Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap 13
(1997)– [tijdschrift] Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap– Auteursrechtelijk beschermd-41-(49) 230 Chaussée de Vleurgat Brussels Sep. 3d [1887]
Dear Mademoiselle Loveling, As my husbandGa naar eind(1) cannot leave home at present I am afraid there is no prospect of our going to Ghent. But it would give us much | |
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pleasure to see you whenever you make up your mind to pay Brussels a visit. Would you not take your lunch with us at 1 o'clock, (sans cérémonie) when you come? You would have plenty of time to rest, and we might talk over the questions of Sophie in English dress, at our ease. There are two points which I think ought to be settled before we decide upon beginning the translation. The first is - the finding of an English review willing to accept and to publish the English version. And the second whether I ought not to make some preliminary study of Flemish. I can read German fairly well, and have published stories in French as well as English, but (even with my husband's help) I don't know whether I ought to enter, quite unprepared, upon the work of turning Flemish into my own language. However we can consider this when we meet. My husband sends his cordial compliments.
Yours sincerely, Jessie Couvreur |