Verslagen en mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde. Jaargang 2008
(2008)– [tijdschrift] Verslagen en mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde– Auteursrechtelijk beschermd
[pagina 439]
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Samenvattingen - abstractsBloggen in de middeleeuwen. Naar een corpus voor de 15de- en 16de-eeuwse Nederlandse dialecten en idiolectenGa naar voetnoot1
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Het afwijzen van de wraakzucht in de 17de-eeuwse tragedie: het voorbeeld van Corneille en Vondel
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[pagina 440]
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elements, thesis and antithesis, is eventually broken, and a synthesis on a higher lever is achieved. Revengefulness thus puts retribution against injustice met in purely material affairs, but both Maria and Augustus succeed in exceeding the opposition. | |
Een pleidooi voor verdediging. Maurits Dekker en de retoriek van Waarom ik niet krankzinnig ben (1929)
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‘Ge weet, dat ik in critiek een brekebeen ben’. Vrouwen en literaire kritiek in het fin de siècle in Vlaanderen
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[pagina 441]
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confessed that she did not judge literary works as male critics did, since she did not want to analyse what spoke to her heart. Virginie Loveling refused at first to write reviews because of her professed incompetence and Hélène Swarth finally quit reviewing for the same reason.
In this article, I want to explore whether these critics were as diffident as they at first sight seemed to be or whether this was merely a pose. I hope to single out some elements that influenced their decisions and to illustrate some of their strategies for coping with this hesitance. Many women writers made their judgments clear in personal letters and some of them also published their reviews, yet they often needed an incentive to surmount the obstacles facing them and make their views public. The possible significance of a critical practice for their literary prestige was neglected and their own production was put into focus. | |
Karel Jonckheere, Fernand Victor Toussaint van Boelaere, Karel van de Woestijne. Over de rol van trivialiteit in de literatuurgeschiedenis