Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap 9
(1993)– [tijdschrift] Mededelingen van het Cyriel Buysse Genootschap– Auteursrechtelijk beschermd43UBG hs. III/77
[Briefkaart poststempel Landegem/Gent 20.12.1875]
I got an invitation from uncle C.Ga naar eind(1) to go to the theatre. I shall be in town to morrow Tuesday in the afternoon and stay at aunt S.'sGa naar eind(2) untill about half past three o'clock. Could you not induce Mr. HoGa naar eind(3) to prepare and frame the deed of sale and agree with him for the appointment of an hour in order that we may subscribe it next Wednesday? I think also that it would be quite well if you could get hold of it beforehand and examine it together with your father; then I should have time to consider of the matter and not be taken by surprise. I did not yet get the parcel!
20 december 1875. |