | |
Organized and un-organized communities (‘Verbände’ and natural communities) | 178 | |
Sociological individualism as an absolutization of the inter-individual relationships | 182 | |
Tönnies' conception of ‘Gemeinschaft’ and ‘Gesellschaft’ | 184 | |
The transcendental significance of the general distinction between differentiated and un-differentiated societal relationships for the historical examination of human society | 186 | |
Institutional communities and voluntary associations | 187 | |
Associatory and authoritarian forms of association. Indirectly compulsory organizations | 190 | |
§ 4 - | The naïve experience of the continuous unity and identity of supra-individual (organized) communities and of natural communities exceeding the two-oneness relation. The fundamental difference between the structure of a multiple human community and that of a thing | 192 |
[pagina XII]
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The fundamental error involved in the interpretation of the naïve experience of a communal whole in terms of a sociological individualism | 193 | |
Why sociological universalism cannot account for the data of naïve experience | 194 | |
The dangerous implications of any sociological universalism | 195 | |
The structural character of an organized communal whole. Its difference from a thing-structure | 196 | |
§ 5 - | The problem concerning the unity and identity of an organized community in greek and medieval realistic metaphysics | 198 |
The influence of the form-matter motive upon the Greek conception of the polis. Protagoras' depreciation of the gentilitial organization | 199 | |
The dialectical tension of the form-matter motive in Plato's universalist conception of the ideal State | 200 | |
The metaphysical foundation of the universalistic view of the polis in Aristotle | 201 | |
The household as an economic community and its three forms of authority | 201 | |
The universalist view of the conjugal and family-bond | 203 | |
Is there a connection between Aristotle's universalist view of the polis and the undifferentiated structure of the earlier Greek society? | 204 | |
The corporative occupational classes in Aristotle's ideal State | 205 | |
The conception of the organized societal whole as a real unity whose identity is guaranteed by its constitution (taxis). The State as a unity of political order (unitas ordinis) | 206 | |
The Aristotelian solution of the problem and its influence upon the Stoic construction | 208 | |
The influence of the universalist view upon Aristotle's theory of the governmental forms of the State | 210 | |
Was Aristotle aware of the fundamental difference and correlativity of communal and inter-individual relationships? His distinction between commutative and distributive justice | 211 | |
The radical opposition between the Christian view of the body of Christ and the Greek view of the perfect community | 214 | |
Why this religious basic Idea could not be successfully worked out in a radical Christian theory of social relationships during the Middle-Ages. The universalist view of the holy Roman empire | 217 |
[pagina XIII]
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Thomas Acquinas' synthesis of the Christian idea of the corpus Christi with Aristotle's metaphysical theory of society | 218 | |
The Thomistic theory of organized communities has no room for sphere-sovereignty, but only for the autonomy of the lower communities. The difference between these two principles | 220 | |
§ 6 - | The problem concerning the identical unity of organized communities in the older individualistic and universalistic nominalist theories | 222 |
The rationalistic-nominalist concept of function in the theory of organized communities in opposition to the Aristotelian metaphysical realistic concept of substance | 223 | |
The universalist theory of societal relationships of the Roman Stoa and their functionalist and nominalist conception of the unity of the corpora ex distantibus | 224 | |
The identity of an organized community is conceived of by the Stoics in a predominantly functional-juridical sense | 226 | |
Why the Stoic conception of the social nature of man cannot explain the inner unity and authoritative structure of organized communities. How it differs from the realistic-metaphysical theory | 227 | |
The uniting of the theory of the social instinct in human nature with the construction of a social contract | 231 | |
The influence of the juridical fiction theory of the canonists on the view of organized communities | 233 | |
The union of the fiction theory and the individualistic contract theory in Humanistic natural law | 235 | |
The external and individualistic conception of the difference between the organized communities according to the subjective goals of association implied in the social contract | 237 | |
§ 7 - | The problem of the unity of an organized community in sociology and philosophy of society | 238 |
Individualism versus universalism in the modern view of human society from the immanence-standpoint | 238 | |
The individualistic nominalistic trends in modern sociology in their confrontation with the problem of the unity of an organized community | 241 | |
The revival of the concept of substance in modern universalistic theories. The idealistic irrationalistic conception of the State as ‘Überperson’, in contrast to the ancient impersonal and the modern naturalistic-biological conceptions | 243 |
[pagina XIV]
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The general will or the will of an organized social whole as the latter's substantial unity. Hegel's idea of the State | 244 | |
Gierke's theory of the ‘Gesammtperson’ | 245 | |
Why also in its modern sense the dilemma of individualism and universalism is impossible on a radical Christian standpoint | 246 | |
