My forms are the first complete forms that have come out of the only forms out of which musical forms can be made...TIME. Is not TIME, and TIME ALONE the SOLE canvas of music? Notes, vibrations, and sound are merely our drawing pencils...our paint-box. Can you dare to deny that TIME is the sole canvas of music? Can you dare to deny that the forms come out of the canvas, and not the crayon? Can you dare to deny that the crayon is merely the human instrument for indicating the spaces EXISTING ONLY UPON THE CANVAS...BEFORE THEY ARE INDICATED.
Can you any longer dare to say that music is made of TONE ans not of TIME.
Will you any longer write music in which TIME is merely a by-product of TONALITY, or TONE.
Again I ask you dare to deny that the canvas of music is TIME and not you mean to say that the very spaces in which you are working, and the finished space which is your goal...does not interest you fundamentally, above all other things.
Does not its plan, and its musical phenomena in which it differs from ordinary a word, the root of its miracle, the secret of its existence, the germ of its life, the cool beauty of its plan and mathematics, the tension of its spaces, the beating of our hearts (for our hearts do not FEEL...they BEAT), in a word the very REASON of music, the ultimate FORM...does not this interest you, EXCEPT AS A BY-PRODUCT.
As I have already said, my Ballet Mecanique has under no circumstances, an dat no point a single motion or motion or movement that does not come out of TIME.
For the first time on earth TIME have been USED under its fundamental principles in the single art in which it is fundamentally conceived...or better, in the single art which is fundamentally conceived out of TIME.
TIME is inflexible, rigid, beautiful!
TIME is the very stuff out of which life is made.
My Ballet Mecanique has a closer connection to life than any of the tonal music that preceded it. But it is a musical and not a literary connection.
In my Ballet Mecanique, I offer you, for the first time, music hard and beautiful as a diamond.
The Ballet Mecanique differs from the work of every living composer in that it trys to attain a single and gigantic form. All others simply write pieces that last only a few moments on after the other. They write suites, and call them sonatas, operas, symphonies...all these parades are of no consequence to me.
Some time in the future we will have forms which will not last a half hour, nor an hour, but eight hours, sixteen hours, or two days. This is not romancing. The reason lies in the fact that we have discovered THE NEW AND TRUE DIMENSION OF MUSIC AND ITS BASIC PRINCIPLES WHICH INSURE LARGER AND ALMOST ENDLESS FORMS.
The Ballet Mecanique is the first piece IN THE WORLD to be conceived in one piece without interruption, like a solid shaft of steel.
I am now writing a work which is four hours long and without interruption or the break of a second's time.
After that I shall write one which is ten hours long I started with mechanism and pieces that were only a minute long.
Even these produced hysteria and riots. The time was too short, and the nuclei too explosive. A few concerts throughout Europe and I retired to my laboratory. Now I hope to present you not with an explosion, but the FOURTH DIMENSION...THE FIRST PHYSICAL REALIZATION OF THE FOURTH DIMENSION.
I am not presenting you with an abstraction. I am presenting you with a PHYSICALITY LIKE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE.
Paris, Mai 1925.