Nieuw Letterkundig Magazijn. Jaargang 17
(1999)– [tijdschrift] Nieuw Letterkundig Magazijn–
[pagina 10]
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A celebration of 500 years of printing & publishing in the Low CountriesA conference and exhibition will be held on Wednesday to Friday 15-17 September 1999 at the British Library Conference Centre, organised by the Association for Low Countries Studies in the UK & Ireland and the British Library (Dutch/Flemish Section) in association with the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine and the Centre for Dutch and Flemish Culture at University College Londen. The Bookshop of the World conference will be an international conference with a large variety of high quality papers given in working sessions of about 20 minutes each, followed by a discussion of 10 minutes. Themes that will be covered are: Dutch and Flemish incunables, the history of publishing houses such as Elsevier and Plantin; Anglo-Dutch literary relations: booksellers, literature, translation, books in foreign languages, linguistics; cartographers, maps, atlases, travel books; medicine and science; prints, bibliophile editions and experiments; clandestine books and the history of the freedom of printing. Keynote speakers will include: Dr. Lotte Hellinga (British Library), Prof. Paul Hoftijzer (Leiden University), Prof. Jonathan Israel (University College London), Prof. Vivian Nutton (Wellcome Institute) and Prof. Ludo Simons (University of Antwerp). The conference will end with an international forum and public debate on the future of books, libraries and reading. To register for the conference, please contact the Association for Low Countries Studies, c/o CDFC, Department of Dutch, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, fax: +44-1719166985, e-mail: Deadline: 31 May 1999. |