Taal en Tongval. Jaargang 57
(2005)– [tijdschrift] Taal en Tongval–
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Eric Hoekstra
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The contents of my review, which correspond to the contents of the SAND, are given below:
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1. Complementisers1.1. Temporal complementisers1.1.1. Temporal complementiser voor ‘before’ + tensed clauseThe complementiser dat ‘that’ can be optionally present following various other complementisers such as relative complementisers, Wh-complementisers, temporal complementisers, among others.Ga naar voetnoot(1) Dialects differ to which extent they allow doubling of complementisers by dat, whereas the standard language tends to disallow doubling. Curiously, the standard language allows doubling in the case of voor ‘before’ and voordat ‘before that’. The commentary raises the question of how this doubling complementiser should be analysed syntactically. Two analyses are proposed, of which we quote the first (p.10): ‘This would mean that voordat consists of two elements, namely, a preposition voor “before” and a complementiser dat “that”. The latter can be left out because it does not contribute to the meaning of the clause.’ There are two problems here. First, it is not generally the case that meaningless elements are optional in syntax; thus there is not necessarily a causal connection between the optionality of dat and its alleged lack of a semantic contribution to the sentence. Secondly, as it turns out, the presence or absence of dat does have an effect on the sentence's meaning, in the case of the alternation between voor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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and voordat, as noted by Jarich Hoekstra in unpublished work. Jarich Hoekstra refers to Geis (1970), who notes that the following sentence is ambiguous in English, as indicated here by the paraphrases in (1a) and (1b):
Jarich Hoekstra notes that only voordat is ambiguous in Dutch, whereas voor is not:Ga naar voetnoot(2)
In (2a), the seeing can take place either before Mary's saying or before Mary's being there. In (2b), the seeing can only take place before her saying so. If these judgments hold water, then the presence or absence of the complementiser dat does affect the sentence's meaning. Jarich Hoekstra reports similar facts for Frisian: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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In Frisian, the complementiser dat may be present, or it may cliticise onto the complementiser foar. In case cliticisation takes place, the downstairs reading (compare (1b)) is unavailable. It would be interesting to investigate this semantic effect in the various dialects of Dutch. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1.1.2. Temporal complementisers na ‘after’ and alvorens ‘before’ + infinitival clauseIt is noted in the commentary that infinitival clauses can be introduced by an allegedly meaningless complementiser like om ‘for’ or by meaningful complementisers like na ‘after’, alvorens ‘before’ and zonder ‘without’ (p. 10). Here I would like to point out the remarkable behaviour of na in Standard Dutch. This complementiser requires the presence of the verb hebben ‘have’ in infinitival clauses:
Is this the case in the dialects as well? Spanish certainly allows any verb to occur after después ‘after’. Furthermore, we note that the complementiser ‘before’ may change shape in Standard Dutch depending on whether it introduces a finite or a non-finite clause. The complementisers voordat and voor are used to introduce finite clauses, but they cannot be used to introduce infinitival clauses. The complementiser alvorens, however, can introduce both finite and non-finite clauses. Frisian only features the complementiser foar, which is followed by dat or the cliticised variant 't. Interestingly, foar is not allowed to introduce non-finite clauses in Frisian, and there is no direct Frisian equivalent for alvorens. How is this in the dialects of Dutch? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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1.2. Complementiser agreementSeveral maps are relevant for, and tend to confirm, the generalisation made by Van Haeringen (1958), which says that the agreement on the complementiser is identical to that of the verb in inversion: 23b, 24b, 29b, 31b, 34b. The maps also test the narrower hypothesis suggested by Goeman (1979) (and discussed in subsequent work such as De Vogelaer, Neuckermans en Vanden Wyngaerd (2002)), who relates complement agreement to the agreement of tensed monosyllabic verbs in inversion. However, the notion ‘monosyllabic verb’ is not unproblematic. First of all, monosyllabic verbs tend to behave as (regular) bisyllabic verbs in the present tense, but they hardly ever do so