De Nieuwe Taalgids. Jaargang 72
(1979)– [tijdschrift] Nieuwe Taalgids, De–
[pagina 385]
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New Manuscript Fragments of Maerlant' Naturen BloemeSome vellum fragments preserved in Aberdeen University Library should be of interest to students of Middle Dutch literature. These fragments, now numbered π0919 Fra 56, were taken during rebinding in 1951 from the binding of an early printed book, of which the bibliographical details are: Grynaeus, Simon: Nouus Orbis Regionum ac insularum veteribus incognitarum, vna cum tabula cosmographica et aliquot aliis consimilis argumentis libellis... Adiecta est... Nauigatio Caroli Caesaris auspicio in comitijs Augustanis instituto. Apud Io. Heruagium Basileae 1555 (p. 677 ‘mense Septembrii’); folio. The fragments are four strips, each about 50mm wide and varying in length from 170mm to 220mm, cut longitudinally from leaves that contained on each side two columns of short lines in Middle Dutch verse in a hand of the late fourteenth century,Ga naar voetnoot1 with large capitals in red and line-initial letters faintly rubricated. They are now mounted in a cardboard cover, and I refer to them as they are mounted, A, B, C, D from left to right, and ‘recto’ and ‘verso’ as mounted. D verso is numbered at the top ‘lxxx’ and C recto ‘lxxxi’; Br clearly fits to the right of Dv and Ar to the right of Cr. The two strips together preserve one complete column, the second, of the recto of leaf lxxx on Dv-Br, with line-endings of the first column, and on Bv-Dr a complete column, the first, of the verso, with line-beginnings of the second; in the same way Cr-Ar preserve one column and line-endings of leaf lxxxi recto, Av-Cv one column and line-beginnings of the verso. The last lines of Ar and v are partly clipped, but to judge from the margins at top and bottom no lines are lost from any strip. All the columns contain forty lines except those on Av-Cv, which contain forty-one, though sometimes no trace remains of a very short line in the column of line-endings except the proportionate space. From this description it can be deduced that the strips preserve from whatever text it was the endings of forty lines, the complete text of the next eighty, the beginning of the next forty, the ends of the next forty, the complete text of eighty-one and the beginning of a further forty-one. The subject-matter of the verse is the nature and properties of various trees, Arbor Ade, Bedellium, Buxus, Cedrus etc., and this at once suggests that it is from Book VIII of Jacob van Maerlant's Naturen Bloeme, and close to the beginning of that book. In fact, the complete sections correspond to VIII 183-262 and 317-399 in the edition of Dr Eelco Verwijs.Ga naar voetnoot2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[pagina 386]
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Photographs of these fragments have been deposited at the Instituut De Vooys, but many letters are illegible on them because of the previous use to which the strips had been put. Aberdeen is perhaps too far from the Netherlands to justify a special visit by any scholar to examine such fragments, and I therefore print here the lines which are complete, numbering them as in the edition of Verwijs.Ga naar voetnoot3 D verso and B recto
Gaf tetene dat quade cruitt
Ende hadde wel naer al vut
Bi sulker dinc sijn heere verloren
Oec wast daer eerande doren
Sijn zap maect alle oeghen blent
Oec es daer een eruit bekent
Dat riect vtermaten wel
Maer menech cleene serpentkijn fel
Legheter in dats emmer waer
Wien so si steken hi steruet daer
Dit hebbic hier bedi ghenoemt
Hets meslijc waer de mensche coemt
Dat hi hem hoede alomtrent
Van dinghen die hi nietne kent
ARbor ade es bekent
Ende es een boem in orient
Die adaems boem heet bedi
Alse ons seghet jacob van vitri
Omdat si apple draghen vele
Scoene ende van verwen ghele
Ende elc appel met enen bete
Soe datmen sien mach ende weten
Dat got toeghet in erterike
Adaems sonden pròperlike
Ia ons seghet .ede aldus
Van andre. ..plen iosephus
Daermen die .esdaet an bekent
Warombe sodoma was ghescent
Daer got sulpher ende brant
Vanden hemele af warp tehant
Ende daer de doede zee nv leghet
Omtrent doeuere iosephus seghet
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[pagina 387]
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Staen boeme die scoene apple draghen
Maer binnen horic ghewaghen
Es el niet dan asschen die stinken
Ende dit mach ons wonder dinken
Datmen dese tueerande mesdaet
In die apple noch verstaet
BEdellium alse plinius seghet
Es een edel bloem die pleghet
Ga naar margenoot+Int lant van bactria testane
Suart so es sine ghedane
Ende vander groette dat ene oliue
Vte dien sietmen driuen
Eerande gumme seere goet
Alsemen vte kerseboemen doet
Die riect vtermaten soete
Men nutse te menegherande boete
Die gloese spreect vp genesis
Datsoe met wine ghemingt best is
BVxus es een bloem van sulken doene
.at hi staet soemer ende winter groene
Bosboem heet hi in onse tale
Men orbortene weetmen wale
Te taflen meest daermen in scrijft
Omdatd langhe gans blijft
Doch etent die worme alse wi vinden
Eer dan thout vander linden
CEdrus es een diere edel boem
Die hoeghst wast alsic neme goem
Wies blade wel te riekene plien