The imputation of the dilemma: individualism or universalism, to the Christian religion by Weber and Troeltsch | 247 | |
The relation between the individual and Gemeinschaft (community) in dialectical-phenomenological sociology | 248 | |
The dialectical-monadic structure of the ‘ego’, as act-centre, is misinterpreted, according to Litt, both in the functionalistic and the substantialistic view. The ‘reciprocity of perspectives’ | 250 | |
The social interwovenness of the ego in the ‘Gemeinschaft’ (community) of the ‘closed sphere’ | 251 | |
The inner unity and continuity of the essential community is guaranteed with Litt by the ‘soziale Vermittlung’ | 253 | |
Critique of Litt's theory. A new type of universalism | 254 | |
The elimination of the normative aspects in Litt's phenomenological analysis of the essence of a ‘Gemeinschaft’ | 255 | |
The universalistic-historical conception of the ‘final or highest social unity’ in Litt's theory | 258 | |
The application of Litt's theory to jurisprudence and the theory of the State. Siegfried Marck and Rudolph Smend | 259 | |
Summary | 260 | |
§ 1 - | Introduction. The relation between positive sociology and the philosophy of human society | 262 |
The relation between our social philosophy and positive sociology | 263 | |
§ 2 - | The structural principle of the natural family in its strict sense | 266 |
[pagina XV]
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The typical leading function of the immediate family-relationship. Refutation of the opinion that the latter does not have a typical leading function which qualifies its inner destination | 267 | |
The intrinsically moral character of the bond of love between parents and children is not affected by its typical biotic foundation | 270 | |
The structural principle and the internal unity of the family. The effect of sin | 271 | |
The destructive character of the Kantian principle of autonomy with respect to the internal moral communal relations of the family. The authoritative nature of the latter | 273 | |
The expression of the structural principle in the internal legal relations of the family in its narrowest sense | 275 | |
The inner structural relations in legal subjectivity | 278 | |
The internal juridical relations within the family and the individualistic way in which law and morality are opposed to each other | 280 | |
The insuffiency of the juridical concept of function. The individualistic construction (based on the theory of ‘natural law’) of the internal juridical relations within the family | 282 | |
Juridical sphere-sovereignty as the ultimate inner limitation of the original competence of the different law-makers, according to the structural principles of the societal relationships concerned | 282 | |
The expression of the structural principle in the aesthetic aspect of the internal family relations | 283 | |
The internal structural principle of the family also expresses itself in its aspects of social intercourse and language | 284 | |
The expression of the structural principle in the cultural aspect of the family | 286 | |
School and family | 287 | |
The typical structure of internal communal thought within the family; the sociology of thought | 288 | |
§ 3 - | An analysis of the pre-logical structural aspects of the family relationship | 289 |
The structural principle expresses itself also in the pre-logical aspects of the family relationship. The trap hidden in a purely naturalistic view of these meaning-functions | 289 | |
The psychic structural aspect of the family | 293 | |
The internal subject-object relation in the psychic and the later structural aspects of the family | 294 |
[pagina XVI]
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The internal psychic interlacements between the members of a family cannot be mechanically isolated from the feelings of the individuals | 294 | |
Does a communal whole as such have its own life of feeling and thought, distinct from that of its members? | 295 | |
The organological conception of the communal whole | 296 | |
Does the community feel, think, etc. in its members, or do the latter think, feel etc. in the communal relationship? | 298 | |
How the family relationship expresses its structural principle in the biotic, the spatial and the numerical aspects | 299 | |
The expression of the family structure in the faith aspect | 303 | |
The structural opening-process in the modal functions of a family cannot be arrested by its typical moral qualifying function | 303 | |
§ 4 - | The structure of the bi-unitary marriage-bond and its connection with the family | 304 |
The changes in the number of the family members are restricted within narrow limits, in accordance with the structural principle of this relationship | 304 | |
Marriage is a necessarily bi-unitary bond. Even in polygamy the marriage bond does not itself assume a multiple character | 305 | |
The marriage and family bond have individuality structures of the same radical type | 306 | |
Is the conception of marriage as a legal institution contradictory to the view that marriage is qualified as a bond of love? | 307 | |
Is the continuity of the marriage bond to be guaranteed exclusively by civil law or canon law? | 309 | |
The true sense of the civil law (or, at a more primitive stage of society, the tribal law) and the canon law regulations of marriage. Their relation to the internal structural principle of the marriage bond | 310 | |
The false legalistic view of the question concerning divorce | 311 | |
The Thomistic view of the natural essential character of marriage in connection with the theory of the bona matrimonii. Marriage as an institution of natural law | 312 | |
