beurt vallen. Hij overleed den 1 Maart 1625. De hoogleeraren der Leidsche Universiteit en de predikanten der Hervormde Gemeente volgden zijn lijk naar de St. Pieters kerk (4 Maart 1625).
Hij schreef:
A Justification of Separation from the church of England, against Mr. Richard Bernard his invective, intituled: The Separatists Scheme. Bij John Robinson 1610.
Of Religious Communion, private and public. With the silencing of the clamors raised by Mr. Thomas Hetwisse against our retaining the baptism received in England, and administering of baptism unto infants. As also a survey of the Confession of facih published in certain conclusions by the remainders of mr. Smith's Company. By Joh. Robinson 1614.
Apologia justa et necessaria quorumdam Christianorum, aeque contumeliose, ac communiter dictorum Brownistarum, sive Barrowistarum. Per Johannem Robinsonum, Anglo-Leidensem, suo et Ecclesiae nomine, cui praefigitur 1619.
Dit werk werd in het jaar 1644 ook in het Engelsch vertaald en uitgegeven onder den titel:
Just and necessary Apology of certain Christians not lese contumeliosly than conmonly called Brownists or Barrowists.
A Defence of the doctrine perpounded by the Synode of Dort, against John Muston and his Associates, with the Refutations of their Answer to a writing tonching baptism. Bij John Robinson. Printed un the year 1624 4o.
A Treatise of the lawfulness of hearing of the ministers in the church of England; penned by that learned and reverend divine, John Robinson, late Pastor of the English church of God at Leyden.
Printed according to the copy that was found in his study after his decease and now published for the common good. Together with a letter written by the same author (Leyden 5 April 1624) and approved by the Church, which folleweth after this Treatise. Anno 1624 16o.
Essays, or Observations, divine and moral, collected out of Holy Scriptures, ancient and modern writers, both divine and human, as also out of the great volume of men's manners; tending to the furtherance of knowledge and virtue. By John's Robinson. The second edition London Printed for I. Bellamie. 1638 4o.
Jammer dat zijne Records of aanteekeningen, door hem gehouden, aangaande de vlugt zijner gemeente uit Engeland, hare aankomst in Holland, en haar overgang, verblijf en bestaan te Leiden, nimmer het licht hebben gezien en na zijn dood zijn verloren gegaan.
Het was deze Robinson, die gewoond heeft in 't Peseinshofje, en ter eere van wien voor weinige jaren een gedenksteen