The Low Countries. Jaargang 19
(2011)– [tijdschrift] The Low Countries–The Low Countries. Jaargang 19. Ons Erfdeel, Rekkem 2011
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Dit bestand biedt, behoudens een aantal hierna te noemen ingrepen, een diplomatische weergave van The Low Countries. Jaargang 19 uit 2011.
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[ voorplat]
Photo by Lieve Blancquaert.
The Low Countries
arts and society in flanders and the netherlands
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The Low Countries
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The Low Countries
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Published by the Flemish-Netherlands Association
Ons Erfdeel vzw
[pagina 4]
Editorial Board
Chief Editor:
Luc Devoldere
Deputy Editors:
Dirk Van Assche |
Frits Niessen |
Reinier Salverda |
Saskia Bak |
Derek Blyth |
Tom Christiaens |
Pieter Coupé |
Anton Korteweg |
Filip Matthijs |
Hans Vanacker |
Advisory Committee
André Brink, Cape Town, South Africa |
Christopher Brown, Oxford, United Kingdom |
Bram Buijze, The Hague, The Netherlands |
Ian Buruma, New York, usa |
Patricia Carson, Ghent, Belgium |
Jan Deloof, Zwevegem, Belgium |
Theo D'haen, Leuven, Belgium |
Bruce C. Donaldson, Melbourne, Australia |
Jane Fenoulhet, London, United Kingdom |
Charles Ford, London, United Kingdom |
Amy Golahny, Williamsport, pa, usa |
Jaap Harskamp, London, United Kingdom |
Adrian van den Hoven, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
Jonathan Israel, Princeton, nj, usa |
Frank Ligtvoet, New York, ny, usa |
Gitta Luiten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Martin Mooij, Capelle a / d IJssel, The Netherlands |
Gary Schwartz, Maarssen, The Netherlands |
Paul R. Sellin, Los Angeles, ca, usa |
William Z. Shetter, Bloomington, in, usa |
Johan P. Snapper, Berkeley, ca, usa |
Kees Snoek, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
Paul Vincent, London, United Kingdom |
Leo Vroman, Fort Worth, tx, usa |
Rudi Wester, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
John Willemse, Pretoria, South Africa |
Michael J. Wintle, Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Manfred Wolf, San Francisco, ca, usa |
Joanna Woodall, London, United Kingdom |
[pagina 5]
(Self-) Images of the Low Countries | |
11 | Luc Devoldere
Mirrors, Windows, Reflections |
12 | (Self-) Images of Flanders |
22 | James Kennedy
The Guide Has Become Anxious How the Netherlands Has Changed |
28 | Derek Blyth
Crossing Over Thirty Years on the Wrong Side of the English Channel |
38 | Marnix Beyen
Orange: a Colour that Unites and Divides |
46 | Willem Frijhoff
How North and South in the Low Countries Switched Religions Catholic and Protestant |
54 | Wim Blockmans
Rich Cities, Deep Dykes Burgundians and Calvinists |
62 | Cyrille Offermans
A Country of Bores and Windbags The Netherlands Seen Through the Lens of Max Havelaar and Turkish Delight |
72 | Luc Devoldere
Become What You Are - Between Lavish Living and Piousness Notes on The Sorrow of Belgium and The Legend of Ulenspiegel |
82 | (Self-) Images of the Netherlands |
[pagina 6]
92 | Piet Gerbrandy
Giving Form to the Fleeting A Response to Leonard Nolens' Diary |
98 | Extracts from ‘A Poet's Diary 1979-2007’ by Leonard Nolens |
102 | Pieter Coupé
That Pumpin' Stuff The Success of Rock Festivals in the Low Countries |
110 | Hans Ibelings
Versatile and Comprehensible The Work of Soeters Van Eldonk |
118 | Johanna Spaey
Leuven: a Badly Scarred City |
126 | Anton Korteweg
With a Poet's Eye A Few Dutch Poems on Dutch Paintings |
138 | Paul Vincent
Herman Gorter (1864-1927): Poet, Lover and Revolutionary |
148 | Anne-Marie Poels
Frozen Emptiness The Work of Koen van den Broek |
156 | Wim D'haveloose
A Handful of Maeterlinck from Wales |
164 | Nop Maas
‘Let Us No Longer Express Ourselves in a Local Patois’ Gerard Reve and England |
170 | Hans Trapman
Erasmus' The Praise of Folly Printed Five Centuries Ago |
178 | Geert De Weyer
The Graphic Novel in Flanders Why Comic Strip Artists of the Older Generation are Gnashing Their Teeth |
186 | Luc Devoldere
Proud Guardians of Civic Liberty Belfries in the Low Countries |
[pagina 7]
204 | Bertram Mourits
An Explosive Spirit The Romantic Poetry of a Neo-Dadaist: Hans Verhagen |
210 | Ilja Veldman
Lucas van Leyden Painter of Civic Life |
218 | Michel Bakker
A Secret Uninhabited Corner of the Netherlands Rottumerplaat and Rottumeroog |
228 | Frank van der Ploeg
Penetrations The ‘Art Needlework’ of Michael Raedecker |
236 | Aleid Truijens
A Dutch Exotic in His Own Country On the Writer Maarten 't Hart |
242 | Geert Sels
Growing up in Public Josse De Pauw, the Marlon Brando of Flemish Theatre |
250 | Rien Emmery
Figureheads of State? The Changing Face of the Monarchy in Belgium and the Netherlands |
258 | Reinier Salverda
English in the Low Countries Today |
[pagina 8]
Architecture |
Loes Veldpaus Religious Heritage and More |
Film and Theatre |