Agapè, eros and original sin in Luther. The influence of the Thomistic natural-law conception in scholastic Protestant ethics | 314 | |
The conception of the marital relationship under the contractual viewpoint in canon law and in the Humanistic doctrine of natural law | 316 |
[pagina XVII]
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Reaction in post-Kantian German Idealism in favour of the conception that marriage is a love-union between husband and wife. The Romantic ideal of ‘free love’ versus the institutional character of marriage | 317 | |
The recent reaction in Roman Catholic circles in favour of the recognition of the ‘primacy of love’. The ‘new tendency’ and the encyclical ‘Casti connubii’ (1930) | 319 | |
The internal deepening of the marriage bond by the formation of a family | 322 | |
The internal structure of marital authority | 324 | |
Marital authority and the normal emotional aspect of matrimony. Can psychology speak of ‘normal’? Cultural influences on female emotional life | 325 | |
The structural authoritative moment in the internal juridical, aesthetic, and social (intercourse) functions of the conjugal bond | 327 | |
The original biotic foundation of marital authority, which cannot be interpreted as its ground of justification | 329 | |
The structural principle should also be the ὑπόϑεσις of ethnological researches after marital relations. The interpretation of the facts in accordance with their meaning-structure and the positivistic attitude in science | 330 | |
The misinterpretation of the so-called matriarchal phenomena in the older evolutionist ethnology | 330 | |
The ‘Kulturkreislehre’ and the normative evaluations of married and family life among primitive peoples | 332 | |
The matriarchal phenomena in the light of the cultural-scientific method of investigation and of the theory of the individuality structures | 337 | |
Levirate, sororate, brother polyandry and the so-called ‘pirra-ura’, as abnormal external forms in which marital and family relations have been interwoven | 339 | |
§ 5 - | The structure of the natural family- or kinship community in its broader sense | 342 |
Why the natural family or kinship-community in its broader sense cannot be an organized community | 342 | |
A kinship community in its broader natural sense is differentiated into wider and narrower circles | 343 | |
The expression of the structural principle of the kinship community or cognate community in their different modal aspects | 344 |
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§ 6 - | Different types of undifferentiated organized communities | 346 |
The general character of undifferentiated organized communities | 346 | |
The organized communities with an undifferentiated qualification are historically founded forms of interlacement of social structures | 347 | |
The structural interweaving in the patriarchal ‘joint family’ | 350 | |
The structural interweaving within the sib or clan | 353 | |
In the undifferentiated organized communities one of the interwoven structures assumes the rôle of the leading structural principle | 357 | |
The undifferentiated character of the typical foundational function of the primitive forms of interweaving | 359 | |
Primitive forms of structural interwovenness under the guidance of the political structure. The more strongly organized tribal community | 361 | |
The structural interwovenness implied in the secret ‘men's societies’ | 363 | |
The origin of the ‘men's societies’ | 365 | |
Other types of undifferentiated communities | 367 | |
§ 7 - | The undifferentiated organized communities and the schema of the whole and its parts in the universalistic theories which consider the family as the germ-cell of the state. The problem of the so-called ‘primitive primary norm’ | 368 |
The Aristotelian theory of organized communities and the undifferentiated structure of the Greek phylae and phratries | 368 | |
The problem of the ‘primitive primary norm’ and the functionalistic conception of it. Somló's view | 370 | |
The view of Fritz Münch | 372 | |
Primitive primary norms should not be identified with the internal structural norms of a differentiated societal relationship. A revision of my former view of this question | 374 | |
Primitive primary norms are essentially interweavings of various structural norms | 375 |
[pagina XIX]
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§ 1 - | Introduction to the inquiry into the structure of the state institution. The crisis in the theory of the state and the dialectical process in the development of the various theories | 379 |
The chaotic confusion in the conception of the nature of the State | 380 | |
The character and the different meanings of a crisis in the theory of the State. The Greek Sophists and the Renaissance figure of Macchiavelli | 381 | |
The recent crisis in the Humanistic theory of the State | 382 | |
The supra-historical societal structures of ‘historical phenomena’ | 384 | |
The levelling of the individuality structure of the State in the overstraining of functionalistic thought | 386 | |
The dialectical ‘cultural-scientific’ (‘geisteswissenschaftliche’) method applied to the general theory of the State. Rudolph Smend and the former ‘Berlin School’ | 387 | |
Heller's dialectical structural concept of the State, and the historicist view of reality | 387 | |
The distinction between the State and the other organized communities according to the scholastic method of the search for a genus proximum and differentia specifica | 393 | |
The problem of the relation between State and law in Heller's dialectical structural theory | 394 | |
The crisis in the practical political life of the modern parliamentary democracies and the new irrationalistic and universalistic idea of the totalitarian State | 396 | |
