Openingswoord van de vice-decaan van de filosofische faculteit
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues,
This is indeed a great pleasure and honour to have the opportunity to open your colloquium.
These programmes are of the greatest importance and therefore I was very happy to accept the invitation of the organisers, namely of Mrs. Hrnčířová, to participate in the Opening Session for several reasons.
First, because the Netherlands was the first country of the so-called Western Europe I visited in the early eighties of the past century, and I was really very surprised by the good nature of all people I met.
Second, because as Vice Dean of Students, I am really pleased to see our doctoral students having the opportunity to present the results of their research in an important international event.
My third reason is that as a Spanish linguist I know that in the past Spaniards and the Dutch were at wars or had quarrels. They have overcome all that and now they co-operate within Europe. And this makes me very happy indeed.
I wish you a great success in your discussions and I hope our Dutch colleagues will enjoy their stay in Prague and in our country.
Jana Králová