Van Gogh Museum Journal 2002
(2002)– [tijdschrift] Van Gogh Museum Journal–Van Gogh Museum Journal 2002. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam 2002
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Dit bestand biedt, behoudens een aantal hierna te noemen ingrepen, een diplomatische weergave van Van Gogh Museum Journal 2002 uit 2002.
De Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren beijvert zich voor het verkrijgen van toestemming van alle rechthebbenden; eenieder die meent enig recht te kunnen doen gelden op in dit tijdschrift opgenomen bijdragen, wordt verzocht dit onverwijld aan ons te melden (
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Tussen vierkante haken zijn koppen toegevoegd.
p. 139: in het origineel is een gedeelte van de tekst slecht leesbaar. In deze digitale editie is ‘[...]’ geplaatst.
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[pagina 1]
[pagina 3]
Van Gogh Museum
Journal 2002
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
[pagina 4]
The Van Gogh Museum Journal 2002
The Van Gogh Museum Journal is published annually in December. Manuscripts should be submitted no later than 1 April of the previous year for consideration for the following issue.
For more information about the Journal, please contact the editors, Van Gogh Museum Journal, P.O. Box 75366, 1070 AJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Subscription and back-issue requests should be addressed to Esther Hoofwijk at the same address.
The paper and binding of this book meet all guidelines for permanence and durability.
Abbreviation: VGMJ
Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs are courtesy of the institution or person owning the work illustrated.
Nota bene: References to Van Gogh's letters are given in the form of two numbers. The first refers to De brieven van Vincent van Gogh, ed. Han van Crimpen and Monique Berends, 4 vols., The Hague 1990, and the second to Verzamelde brieven van Vincent van Gogh, ed. V.W. van Gogh, 4 vols., Amsterdam & Antwerp 1952-54.
Chris Stolwijk
Rachel Esner, Sjraar van Heugten, Leo Jansen, John Leighton, Chris Stolwijk
Managing editor
Suzanne Bogman
Catalogue authors
Maartje de Haan, Louis van Tilborgh, Marije Vellekoop
John Brogden, Sue Dyson, Michèle Hendricks
Research assistance
Monique Hageman, Esther Hoofwijk, Fieke Pabst
Studio Roozen, Amsterdam
Waanders Printers, Zwolle
Waanders Publishers, Zwolle and the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
[pagina 5]
Table of contents
Director's foreword | |
VAN GOGH 150 | |
Stefan Koldehoff | |
8 | When myth seems stronger than scholarship: Van Gogh and the problem of authenticity |
Leo Jansen, Hans Luijten and Fieke Pabst | |
26 | Paper endures: documentary research into the life and work of Vincent van Gogh |
Ann Dumas | |
40 | The Van Gogh literature from 1990 to the present: a selective review |
Richard Thomson, Cornelia Homburg, Richard Shiff and Linda Nochlin | |
52 | Vincent van Gogh's Parc Voyer d'Argenson: four scholars, four views |
Wouter van der Veen | |
64 | ‘En tant que quant à moi’: Vincent van Gogh and the French language |
Vojtĕch Jirat-Wasiutyński | |
78 | A Dutchman in the south of France: Van Gogh's ‘romance’ of Arles |
Michael F. Zimmermann | |
90 | ‘... which dazzle many an eye’: Van Gogh and Max Liebermann |
Martha Op de Coul | |
104 | In search of Van Gogh's Nuenen studio: the Oldenzeel exhibitions of 1903 |
Madeleine Korn | |
120 | Collecting paintings by Van Gogh in Britain before the Second World War |
Stefan Koldehoff | |
138 | The Wacker forgeries: a catalogue |
150 | Catalogue of acquisitions: paintings and drawings August 2001 - July 2002 |
158 | Exhibitions 2002 |
159 | Works on loan to the Van Gogh Museum 2001-02 |
[pagina 160]
ISBN 90-6987-031-2
NUR 643
© Copyright 2002 Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.