The dialectical basic problem in the development of the political theories oriented to the immanence-standpoint | 397 | |
The dialectical tension between the juridical and the sociological conception of the state. The dualistic theory of the body politic | 400 | |
The primary task of a Christian theory of the State. Rejection of the dialectical view of Emil Brunner | 401 |
[pagina XX]
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§ 2 - | Organization as the ‘form’ of all historically founded communities and the typical foundational function of the state | 404 |
Organization and Organism | 405 | |
Organization and ordering | 406 | |
The antithesis between ‘organization’ and ‘organism’ in Siegfried Marck and Fr. Darmstaedter | 408 | |
The relation between organization and the structural principle | 410 | |
The empirical data concerning the State's character | 411 | |
The typical foundational function of the State | 413 | |
The myth of blood-relationship in the German national-socialistic ideology of the ‘third Empire’, and the typical foundational function in the structure of the State | 414 | |
The fundamental error of considering all different forms of power as intrinsically equivalent components of the power of the State | 416 | |
The original character of the individuality type of the foundational function. The seeming antinomy in the relation between foundational and leading function of the State | 417 | |
The solution of this seeming antinomy. The anticipatory character of the foundational function does not affect its original type of individuality | 419 | |
The structural subject-object relation in the monopolistic organization of military power over a territorial cultural area | 422 | |
The typical foundational function of the State-institution marks the latter as an institution because of sin. The attempt to accommodate this Biblical conception to the Aristotelian philosophy of the State | 423 | |
The levelling constructive schema of the whole and its parts confronted with the fourfold use of a fruitful idea of totality | 424 | |
§ 3 - | The typical leading function of the state and the theory of the so-called ‘purposes’ of the body politic | 425 |
The theories of the ‘purposes of the State’ bear no reference to the internal structural principle of the body politic | 425 | |
The old liberal theory of the law-State as a theory of the purpose of the body politic | 426 | |
The theory of the law-State in its second phase as the theory of the merely formal limitation of the purposes of the State. The formalistic conception of administrative jurisdiction | 429 |
[pagina XXI]
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The third phase in the development of the theory of the law-State. The uselessness of any attempt to indicate the fundamental external limits to the State's task by the construction of limited subjective purposes of the body politic | 431 | |
The objective-metaphysical ideology of the State, and the theory of the State as an absolute ‘Selbstzweck’ are equally objectionable | 433 | |
The typical leading-function of the State in its indissoluble coherence with its foundational function | 433 | |
The typical integrating character of the leading legal function in the structure of the State. The State's people as an integrated whole | 437 | |
The real structure of the internal public law. In the monistic legal theories this structure is ignored and an unjustified appeal is made to legal history | 438 | |
The real meaning of the absolutist idea of the State and the true idea of the law-State | 441 | |
The idea of ‘the public interest’ and the internal limits set to it by the structural principle of the State | 442 | |
The salus publica and distributive justice | 444 | |
The civil law-sphere of the State | 446 | |
The inner nature of the Roman ius gentium | 448 | |
The radical difference between common private law and the undifferentiated popular or tribal law | 450 | |
The State as an instrument used by the ruling class in human society to oppress the other classes. The depreciation of the classical ideas of public interest and the civil legal principles of freedom and equality in positivistic sociology | 451 | |
The Marxian view of the State and of civil law | 455 | |
The dispute about the possibility of a socialist civil law in the Bolshevist legal theory | 458 | |
The Soviet civil law code of 1923 and its ruling principle. The influence of Duguit | 459 | |
The so-called political pluralism | 464 | |
The fundamental importance of our structural theory for the theory of constitutional law, the general theory of the State, and practical politics. The structural idea of the State cannot be used in a rationalistic deductive way | 465 | |
§ 4 - | The structural principle as it expresses itself in the different aspects of the state-institution, and the christian idea of the body politic | 467 |
[pagina XXII]
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The expression of the structure of the State in the moral societal function of the love of one's country. State and nation | 467 | |
Is the State the subject or the object of love of country? The objective conception is impossible | 472 | |
The internal limits to love of country, and the principium exclusae collisionis officiorum | 472 | |
Love of country and the problem of the international public relations | 473 | |
The expression of the structural principle in the juridical forms of organization of governmental authority. The typical foundation of the different constitutional forms | 477 | |
The expression of the structural principle in the aesthetic aspect of the State | 479 | |
The expression of the structural principle of the State in the internal sphere of political economy | 480 | |