Jan Temmerman A Western in Italy Anton Corbijn's The American |
Liv Laveyne Radical Space Theatre Producer Peter Missotten |
History |
Guido Fonteyn Belgium and its Language Border |
Joost Jonker Belgian Money and Finance during World War II A Magisterial Survey |
Dirk Van Assche M - STAM - MAS City Museums |
Literature |
Reinier Salverda ‘A Dutch Political Novel’ Max Havelaar in English |
Hans Vanacker Death in a Cathedral A Dog of Flanders |
Stefanie van Gemert So Universal, yet so Dutch Gerbrand Bakker's The Twin |
Music |
Pieter Coupé Belgian Designer Pop Charming Chameleon Daan Stuyven |
Emile Wennekes Netherlands Bach Society Celebrates its 90th Birthday |
Klaas Coulembier The Flanders Recorder Quartet Ambassadors of a Forgotten Instrument |
[pagina 9]
Philosophy and Science |
Jan-Hendrik Bakker Ton Lemaire Philosopher of Earthly Spirituality |
Dirk van Delft The Neuro Calvinist who Discovered the ‘Homo Lobe’ Dick Swaab and the Netherlands Brain Bank |
Politics |
Eric Mijts and Viola van Bogaert Things Fall Apart The New Kingdom of the Netherlands |
Carl Devos and Nicolas Bouteca Surrealism Comes to the Low Countries The Difficult Political Situation in Belgium and the Netherlands |
Society |
Luc Devoldere The Church Loses its Stranglehold Annus Horribilis for the Catholic Church in Belgium |
Joris van de Kerkhof The Mayor of Rotterdam Is from Morocco |
Visual Arts |
Lauran Toorians Gabriel Metsu Once More Famous than Vermeer |
Manfred Sellink A Versatile Precursor Painter Jan Gossart |
Contributors |
Translators |
Colophon |
[pagina 316]
This nineteenth yearbook is published by the Flemish-Netherlands Association ‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’, with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (The Hague), the Flemish Ministry of Culture (Brussels) and the Provinces of West and East Flanders. The Association ‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’ also publishes the Dutch-language periodical Ons Erfdeel and the French-language periodical Septentrion. Arts, lettres et culture de Flandre et des Pays-Bas, the bilingual yearbook De Franse Nederlanden - Les Pays-Bas Français and a series of books in several languages covering various aspects of the culture of the Low Countries.
The Board of Directors of ‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’
Herman Balthazar
Managing Director:
Luc Devoldere
Bert De Graeve |
Mark Leysen |
Frits van Oostrom |
Danny De Raymaeker |
Adriaan van der Staay |
Ludo Verhoeven |
Honorary President:
Philip Houben
Address of the Editorial Board and the Administration
‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’, Murissonstraat 260,
8930 Rekkem, Flanders, Belgium
T +32 56 41 12 01, F +32 56 41 47 07,
VAT BE 0410.723.635
Kevin Vandenbussche Head of Administration
Adinda Houttekier Administrative Secretary
With The Low Countries, a yearbook founded by Jozef Deleu (Chief Editor from 1993 until 2002), the editors and publisher aim to present to the world the culture and society of the Dutch-speaking area which embraces both the Netherlands and also Flanders, the northern part of Belgium.
The articles in this yearbook survey the living, contemporary culture of the Low Countries as well as their cultural heritage. In its words and pictures The Low Countries provides information about literature and the arts, but also about broad social and historical developments in Flanders and the Netherlands.
The culture of Flanders and the Netherlands is not an isolated phenomenon; its development over the centuries has been one of continuous interaction with the outside world. In consequence the yearbook also pays due attention to the centuries-old continuing cultural interplay between the Low Countries and the world beyond their borders.
By drawing attention to the diversity, vitality and international dimension of the culture of Flanders and the Netherlands, The Low Countries hopes to contribute to a lively dialogue between differing cultures.
ISSN 0779-5815
ISBN 978-90-79705-078
Statutory deposit no. D/2011/3006/1
NUR 612
Copyright © 2011 ‘Ons Erfdeel vzw’
Printed by Die Keure, Bruges, Flanders, Belgium
Design by Luc De Meyer (Die Keure)
All rights reserved. No-part-of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the copyright holder.
[pagina 319]
[ achterplat]
The Low Countries arts and society in flanders and the netherlands
(Self-) Images of the Low Countries
Orange: a Colour that Unites and Divides
Catholic and Protestant
Burgundians and Calvinists
The Sorrow of Belgium and The Legend of Ulenspiegel
Max Havelaar and Turkish Delight
And Everything You Always Wanted to Know about
Rock Festivals in the Low Countries
Gerard Reve and England
a Handful of Maeterlinck from Wales
in Praise of Folly
the Graphic Novel in Flanders
the Changing Face of the Monarchy in Belgium
and the Netherlands
Belgium and its Language Border
a Neuro Calvinist
the Church losing its Stranglehold
Gabriel Metsu and Jan Gossart
political Surrealism
etc, etc.