Ende daer serpente aue vlien
Sijn hout riect oec wel ter curen
Ende mach langhe goet gheduren
H.. .oept vte e..nde resine
Die cedria heet in
Daermen boeke .ede bestrijct
Ende nemmermeer daerna nebijt
An dien boec worme ne gheene
No sine rotten groet no cleene
Serpente vlien dien roke oec mede
Men vindt cedre in hare stede
Tueerande alsemen ons ghewaghet
Een die bloeit ende niet ne draghet
Een ander diene een tuint
Dats daermen die vrucht an vint
Die minste draghen dies gheloeft
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[pagina 388]
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G.ote apple alse mans hoeft
Iacob van vitri die seghet
Dat sijn appel drie machte in heuet
C recto and A recto
Dat es beide suart ende wit
Ende niet alsoe goet alse dit
An wighen bindmen dusdaen hout
Want men seghet het heuet ghewout
Te verdriuene vanden kinden
Eiselike worme die wi vinden
Datsi in haren slape sien
Ga naar margenoot+Platearius seghet van dien
Sijn hout ghepuluɵrt harde cleene
Breect inde blase die steene
Esculus es die mespelare
Sine vrucht en es niet mare
Eer soe groet es ghemeene
Elke heuet in v steene
Si sijn nutte ende bequame
Hem dien siec sijn in den lichame
Thout es vtermaten hart
Nochtan eist tehant al vart
FJcus alse ysidorus ghewaghet
Es een boem die vighen draghet
Sine blader die sijn quaet
W.t dat onder hem wast ende staet
Sine vrucht heeft die soefste smake
Diemen vindt van enegher .ake
Die serpente van endi
.leghen te leuene derbi
Maer die sijn soeter dan donse sijn
Plinius seghet die meester fijn
Datsi quaet sijn vremden lieden
Alsoe horewijt bedieden
Alse hi in yndia voer striden
Vighen tetene tallen tiden
Meesters segghen ouer waerheit hier
M.n ..e enen wreeden stier
Anden vigheboem hi sal der mede
Verliesen seere sine wreethede
Ga naar margenoot+Sijn witte zap wilmen weten
Es goet ieghen serpents beten
Oec en es dat zap niet quaet
Der smetten .. doeghen staet
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[pagina 389]
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Ga naar margenoot+Galienus te verstane doet
Sine sijn te verduwene niet goet
Ende dit weetmen openbare
Datmense etet met ghinghebare
FAgus na dat ict besoeke
Es in onse sprake ene boeke
Sine vrucht es soete inden mont
Maer quaet der borst talre stont
Negheene olie es soe clare
No die in lampten beter ware
Dan diemen van boeclen slaet
Sijn hout es hart te houwene quaet
Nochta. etent de worme tehant
Dese boem wast in menech lant
FRaxinus alse ysidorus seghet
Es diemen esch te heetene pleghet
Een boem eist nuttelic te scachten
Sine asschen hebben vele van crachten
M.n maectere mede wel enen brant
M.n mingse met aysine tehant
Ende leghese daer die brant sal wesen
Daer b.ijft ene bleme van desen
Ga naar margenoot+Essche .lade met aysine wel sijn medicine
Iegh.. .curfte ende ieghen galen
Die .u.. den meneghen betalen
Ga naar margenoot+Essche scorse ende esschen loef
Niewe ende moru des hebt gheloef
Wel ghewreuen met warmen wine
Es ene sta(r)ke medicine
Daer beene te broken sijn
Van esschen houte een laghelkijn
Sonder ander hout ghemanc
Houdmere wijn in ouer lanc
Die wijn es ghedronken goet
Hem dien de m.lte wee doet
IVniperus des nemic goem
Dinct mi sijn de jeneuer boem
Ende die es dus ghenatuurt
Dat sine cole vier. ee. jaer gheduurt
Datmen met .. .. asschen decket
What can be learned from the dialect of these lines about their provenance must clearly be left to experts in that field. So too must a detailed analysis of their textual relationships, though here some further observations may be helpful. In the lines printed above there are several readings that appear to be unique; at least, they are not noted in | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
[pagina 390]
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Verwijs's footnotes. Such are at lines 210, 223, 233, 234, 242, 334, 341, 354, 356, 361, 364, and 399. Others, such as those at 206, 214, 222, 251, 262, 318, 335, 358, and 366, and the omission of 339-40, are clearly significant in establishing relationships. Also important, however, are some differences between the incomplete lines and those corresponding in Verwijs. The line-endings on Dv accord completely with those of 143-182 in Verwijs, except that the last letter of the word before ‘dach’ in 154 is o, and that the word before ‘sine’ in 169 ends ht; the line-endings of Cr accord completely with lines 277-316. Thus the gap between the end of the first complete passage, 262, and 276 is only fourteen lines; yet the column of line-beginnings on Dr contains forty. The first six, completing ‘Cedrus’, (Duterst/Bet in/Ende da/Cedre/Omtren/Die nie) are clearly 263-268, but from the beginning of ‘Cypressus’ they run:
From ‘Teerste’ onwards these correspond to the lines printed by Verwijs as 413-440, under ‘Iuniper’. And since the normal position of lines 413ff would put them into the second column of leaf lxxxi verso, it is relevant to give here the line-beginnings of fragment Cv, with numbers as in Verwijs:
Here the inserted lines are recognisable as 549-564. This evidence of disordering in these passages may be of value to future editors of Maerlant's work.
Department of English Taylor Building King's College Old Aberdeen, AB9 2UB HENRY HARGREAVES |