The integrating function of the State in the internal political economy and the exaggeration and denaturing of this function in the modern absolutist idea of the State's economic autarchy | 482 | |
The expression of the State's structural principle in the internal aspect of social intercourse | 485 | |
The expression of the structural principle in the internal linguistic aspect of the body politic | 487 | |
The expression of the structural principle in the historical function of the State | 488 | |
The logical structure of political communion of thought, and the integrating function of ‘public opinion’ | 489 | |
§ 5 - | The expression of the structural principle in the pre-logical functions of the state-institution. The idea of a christian state | 492 |
The psychical structural aspect of the State: the typical societal feeling of political solidarity | 493 | |
The expression of the structural principle in the biotic aspect of the State. The political problem of races | 494 | |
The theories about the State's territory and the methodical necessity to distinguish the modal aspects in the structure of body politic | 499 | |
Political geography and the structure of the State's territory | 500 | |
The expression of the structural principle of the State in the transcendental limiting aspect of the temporal order. The political function of faith | 500 |
[pagina XXIII]
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Is a Christian State possible? A false way of positing the problem | 501 | |
The primary character of the structural theoretical problem in the discussion about the Christian Idea of the State | 502 | |
The Revelation of God in the political structure of the State-institution | 503 | |
Christ as the Prince of all the State-governments. The testimony of Holy Scripture | 504 | |
Why the internal structure of the State does not allow it to have a Church confession. The integrating function of the State as a political community of faith | 505 | |
The relation between common and particular grace. Rejection of the theory of the two realms | 506 | |
§ 1 - | Introduction. The basic problem of the relation between the ‘ecclesia invisibilis’ and the ‘ecclesia visibilis’ in roman-catholicism and in the reformers | 509 |
The deviation from the Christian view of the State and the Church starts with the universalistic absolutizing of the temporal Church-institution. The Roman-Catholic conception of the Church | 510 | |
The relation between the ecclesia visibilis and ecclesia invisibilis according to Luther. The influence of the nominalist-dualistic separation between ‘nature’ and ‘grace’ | 512 | |
The episcopal system | 515 | |
The territorial system | 517 | |
The collegial system | 517 | |
Zwingli's conception of the institutional Church. Bullinger and Erastus | 518 | |
Calvin's conception of the Church institution | 519 | |
§ 2 - | The transcendental limiting character of the individuality structure of the church institution. The church as an instrumental institution of regenerating grace, and the problem of church and sect | 521 |
The radical type of the temporal Church institution | 521 | |
The relation between ‘particular’ and ‘common grace’ reconsidered | 523 | |
The temporal Church institution as the instrument of renewing or regenerating grace | 526 |
[pagina XXIV]
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The institutional Church type and the sect-type. Troeltsch's view of both | 527 | |
Critique of Troeltsch's conception of the church- and sect types | 529 | |
Troeltsch's church- ant sect-types are both in conflict with the Christian transcendence-standpoint, on which a sect cannot be equal to the Church institution | 532 | |
Does the temporal Church-institution have a higher value than the other societal structures? | 534 | |
§ 3 - | A further inquiry into the structural principle of the church-institution in its two radical functions | 536 |
The typical foundational function of the temporal Church institution | 536 | |
The leading function of the temporal Church-institution. Community of confession is required by the structural principle. The idea of a national Church (above any division of faith) and the confessional Church | 539 | |
§ 4 - | The expression of the structural principle of the temporal institutional church in the internal authoritative organization of its offices and in its different modal-aspects | 543 |
The typical structure of authority in the temporal Church-institution | 543 | |
The supposed ‘democratic’ character of the Reformed principles of ecclesiastic government | 545 | |
The internal principle expresses itself in the moral aspect of the Church-institution as a community of love among fellow-believers in Christ | 549 | |
The expression of the internal structural principle in the juridical aspect of the Church-institution. Sohm's denial of a true internal ecclesiastic law | 551 | |
The antithesis between form and content in Church law in E. Brunner's dialectic conception | 552 | |
The criterion of the internal Church law. Why its formal legal source is no criterion | 554 | |
No ius divinum positivum | 556 | |
The expression of the internal structural principle in the other aspects of the temporal Church-institution | 557 | |
The spatial structural function of the institutional Church, and the internal sense of local Church formation | 559 | |
The idea of the spatial universality of the Church in its static and its dynamic conception | 560 |
[pagina XXV]
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§ 1 - | The transcendental character of our systematic categories and their relation to the individuality-structures of the societal relationships | 565 |
Why we were in need of preliminary transcendental distinctions in our systematic inquiry into the societal structures | 565 | |