when used as infinitives. So the verb gaan is often regularised in the present tense plural from gaan to gane. The infinitive is hardly ever thus regularised. The conceptual question is, why should complementiser agreement ‘look’ at the infinitival form of verbs? The complementiser itself introduces finite, not infinitival sentences. Furthermore, Goeman (1979: 299) does not seem to distinguish between complementiser agreement proper and suffixed and infixed clitics in forms such as astie (‘when + he’) and merktiede (merk ‘perceive’ = verb stem, die = clitic, de = past tense suffix). Let us quote the relevant passage from Goeman's article in full: Person agreement on subordinators also occurs in the past tense, but not by means of the ordinary verbal past tense suffixes but with the clitic induced suffixes ofthe present tense. Person agreement on subordinators is therefore unspecified for [± tense], so astie maar goed werkte (when he merely good worked) is paralleled by infixed forms as merktiede (merk verb stem, die pronoun, de past tense suffix: ‘remarked he’)... while forms such as ase die werkte (when he worked) do not exist. Now, for pronominal clitics it is trivially true that they are unmarked for tense. Verbal affixes, however, may conflate tense and agreement information: the -t of Standard Dutch comprises synthetically both agreement information (3SG) and tense information (present). The schwa of Standard Dutch, though spelled differently in present and past, only gives agreement information (PL), no tense information. Goeman's incidental remark quoted above, however, may be taken as the first explicit speculation indicating that complementiser agreement is never synthetic, though he does not develop it further. That is done in Hoekstra & Smits (1997). They propose a generalisation which states that complementiser agreement never bears tense information, and test this claim on a number of dialects by comparing the present tense and past tense paradigm of (inverted) verbs to the complementiser paradigm. Thus Hoekstra & Smits can account for | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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the absence of complementiser agreement in Frisian: they note that the verbal agreement in the present tense is distinct from the past tense (-E versus -EN). Unfortunately, the hypothesis of Hoekstra & Smits, which is supported by data from several dialects, was not tested, which is obviously a desideratum for future research. In fact, the data in the SAND already make it possible to make this comparison, but it is quite a job and it will also require knowledge of the dialect in question.
Incidentally, the Frisian data also contradict the idea that monosyllabicity is a conditioning factor for complementiser agreement. Frisian features monosyllabic gean ‘go’; it shows up as geane in inversion in the present tense plural, hence complementiser agreement datte should be found in the plural, on the hypothesis of Goeman that verbal monosyllabicity is somehow relevant. But Frisian does not feature complementiser agreement in the plural.
Complementiser agreement has been related to the agreement of tensed verbs in inversion. But verbs constitute a large class. It is hardly conceivable that a grammatical condition checks on all members of the class of verbs. It is far more likely that only a characteristic closed subset of all verbs is concerned. Hence Hoekstra & Smits (1998, see http://members.chello.nl/e.hoekstra8/96Everything.html) suggested that it is the agreement of auxiliaries (a functional category) which is relevant. Since monosyllabic verbs like gaan ‘go’ are auxiliaries, the special similarity with monosyllabic verbs now follows. See Hoekstra & Smits (1998) for further arguments in defense of this claim. The material of the SAND could be used to test whether the proposed refinement of Hoekstra & Smits is empirically adequate. Again, this is a task for future research. The large amount of variation in the field of complementiser agreement indicates that the syntactic agreement mechanism must be very powerful (compare Barbiers 2006). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. Subject pronouns2.1. Premodified subject pronouns 2SGChapter 2 of the SAND deals with various aspects of subject pronouns. One of the most peculiar properties of Standard Dutch is that the verb loses its inflectional ending -T in inversion in the present tense 2SG:
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It would be interesting to investigate which dialects share this property with Standard Dutch, and also to investigate whether there are dialects which feature this phenomenon with other person/number combinations of the paradigm (cf. De Wulf & Taeldeman 2006).
In addition, I found out (Hoekstra 1994) that the pronoun 2SG tends to resist premodification just in case there is no preceding -T.
