Raster. Jaargang 4
(1970-1971)– [tijdschrift] Raster–
[pagina 265]
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1. Of ChildhoodRaised on stilts above the tide-line
the boats stood like eyeless birds
bodies encrusted with salt and shells
again, like thoughts, or maybe like apostles
who'd forgotten how to walk the waters
and remained in a still expectancy
in the background was the wilderness
a waste of thorns and twisted trees
and the red lines of a disused railway
it was there as children we came, with
hands of fire, to blaze the rocks with paint
and by the edge of night enjoy our nakedness
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2. Of the CityOnce I lived in that city: haar on my window
a crazy light
men with red dreams
in dark corners
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[pagina 266]
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a girl brought
the evangel of sex
I studied
the language of dawn
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3. Of StudiesIt was Bhartrihari who said
that grammar leads to beatitude
I’ve cut the pages, hold it in my hand
open it, and see the black script stand
like the marks a drunken gannet
might leave on the sand
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4. Of the TerritoryUp here in the white country
any tree for a totem
any rock for an altar
this ground is suicidal
annihilates everything
but the most essential
poet - your kingdom
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5. Of the EmptinessThis is the cold island
lying on the bare stones
gulls crying in the mist -
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[pagina 267]
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the immensity of nothing
empties the veins and bones
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6. Of the Way SouthAmong the dark sand
and the rosy seaweed
the deep-curved
sea-white clam shell -
she is scattered
over all the earth
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7. Of the Pine CountryPinetrees
slender-trunked pinetrees
slender dark-tufted pinetrees
slender dark-tufted rain-glistening pinetrees
dripping slowly
from their rosy slits