The transcendental social categories as the points of reference for the individuality structures | 566 | |
The transcendental social categories as the connecting links between the modal and the plastic dimension of the temporal order of creation in its reference to the social human relationships | 567 | |
The systematic categories of societal form and enkaptic social interlacement | 569 | |
§ 2 - | The constitutive significance of purpose in the genetic forms of voluntary associations and its relation to their internal structural principles. The genetic relation between these associations and the individualized and differentiated inter-individual relationships | 570 |
The internal leading function of the voluntary associations can never be identical with the purpose that its founders had in view | 574 | |
The interlacement of internal communal and external inter-individual relations in the establishment of purpose and means of a voluntary association. The internal structure of a trade union | 575 | |
The typical relation between purpose and internal structure in a criminal organization. Sinzheimer's legal sociological and Hauriou's ‘institutional’ view of a criminal association | 577 | |
The process of individualization in the inter-personal relations as the emancipation of the individual man from the all-sided temporal embracement by the undifferentiated societal relationships. Once again TöNnies' antithesis between ‘Gemeinschaft’ and ‘Gesellschaft’ | 580 | |
The contrast between a large city and the country | 581 |
[pagina XXVI]
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The Christian view versus the individualistic idea of inter-personal relations | 582 | |
Hegel's dialectical idea of the ‘bürgerliche Gesellschaft’ | 583 | |
Hegel's view of the corporative vocational classes | 586 | |
Criticism of Hegel's view of society | 587 | |
§ 3 - | Individuality structures in the individualized free inter-individual and inter-communal relations, and the integrating tendencies in modern society | 588 |
Individuality-structures in the differentiated inter-individual and inter-communal relationships | 588 | |
Primitive and opened inter-individual societal structures | 590 | |
The integrating character of fashion. Fashion and national dress | 591 | |
The economically qualified integration of contractual law in the different branches of the inter-individual industrial relationships | 593 | |
The rationalizing process in modern society. Technical progress and science as rational integrating factors | 594 | |
The growing influence of individualistic tendencies in modern society during the first half of the XIXth century and the irreconcilable struggle of the Christian idea of inter-individual relationship against them | 595 | |
The international tendencies in the political integration of modern society. The so-called Christian solidarism and its universalist view of industrial life | 596 | |
The international tendencies in the political integration of modern society | 599 | |
The radical Christian idea of human freedom and the tension between the individualistic and the binding integrating tendencies in modern society | 601 | |
§ 4 - | A more detailed examination of some types of free association | 603 |
The structural prnciple of the restricted club | 603 | |
The structural principle of the political party and some sociological definitions of the latter | 605 | |
A primordial question. Can a political party have a normative structural principle? The political contrast between the parties, and political relativism | 606 | |
The typical foundational function in the structural principle of a political party | 609 | |
The leading function of a political party and the different meanings of the term ‘political’ | 611 |
[pagina XXVII]
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The moral bond of political conviction and the organizational stratification. Pessimist sociological judgments of party-ethics | 616 | |
The essential enkaptical interweaving between the political party and the State | 618 | |
The political party in its relation to so-called ‘religious groups’. The ambiguity of the terms ‘ecclesiastical’ and ‘confessional’ parties | 620 |
§ 1 - | The inter-structural interlacement and the limits of the cosmological idea of individual totality | 627 |
The idea of the ‘universe’ in its universalistic conception. Plato's idea of the relation between micro-, meso- and macro-cosmos | 627 | |
The individualistic conception of the idea of the universe. Kant's cosmological idea of the world | 629 | |
The universe as the interwoven coherence of individuality-structures | 630 | |
The meaning-character of the universal interwoven coherence within the plastic horizon and the reflection of this coherence within the separate individuality-structures | 632 | |
The interwoven coherence of the individuality-structures and the teleological order of the Aristotelian ‘essential forms’ | 633 | |
§ 2 - | The character of enkapsis in contrast to the relation of the whole and its parts | 634 |
The meaning of the term enkapsis in Haering and Heidenhain | 634 | |
Why the term is unserviceable in this meaning | 635 | |
The relation between the whole and its parts within the individuality-structures never has an enkaptic character. Some types of this relation | 637 | |
The relation between a part and an enkaptic function. The modal functions of a thing are not its parts | 638 | |
§ 3 - | The different types of ordering in the enkaptical interlacements between thing-structures | 640 |
[pagina XXVIII]
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The irreversible enkaptic foundational relation | 640 | |
The enkaptic foundational relation between molecule and cell | 641 | |
