Brieven 1888-1961
(1997)–Alexander Cohen–[Brieven 1898]Aan Max Nettlau11 Cartesiusstraat.Ga naar eindnoot1 20.9.98
Dear Nettlau,
Clamavi ad te!...Ga naar eindnoot2 I am very much annoyed because of ‘de Paradox’. Don't misunderstand: it isn't the ‘Paradox’ neither ‘paradoxes’ in ge- | |
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neral which annoy me, but the difficulties I have to keep my paper upright. I have to publish 6 more to finish the year = 24 pamphlets.Ga naar eindnoot3 Then the subscribers will have to pay for the next year, and I shall have a small amount of money in hands to go on with. But it will be a devilish hard job to reach the end of the year. Now I would feel very miserable if I had to give up the thing. First, for my own saké. Secondly for the saké of so many people I pester every fortnight. Too many folks would laugh if I had to give up the publication of ‘de Paradox’. I am not, as you know, a utilitarian, but still I think I have done some good work. - More than once you showed - by writing complimentary postal-cards - that you take an interest in my paradoxal achievements. And, be it said, without a shadow of modesty I think they deserve it. - Now the question is: can and will you help me to held up the paper. A few people here back me already by means of small monthly contributions, but they are not many. With the very little money I earn I already did what I possibly could. Now I am ‘up’ - Can and will you spend two pounds, or, at least, one? I would have preferred to avoid asking money from you on behalf of ‘de Paradox’ but I am compelled to do so. Anyhow see what you can do, and even if you can do nothing, believe me most friendly and affectionately yours
Alexander Cohen
Please let me know at once wether you can do something or not. Yours C. |