In Standard Dutch, premodification of the second person pronoun is for many speakers ungrammatical, just in case the (zero) flection of the second person in inversion is distinct from the (non-zero) flection used in the non-inverted order. In other language varieties, deviant behaviour of the 2SG can also be found. Take Frisian for example:
Here premodification of the second person is never allowed in inversion. This phenomenon seems well worth investigating and will doubtlessly yield a wealth of interesting material. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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3. Subject doubling and subject clitics following ja (‘yes’) and nee ‘no’.3.1. Premodification and doubled pronounsThe premodification tests of the previous section can also be done with doubled pronouns. Furthermore, De Haan (1997) reacted to Van der Meer (1991) on the subject of distinguishing cliticisation from agreement. Van der Meer had argued that the Frisian 2SG, which observationally features pro-drop, should be analysed theoretically as cliticisation. De Haan's article contains a wealth of tests distinguishing clitics from agreement. Those tests could also be the basis for further surveys in the SAND. See also De Schutter (1997). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns4.1. Elkaar ‘each other’ with singular antecedentThe SAND features one map with the reciprocal, which has the form elkaar ‘each other’ in Standard Dutch. The example sentence used is one in which elkaar has a plural antecendent. However, Standard Dutch features a remarkable phenomenon, which is absent in English and French. The reciprocal can also take a singular antecedent:
Frisian features the construction in much the same way as Dutch does. It would be interesting to investigate the extent to which the southern dialects of Dutch have this construction, regardless of whether the explanation for this phenomenon is going to be syntactic or semantic. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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4.2. Distribution of z'n eigen ‘his own’ meaning ‘himself’As is clear from the SAND, many central Dutch dialects feature the non-Standard reflexive z'n eigen. The maps of the SAND already contain the results of this reflexive in a number of syntactic contexts. Interestingly, the reflexive z'n eigen ‘his own’ is systematically absent in this example sentence (map 70a), as noted in the commentary:
This is curious, as the reflexive does show up with inherent reflexice verbs like zich herinneren / z'n eigen herinneren ‘remember’. This calls for an in-depth investigation of this reflexive.
Preliminary research on this reflexive was performed by a trainee of mine who investigated the Kempisch dialect (Breukels 1997), spoken in the province Noord-Brabant. According to Breukels, Kempisch uses z'n eigen (‘his own’) both for men and for women. Map 74b of the SAND reports the results for a female antecedent third person. The map only features the female form of the reciprocal, d'r eigen (‘her own’), which is absent in Kempisch according to Breukels. Strangely enough, the form z'n eigen with female antecedent (a gender neutral form) is not found in the results of the SAND. Now, Breukels notes that Kempisch lacks the female form d'r eigen simply because it lacks the possessive pronoun d'r ‘her’. However, the SAND had to abstract away from this in order to produce a map, so the Kempisch data were (probably) assimilated to the data from dialects which had distinct forms for reflexives with male and female third person antecents. Thus we see that an atlas, by presenting a map in which only a restricted number of subcategories in the data have been made visible, sometimes makes abstractions which are misleading. This is inherent to the making of maps. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. FrontingWith respect to fronting, the results of the SAND do not seem to raise questions for future research, except for the lack of verb-second in French Flemish, as shown on map 95a. It would be interesting to find out which elements do trigger verb-second in those dialects. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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6. ConclusionThe SAND offers an overwhelming amount of Dutch dialect data. It can be used as an excellent starting point for further research, and there is still lots of work to be done. I also checked out the digital version of the SAND (http://www.meertens.knaw.nl/sand/zoeken/), and I found it quite useful. I suspect that assistance is required when one wants to do some complex data-mining. For example, I suspect that some outside help would be needed if one wanted to test the hypothesis of Hoekstra & Smits (1997) on complementiser agreement (see section 1.2). Nevertheless, the digital SAND (dynaSAND) is well worth an effort on the part of the user. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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