Are organisms micro-physical systems? The theory of Jordan | 644 | |
The qualifying function of a cell of a poly-cellular non-human body depends on the structure of the whole body | 645 | |
The experiments made in connection with the transplantation and implantation of groups of cells, and in connection with the cultivation of free cell-cultures outside of the living organism | 647 | |
Enkaptic symbiosis and the correlative enkapsis between creatures with a subjective vital function and their environment (‘Umwelt’) | 648 | |
Typical collective structures of enkaptic symbiosis | 649 | |
The enkaptic subject-object relations between animal or vegetable beings and their formations realized in an objective thing-structure | 650 | |
The universal interwoven coherence of the thing-structures and the nodal points of these enkaptic interlacements | 651 | |
The enkaptic interlacements of natural things in human societal structures | 651 | |
§ 1 - | Types of ordering in the enkaptic interlacements of human societal structures | 653 |
Primitive forms of interlacement and their enkaptic foundation in natural communal structures | 653 | |
The different types of enkapsis between communal and inter-communal or inter-individual relationships, and the transcendental societal category of their correlation | 654 | |
Why the enkaptic interlacement between natural communities and inter-communal or inter-individual relationships cannot display the type of a one-sided foundational relation | 655 | |
The enkaptic foundational relation between the opened structures of inter-individual relations and those of free associations | 657 | |
The foundational (non-genetic) enkaptic relation between natural institutional communal relationships and differentiated organized communities of an institutional character | 658 | |
The foundational enkaptic relation between the organized institutional communities and the non-political inter-individual and inter-communal relationships in an opened and differentiated society | 659 |
[pagina XXIX]
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The correlative type of enkapsis in the inter-structural inter-twinements of the State with the international political relationships. International law and State-law | 660 | |
Types of enkaptic interlacements of the opened, differentiated inter-individual societal relations with each other | 661 | |
The territorial enkapsis of the other differentiated societal structures in the State | 661 | |
Johannes Althusius' conception of the parts of the State | 662 | |
Territorial and personal enkaptic interlacements | 663 | |
§ 2 - | The nodal points of the enkaptic interlacements between the human societal structures and the problem of the sources of law | 664 |
Constituent and constituted genetic forms of positive law | 665 | |
The interlacement of the material spheres of competence in the juridical genetic forms. The clue to the solution of the problem of the sources of law and the error found in the prevailing theories | 665 | |
The typical character of the juridical genetic forms is not in conflict with their function as centres of structural interlacements within the juridical order | 667 | |
The juridical genetic forms interlace original and derivate spheres of competence | 669 | |
The civil legal counterpart of an internal question of communal law and the criterion of juridical sphere-sovereignty | 669 | |
§ 3 - | A few applications of the theory of the enkaptic structural interlacements to questions of a juridical historical and a practical juridical nature | 670 |
The legal history of the medieval Germanic unions | 670 | |
The structural interlacements in the positive organizational form of the late medieval craft-guilds | 671 | |
Gierke's view of the structure of the craft-guilds | 673 | |
Gierke's conception that the internal unity of the craft guilds was guaranteed by its juridical organization is untenable | 677 | |
Art. 167 of the Dutch constitution. jo. art. 2. of the Judicial Organization Act in the light of the theory of structural interlacements | 678 | |
Formal and material criteria of an illegal act in the judicial decisions relating to art. 1401 of the Dutch Civil Code | 681 | |
Neither the contractual construction, nor Gierke's theory of the formal autonomy of private organized communities can give an account of the constant judicial opinion in question | 684 |
[pagina XXX]
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The original material spheres of competence cannot be eradicated by human arbitrariness | 685 | |
The contractual construction of the internal law of organized communities is an absolute failure in the case of public law. The judicial opinion as to an unlawful action on the part of the government, judged according to the principles of common civil law | 686 | |
The structural interlacement of civil law and internal communal law considered from the standpoint of art. 1401 of the Dutch Civil Code. The insufficiency of Gierke's theory of organized communities to account for this interlacement | 687 | |
The question relating to an ecclesiastical assessment imposed upon baptismal members of the Dutch Reformed Church brought before a civil court, and the juridical sphere-sovereignty of the Church | 689 | |
Respect for the original non-civil juridical spheres of competence does not imply respect for abuse of power | 691 | |
The limits of the original competence of the legislator in the sphere of civil law | 692 | |
Introduction | 694 | |
§ 1 - | A provisional definition of the enkaptic structural whole and an investigation into the types of enkaptic interlacements in which it may present itself | 695 |
The enkaptic structural whole and the undifferentiated individuality structures | 695 | |
