Brieven 1888-1961
(1997)–Alexander Cohen–
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happy. Nothing in friday's Temps. What the devil is the matter? I know that I did my best to write an interesting article. Perhaps it did appear in the saturday Temps, which I did not see yet. Fancy that H[ébrard]Ga naar eindnoot1 does not like my articles. What then? I'm just now writing my second one. ‘Their’ feets are awfully ‘nicklés’. The 4th art. I intend to write at home. I'll send you some money tomorrow. Sundays one can not. Poor dear, dear K. Scrubbing the floor! And your dress? Those damned fellows of the Eur [opéen] I feel very, very miserable far from you, Kayouchka dear. Kiss the child and be kissed from your Sandro. |