The enkaptic structural whole and the different types of enkaptic interlacement | 697 | |
§ 2 - | The enkaptic structural whole in molecular structures of matter and atomically ordered crystal-lattices. A confrontation of this figure with the metaphysical concept of substance as it is used in Hoenen's neo-thomistic philosophy of in-organic nature | 699 |
The apparent paradox in the basic thesis of chemistry | 699 | |
The philosophical structural problem concerning the relation of dissimilar atoms and their molecular combinations | 699 | |
The enkaptic structural whole as a typically qualified form-totality | 701 |
[pagina XXXI]
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Two seemingly incompatible series of data are to be reconciled with each other by the conception of the molecule as an enkaptic whole. The evidence in favour of the continued actual presence of the atoms in a chemical combination and that in favour of the conception that the combination is a new whole | 703 | |
The philosophical background of the older conception of the chemical combination as an aggregate of elements | 706 | |
The neo-Thomistic theory of Hoenen concerning the ontological structure of atom and molecule | 707 | |
The neo-Thomistic doctrine concerning the ‘gradation’ in the realization of potencies; the conception of a heterogeneous continuum | 707 | |
Critique of Hoenen's theory | 708 | |
The conception of material composites in pre-Thomistic medieval scholasticism | 713 | |
§ 3 - | The enkaptic structural whole of the living cell-body and the substance-concept in theoretical biology | 714 |
Bohr's biological relation of uncertainty | 715 | |
What is the meaning of Bohr's relation of incertitude with respect to the methods of organic chemistry in their application to bio-chemical processes? | 716 | |
The Aristotelian-Thomistic substance-concept and the identification of a living organism with the animated body | 717 | |
The cell as the minimal unity capable of independent life | 718 | |
The typical physico-chemical aspect of a cell-structure | 719 | |
The so-called hylocentric, kinocentric and morphocentric structure of a living cell (Woltereck), viewed from the physico-chemical aspect | 720 | |
The phenomenon of bi-, or poly-nuclear cells | 721 | |
The smallest living units within the cell-structure | 722 | |
Non-living components of the cell-body and their enkaptic binding in the living organism | 723 | |
Do there exist bio-molecules? | 724 | |
The problem concerning living protein is an incorrectly posited problem | 727 | |
How far can physics and chemistry penetrate into a biochemical constellation? | 729 | |
Does there exist a specific vital matter? | 731 |
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§ 4 - | The dilemma ‘mechanism or vitalism in biology’ viewed in the light of the substance-concept | 733 |
The philosophical back-ground of the mechanistic conception | 733 | |
Neo-vitalism, too, holds to the mechanistic view of the physico-chemical processes | 734 | |
Neo-vitalism in contrast to older vitalism | 734 | |
Driesch's experimental ‘proofs’ of the existence of ‘entelechies’. The so-called harmonious-equipotential system and totality-causality | 735 | |
In Driesch's ‘Ordnungslehre’ the substance-concept is not meant in a metaphysical sense | 737 | |
Driesch's conception of entelechy is fundamentally different from the Aristotelian view | 739 | |
‘Entelechy’ as a metaphysical substance. Driesch's view of the scheme act-potence confronted with the Aristotelian conception | 740 | |
Driesch denies a typical bio-chemical constellation. The problem concerning the influence of entelechy upon a purely mechanical matter | 741 | |
The neo-vitalistic view confronted with the neo-Thomist conception. Driesch's philosophy of nature shows a transformation of the Greek basic motive into the Humanistic basic motive of nature and freedom | 746 | |
§ 5 - | The relation of the molecular (or crystalline) structures of matter to the living organism and the living body. The problem concerning the ‘bio-substance’ in Woltereck | 749 |
Woltereck's hypothesis concerning a particular bio-substance | 749 | |
The inductive material components in the living cell-body: enzymes, hormones, organisers and genes | 752 | |
Criticism of Woltereck's theory | 756 | |
Weismann's theory concerning the continuity of the germ-plasm | 757 | |
The influence of the metaphysical substance-concept upon Woltereck's theory of ‘matrix’ | 759 | |
Woltereck's philosophical standpoint. His dynamical ontological ‘Stufentheorie’ | 762 | |
A brief resumption of my own view | 765 | |
Once again the Aristotelian-Thomistic substance-concept confronted with the structural problem of the living body | 767 |
[pagina XXXIII]
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The ontological problem concerning the enkaptic structural whole of the living cell-body. An objection to our theory | 768 | |
A more detailed ontological consideration of the cell-body as a (typically qualified) enkaptic form-totality | 770 | |
The cell-form as an elementary form-totality | 771 | |
Woltereck's investigations into the ‘biotic elementary forms’ | 772 | |
Plasmatic, allo-plasmatic and xeno-plasmatic forms. Indifference of this distinction with respect to the form-structure | 773 | |
The sensory form-totality, as the foundational function of the lying body, does not coalesce with the typical foundational form-functions of the interlaced structures | 776 | |
The form-type of the living body as variability-type. The living body and its ‘Umwelt’ | 777 | |
The objectivistic conception of the body as an absolutization of the objective sensory bodily form | 778 | |
CONCLUSION | 781 | |
The position of man in the temporal world | 781 |